Cutting in high winds,any tips?

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Not sure what to say here,kinda insulted that you would think that I am pulling your leg here.I started this thread because I have little experience in take downs in high winds and to be honest with you havent slept much this week stressing about this job.Just wanted everyones input on the subject and was hoping you all would have some tricks in the bag when it comes to dealing with big timber in high winds.
Thought I would log on this morning before I left,the winds have calmed a good bit, but still expecting winds in the 30mph area up on the mountain.Ill let you skeptics know tomorrow morning how things went.

You all may think Im stupid, crazy,insane, or all of the above,but in reality when a man offers me a months worth of income to take down and haul away two trees when work has been hard to come by it is a little more than I can resist.

If you never hear from me again,then I guess youll know that things didnt go as I planned.Thanks to all of you that have supported me in this venture, and to the skeptics......
Well,sorry that my sense of humor in the past has made you willing to question my integrity.

Have a great day everyone.

No insult here Av, simply: this is the internet. Not in any way questioning your integrity. No one knows who is really who ( whom ?) except for what is revealed online. You're a great story teller. You get good reps.

So, when this comes up, there's the bulls$$$ meter running strong. Can you blame ? You do have a super sense of humor. :(

Now, don't run off pouting. :givebeer: Just don't cut in high winds.....please.
The Forest Service regs even state to cease cutting in winds over 15 mph !

And, "If you never hear from me again,then I guess you'll know that things didnt go as I planned.Thanks to all of you that have supported me in this venture, and to the skeptics......" Hey, if you don't come down for breakfast, we will have lost a valued member here. You're not the victim type.
I milled Norway Spruce for my framing lumber for my hunting camp. While I started dropping the trees the wind picked up steadily after day break. I was almost done with a 22” diameter Norway when a gust came up. The tree spun on the stump. I was walking around the stump with it trying to figure out which way it was going… It fell right into the plantation between two trees without getting hung up (completely the wrong way). The tree and the wind were not impressed with my wedges at all. I limbed and bucked what I had on the ground and called it a day. This is the first and last time this has happened to me. Lesson learned.
I watched a decent sized oak tree start to fall in the intended direction only to be picked back up by a gust of wind and taken in the complete opposite direction. The hinge let go and she went over backwards. Luckily no one got hurt but it was CLOSE! The leaves were still on so there was also the sail effect involved but the gust couldn't have been more than 25 mph or so. Be very careful cutting in the wind.
this time of year sail effect should be minimized shouldn't it? Still not an excuse to be running into a hurricane with a chainsaw though.

I dunno.
I'm watching the 60-90' Red Oaks in my back lot, swaying a dozen feet or so at the tops, and the wind is only blowing around 25mph.

Less than if the leaves were on, but still too much to control without a barber chair or spin off.

Stay safe!
I just saw him fly over the shop,was holding on to what looked like a winch cable?

ha said something along the lines of AAAAAIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEoooooooooo!

Perfect then.
He's got a handle on things as expected.

Anybody ever notice Squirrels stay the hell away from tree's in wind like this?

They would rather chance the Coyote's, Hawks, and dogs.

Stay safe!
Calling Mr. Avalancher, calling Mr. Avalancher, come in. call me skeptic, or worse :censored:, but there's just this little, tiny baby feeling deep down in the lower the collective AS leg being pulled ? :monkey:

Or, :confused::confused::confused::confused:
Ole Av's probably gonna let us "swing in the breeze" - bad pun fully intended - for a while before he posts back here, either that or he's deep into a bottle of Mr Daniel's finest, either celebrating or licking wounds :d
Yeah, I figure he ran into extra innings if he dropped that thing.

The wind is still howling and we are still in a Blizzard warning here, so he's likely in the same down there, just warmer.

He better have Pics!:chainsaw:

Stay safe!
Not sure what to say here,kinda insulted that you would think that I am pulling your leg here.... Well,sorry that my sense of humor in the past has made you willing to question my integrity.

Hey, no one means any offense to you. You're one of the most delightful posters here, and we love to tease you. In all honesty, we respect you a great deal, and are trying to make light of a tricky situation. Obviously you're stressed about this, and we are greatly concerned for you (look at all the posts here, asking how you're doing!). Don't take it personally. We all love ya here. (Did I just say that?)

Hope you're still alive and in one piece to read this! :clap::clap::clap:
Not sure what to say here,kinda insulted that you would think that I am pulling your leg here.I started this thread because I have little experience in take downs in high winds and to be honest with you havent slept much this week stressing about this job.Just wanted everyones input on the subject and was hoping you all would have some tricks in the bag when it comes to dealing with big timber in high winds.
Thought I would log on this morning before I left,the winds have calmed a good bit, but still expecting winds in the 30mph area up on the mountain.Ill let you skeptics know tomorrow morning how things went.

You all may think Im stupid, crazy,insane, or all of the above,but in reality when a man offers me a months worth of income to take down and haul away two trees when work has been hard to come by it is a little more than I can resist.

If you never hear from me again,then I guess youll know that things didnt go as I planned.Thanks to all of you that have supported me in this venture, and to the skeptics......
Well,sorry that my sense of humor in the past has made you willing to question my integrity.

Have a great day everyone.
Don't be insulted cause if you was pullin legs it would be a good one. I'm thinkin about ya and understand teh Money. I hope all goes well and look forward to hearing back from ya.
Well,pardon my typing skills,I am still a little rattled and very tired after yesterday.

In all honesty that was the most hair raising day I have ever had.I got there just as the sun was coming up and spent some time trying to figure out why the knuclehead had locked the friggin gate to the place.I had the phone number and name to the neighbor that watches over the place, but didnt have a friggin clue as to where he lived,and liked I mentioned before there was no cell reception up there.I figured that this was indeed a sign from God that this was not meant to be and decided to listen to my guts and the wind that was rocking the truck and head home.

A few miles down the road was a little curb store, and there in front was a pay phone.Havent seen one of them in years.Dug a quarter and a dime out of the ash tray and then found out that a pay phone is no longer .35.goes to show you how long its been since I used a pay phone.

Got the neighbor on the phone and he agreed to meet me at the gate in ten minutes.
After arriving at the house I ran into my first obstacle.The brushy trees in front of the tree to be taken down were moving around so much that I had little luck in getting my throw bag into the tree.After 20 minutes of shooting that bag into the tree I gave up and threw my harness on.

30 feet up I realized that this was indeed going to be a day that would whiten my hair to the point that my wife would probably not recognize me when I walked into the house.We have all been in trees before that were swaying around,but this was something that really belonged at Six Flags over Retardedville.I have never been a person that had a problem with motion sickness, but the critters down below were treated to breakfast on me as long as they like McDonalds breakfast burritos slightly digested.Tied my line in and repelled down fast enough to burn right through my lucky gloves.

After hitting the ground and stepping around the pack of rabid possums fighting over my breakfast contribution I realized that I had made a fatal mistake, I had forgotten to bring a second line up with me so that I could pull the steel cable up to use as a back up line.

I spent the next 10 minutes cursing myself,throwing every loose thing I could find at the tree in the hopes of knocking it down(ever knocked down a tree with a pine cone and a full lunch box?)
Back up the tree with my throw line, tossed it over a good sized branch and hustled to the ground.

After securing winch lines,cables and ratchets I decided to wait to see if the wind was going to die down a bit.I spent a pleasant hour in the truck watching crap falling out of trees, pine cones coming out of the woods like bullets, and a stupid turkey try to cross the pasture against the wind.He finally gave it up and called a taxi.
By 9am I realized that it wasnt going to get any better and decided to test the laws of physics,advertised cable strength, and my courage.I grabbed up my saw,wedges, and an axe and decided to get to it.
My plan had been to cut just enough of the base to allow the tree to stand up right on its own,get back up the hill to the winch,and allow the winch to pull it on over.I then found out that hill that dropped off from the driveway was a whole lot steeper and slippier than I had calculated on.

The heavy rains we had on Tuesday stil had that ground sopping wet, and all the crap on the ground just made it worse.No matter what I tried I couldnt stand up alongside that tree for anything.Back up to the truck for a rope and my harness,tied the rope to a small tree at the top and eased my way down to that friggin tree.
I know what your thinking, if it was that steep and slippery, how in the hell was I going to get out of there quick if something went wrong?Good question, and I thought about it plenty.I figured my only chance if something went wrong was cut the rope and slide down the hill.took my knife out and stuck it into the tree and went to work.

After cutting a generous wedge I spent a great deal of time cutting my back cut and listening to the tree.After each knock to the wedges I would stop and listen.Finally I heard the tree crack a bit and decided I had enough.
Back up on the top I hit the winch and began to pull.It was almost a non event after that,pull with the winch,tighten up the cable ratchet,watch the friggin tree sway all over the place, and finally it hit the ground.

My wife has often said that my guardian angel must look like Bill the Cat, and I reckon she is probably right.The rest of the day was nothing but hard work bucking that tree up and i took a few shortcuts.Instead of cutting into rounds I cut the tree into lengths and dragged them down the road to the dumping spot saving me a lot of time.It took 30 minutes of raking the gravel to make it look nice again,but saved me a lot of time.

The neighbor wanted the smaller oak for firewood,so I delivered the tree to him in half.Dragged the main stem in one part, the top in another.The neighbors looked a little astonished as I drove past their place dragging a half a tree,but I figure they would get over it.

On the way back I stopped at several mailboxes to straighten them back up and to listen to one old woman cuss me out.I told her that I had no idea that the tree was attached to my truck that I had tied my truck to the tree to stop it from rolling down the hill and then forgot about it when I drove off.She rolled her eyes a bit and muttered something on her way back to the house,but Im sure it was something nice.

The day ended well,I got home some time after dark,the wife fussed over my boo boos as only a wife could do,served me hand and foot like the darling that she is, and all I have is a little clean up this morning with a rake.

I never want to live through something like that again,my nerves just aint cut out for it.

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