Big time score today!

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Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
I had a friend from the local store offer me some wood. I wasn't sure what it was, or how much, so I told him I'd come over and take a look. I was expecting a couple yard trees that needed to come down.

Man was I ever wrong.

I met him this afternoon to take a look, and we hopped on his Ranger to go have a look. It started with a few elms in the road ditch, then we turned off into the woods. After a few minutes, and him pointing out a bunch of dead and down stuff (not that he needed to, I was drooling and had the thousand yard stare already), I had to ask: How much land do you have? "120 acres, and Mom has 70 across the fence line, but (another friend) is supposed to be coming over to cut some trails in there and clean it up." We rode and looked and he pointed out property boundaries for the better part of a half hour before we got back to the house.

I'd say its probably 40 acres of woods, with enough dead and down oak, elm, and whatnot to keep me busy a LOOOONG time. I'll probably be cutting there as much as possible until the snow gets too deep to get around, then I'll go back to my own back 40. I'm guessing there's 50+ cords laying down, just that I saw, we by no means canvassed the entire woods. Did I mention it's only 6 miles from home?

I went home for the truck and saws, and headed back over. I really didn't need all my gear today, but I put it in just to see how it would all fit in the cab. 3 Dolmars, tool bag, chaps, helmet, rope bag, and a spare flannel pretty well fill a regular cab. 8lb maul and cant hook, and gas and oil cans, still ride in back:


Figured I'd start by cleaning up the road ditch, and get the stuff he drives by all the time taken care of first. Mostly elms, the bunch in the 2nd pic he cut down because they were crowding out the pines. I need to do some teaching on how to safely cut trees the next time he's around...stumps were painful to look at!



Here's the haul for today, better than 1/3 cord of mostly elm, with a bit of box elder, a smidgen of cherry, and a couple sticks of idontknowhattheheckitis:


There's still maybe a 1/2 load in the ditch yet, then I'll get into the good stuff in the woods. Of course, y'all will get the pictures as they come as well. I plan to cut every chance I get between now and whenever I get snowed out of there. I'm just gonna pile it off the truck and worry about splitting later in the winter.

If ya need me, I'll be down in the basement filing some chains and enjoying a cold one after a good day!


ArboristSite Operative
Dec 18, 2008
Oscoda, MI
Sweet!!! All i did today was help the BIL split 10 facecord of ash:-(

I did let him run my new 372xp and I think he creamed his jeans:hmm3grin2orange:
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Thanks guys! I'm still excited. Saws are all sharpened, filters cleaned, and back in the truck. I think I hear them "Take us for another ride - that was fun!"

Way to go. All you need now is a bigger wood shed:biggrinbounce2:

Got friends coming over in the morning to help put one of these up:

Also got to go down to their cabin down the road and pull the dock out and bring his boat up here for the winter, so my morning's gonna be shot. Hope to be out cutting tomorrow afternoon and get a load, maybe 2 if all goes perfect.

Awesome score Steve, sounds like you should be staying out of trouble for a while!!:chainsaw:

Rep sent!
It's for sure keeping me out of trouble tonight. I am just a wee bit sore, must have been all that carrying through the brush in the ditch. I think the wheelbarrow's coming along next time.

Rep tag it is, I'll hit ya back as soon as I can!
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Great Score and nice headache rack, I have gotta make one of them b4 I lose the rest of my rear slider! :clap:

That's why I made it. Still got glass behind the seat for a reminder! Now I throw wood at it, makes filling the front much quicker! :D

I got over there this morning for a bit. I finished up the road ditch trees, he's gonna burn the brush once we get some snow, so I don't have to worry about it!


Headed for the back 40 to finish off the load. Here's what I've got to look forward to, lots of stuff that just got the trail cut out when it came down, some trails blocked yet, etc.


I was looking for some easier pickings due to being short on time, this cherry fit the bill, I'll probably get the ironwood you can just see on the right and some others later in the week:


Not quite a full load, but the ditch work went slowly like I kinda expected, and I really didn't have time for much more today. If I can keep to the easy stuff during the week and save the harder to get to stuff for weekends, I should be able to get a load before work most days and a couple loads a day on weekends, weather permitting.


Here's the growing pile at home. Once I get a big pile, I'll likely bait a few friends with steaks and beer and have a splitting party. 3-4 guys can get a sustained cord an hour or better, if I can get more people, I have access to a 2nd splitter as well.


Looks like rain will hold off for a while tomorrow morning, will likely try for another load.


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 14, 2009
Northern Michigan - way north
Looks like it's that time of year again. It seems like I get very few leads on wood throughout the summer, but once fall comes I get a few downed trees and people that want to get things cleaned up prior to snowfall. Unfortunately I never get a nice gift like that, basically with a bow on top like xmas, 6 miles from home! Nice score! :cheers:
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Thanks again for the comments guys! The steak pics will come, probably first part of Dec after Holy Week (deer hunting).

Got back out this morning, this time with a little better battle plan, but a little less ambition. I think tomorrow will be a day of rest!

First grab was the down Ironwood next to the Cherry I got yesterday:


Blocked up and loaded in the truck. Ironwoods don't get too big, and this was a bigger one. Normally in the 20-30 trees to a cord range, lots of work, but ya can't beat the heat output:


Next on the list is a tangle of downed oaks, I think there's 4 trees in there, but still not certain LOL:


Here's today's load. It looks just like that right now, except the toys are put away and it's in the driveway. Did I mention the old ambition tank is running low?


Here's the progress on the tangle:


I didn't cut any more than I was gonna haul, because as I mentioned, I don't have exclusive rights out here. I haven't seen the "competition" at all yet, though.

This weekend I plan to attack a couple big hangups, that will require me breaking in my new rope. Stuff like that is best done when you're not on a tight time schedule like I am during the week. I'll try to get video of some of it.

Guesstimate I've got 1 1/4 cords so far, maybe a touch more.

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