Nor Cal GTG

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Sorry folks. Have basically zero computer time since the Sunday meeting. This is what I brought back from the meeting. Bruce or Dave please feel free to add/correct things that I've forgotten or misrepresented....

The GTG is scheduled for November 2-3 (Sat/Sun), with some folks rolling in on Friday 11/01. We have the day use area from where the 'swap meet' was going on last year all the way down through the turn around at the end of the road (where Bill pulled down that bear trap last February) as 'ours' (for camping, and for the GTG activities) for the duration of the GTG. There is a trailhead (towards the mill) at the turnaround end of the day use area, and we should still expect some 'outsider' foot traffic through there during our event. Unfortunately, the group area that several of us stayed in last year (up hill of the bathrooms) is already reserved for another group. We still have plenty of camping and activity areas available to us however.

We do not need to make reservations ahead of time, although you're welcome to do so if you'd like to camp in other 'quieter' sections of the park if you desire. If any of you folks will have large trailers/campers please let us know (PM's are fine) ASAP. In any case, please PM Dave (Ckelp) if you are planning on attending the GTG. The more info regarding who's coming, how long they're staying, and whether they have any special 'needs' (such as space for a big rig) the better. Sooner is better than later for the info as well...

The 'cookie cutting'/socializing/informal swap meet/etc will be on Saturday. Folks that wish to participate must sign a waiver, provide their own safety equipment, and be responsible for their own actions (and safety).

The plan for Sunday is a park work day for the FPG volunteers (those that are already signed up as volunteers, and newly signed up volunteers). We will be dealing with hazard tree issues within the park. Those folks who are not already park volunteers and who want to participate will have to sign up as volunteers during the event, most likely on Saturday. We'll have Gologit and 2Dogs at the park early to go over the current hazard tree list, scope things out, and form a plan of attack ahead of time.

There is some discussion of a group meal being provided on Saturday. It will be 'subsidized' by the park folks, but will most likely still cost folks somewhere around $5/head. For other group meals (say on Friday or Sunday) will be up to you folks coordinating amongst yourselves. We have the large cooking/eating setup in the day use area to ourselves.

There will be some of the Antique Engine (Hit and Miss) guys with their engines on display on Saturday. Possibly some antique tractors as well. Saturday's the day when we'll most likely have some of the 'general public' watching the festivities and asking questions. There will be some short pieces in the local newspapers ahead of time. Hopefully people will better understand what's needed to keep the park safe and operational after this.

My hope is that people will see us as a group of responsible, knowledgeable, capable volunteers instead of a bunch of 'Tim Allen' "More Power!!!" chest thumpers. Public image for the FPG (Forestry Practices Group) volunteers is very important right now, both for future support of our efforts, and to keep people from throwing more roadblocks in our paths. We've had some 'anonymous' complaints sent to OSHA and other BS. Hopefully what we're doing (and why we're doing it) will be better understood after the GTG. The park administration as well as other volunteers (in areas other than what we're involved in) don't yet have a clear understanding of who/what we are, what we do, or why we're doing it. Again.............I hope that they're understand us better at the conclusion of the GTG and work party.

We don't NEED the park as a place to practice our skills, spend our time/effort, and put wear and tear on our bodies and equipment. We're putting forth the effort to help the park (which has lost state funding and support), and have already saved the park thousands of dollars by handling hazards in the park, and stand to save them tens of thousands more in the future. Why folks would try to stop us or make things difficult for us is beyond my understanding.......

We'll have a logging/forestry/chainsaw related informal swap meet too (same as last year). The logs (chainsaw runnin' area) will be farther down the road (past the bathrooms and group cooking/eating area) than last year.

More info to follow soon. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things....
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Sorry folks. Have basically zero computer time since the Sunday meeting. This is what I brought back from the meeting. Bruce or Dave please feel free to add/correct things that I've forgotten or misrepresented....

The GTG is scheduled for November 2-3 (Sat/Sun), with some folks rolling in on Friday 11/01. We have the day use area from where the 'swap meet' was going on last year all the way down through the turn around at the end of the road (where Bill pulled down that bear trap last February) as 'ours' (for camping, and for the GTG activities) for the duration of the GTG. There is a trailhead (towards the mill) at the turnaround end of the day use area, and we should still expect some 'outsider' foot traffic through there during our event. Unfortunately, the group area that several of us stayed in last year (up hill of the bathrooms) is already reserved for another group. We still have plenty of camping and activity areas available to us however.

We do not need to make reservations ahead of time, although you're welcome to do so if you'd like to camp in other 'quieter' sections of the park if you desire. If any of you folks will have large trailers/campers please let us know (PM's are fine) ASAP. In any case, please PM Dave (Ckelp) if you are planning on attending the GTG. The more info regarding who's coming, how long they're staying, and whether they have any special 'needs' (such as space for a big rig) the better. Sooner is better than later for the info as well...

The 'cookie cutting'/socializing/informal swap meet/etc will be on Saturday. Folks that wish to participate must sign a waiver, provide their own safety equipment, and be responsible for their own actions (and safety).

The plan for Sunday is a park work day for the FPG volunteers (those that are already signed up as volunteers, and newly signed up volunteers). We will be dealing with hazard tree issues within the park. Those folks who are not already park volunteers and who want to participate will have to sign up as volunteers during the event, most likely on Saturday. We'll have Gologit and 2Dogs at the park early to go over the current hazard tree list, scope things out, and form a plan of attack ahead of time.

There is some discussion of a group meal being provided on Saturday. It will be 'subsidized' by the park folks, but will most likely still cost folks somewhere around $5/head. For other group meals (say on Friday or Sunday) will be up to you folks coordinating amongst yourselves. We have the large cooking/eating setup in the day use area to ourselves.

There will be some of the Antique Engine (Hit and Miss) guys with their engines on display on Saturday. Possibly some antique tractors as well. Saturday's the day when we'll most likely have some of the 'general public' watching the festivities and asking questions. There will be some short pieces in the local newspapers ahead of time. Hopefully people will better understand what's needed to keep the park safe and operational after this.

My hope is that people will see us as a group of responsible, knowledgeable, capable volunteers instead of a bunch of 'Tim Allen' "More Power!!!" chest thumpers. Public image for the FPG (Forestry Practices Group) volunteers is very important right now, both for future support of our efforts, and to keep people from throwing more roadblocks in our paths. We've had some 'anonymous' complaints sent to OSHA and other BS. Hopefully what we're doing (and why we're doing it) will be better understood after the GTG. The park administration as well as other volunteers (in areas other than what we're involved in) don't yet have a clear understanding of who/what we are, what we do, or why we're doing it. Again.............I hope that they're understand us better at the conclusion of the GTG and work party.

We don't NEED the park as a place to practice our skills, spend our time/effort, and put wear and tear on our bodies and equipment. We're putting forth the effort to help the park (which has lost state funding and support), and have already saved the park thousands of dollars by handling hazards in the park, and stand to save them tens of thousands more in the future. Why folks would try to stop us or make things difficult for us is beyond my understanding.......

We'll have a logging/forestry/chainsaw related informal swap meet too (same as last year). The logs (chainsaw runnin' area) will be farther down the road (past the bathrooms and group cooking/eating area) than last year.

More info to follow soon. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things....

Thanks for the update. You're right about the "image" thing. Once people understand that we're there to help the park and that we're not just making noise and being destructive maybe they'll be a little more supportive. I have the same problem over here with my volunteer trail crews. I found that making people aware of what we're doing, using the media, emphasizing the cost savings, and just generally keeping people informed made things go a lot smoother. The tree huggers are everywhere and sometimes they just don't understand.

Sandy did a great job last year of dealing with the public and answering their questions. Having her there, in uniform, gave the onlookers, hikers, and everybody else that wandered in the sense that we were definitely there with park approval. That helps.
so a whiskey breakfast is out of the question?

A whiskey breakfast fine...if you plan on staying in camp all day. Image is important, remember? If you have whiskey for breakfast and go into an episode of projectile vomiting in front of all the tree hugger visitors it might kinda sorta send the wrong kind of message. But if you do, be sure to turn away from the crowd, hold your hardhat up close to your face and puke into it. Try to puke quietly. Don't puke on the ground. And don't forget to rinse out your hard hat before you put it back on. Trust me on this one.
If your hickory is loose in the shoulder and tight in the wrist, you can just barf down your sleeve. I've been Jonesin' to get back on the AS. I've been busy getting a new business together in Laytonville. We're the new North American Distributors for Lucas Portable Sawmills. If the park is needing any lumber/timbers, we would provide the milling. Even if they don't, I'll still come down an inflict myself on you guys. Way past my bedtime.
If your hickory is loose in the shoulder and tight in the wrist, you can just barf down your sleeve. I've been Jonesin' to get back on the AS. I've been busy getting a new business together in Laytonville. We're the new North American Distributors for Lucas Portable Sawmills. If the park is needing any lumber/timbers, we would provide the milling. Even if they don't, I'll still come down an inflict myself on you guys. Way past my bedtime.

Gregg it's good to hear from you again. You're most welcome to come on down. The head of maintenance at the park (Rob G) is also a millwright. He has all sorts of projects going on. I'm sure you fellows would have lots to talk about. I look forward to seeing you in November.
If your hickory is loose in the shoulder and tight in the wrist, you can just barf down your sleeve. I've been Jonesin' to get back on the AS. I've been busy getting a new business together in Laytonville. We're the new North American Distributors for Lucas Portable Sawmills. If the park is needing any lumber/timbers, we would provide the milling. Even if they don't, I'll still come down an inflict myself on you guys. Way past my bedtime.

I think I'll stick with the hardhat method. Good to see you on here, Gregg. If you can make it down to Napa it would be great. Good exposure for the Lucas, too. Eccentric is the side rod on this deal...he can fill you in on the details. I sure can't see any bad side to it.
Sorry folks. Have basically zero computer time since the Sunday meeting. This is what I brought back from the meeting. Bruce or Dave please feel free to add/correct things that I've forgotten or misrepresented....

The GTG is scheduled for November 2-3 (Sat/Sun), with some folks rolling in on Friday 11/01. We have the day use area from where the 'swap meet' was going on last year all the way down through the turn around at the end of the road (where Bill pulled down that bear trap last February) as 'ours' (for camping, and for the GTG activities) for the duration of the GTG. There is a trailhead (towards the mill) at the turnaround end of the day use area, and we should still expect some 'outsider' foot traffic through there during our event. Unfortunately, the group area that several of us stayed in last year (up hill of the bathrooms) is already reserved for another group. We still have plenty of camping and activity areas available to us however.

We do not need to make reservations ahead of time, although you're welcome to do so if you'd like to camp in other 'quieter' sections of the park if you desire. If any of you folks will have large trailers/campers please let us know (PM's are fine) ASAP. In any case, please PM Dave (Ckelp) if you are planning on attending the GTG. The more info regarding who's coming, how long they're staying, and whether they have any special 'needs' (such as space for a big rig) the better. Sooner is better than later for the info as well...

The 'cookie cutting'/socializing/informal swap meet/etc will be on Saturday. Folks that wish to participate must sign a waiver, provide their own safety equipment, and be responsible for their own actions (and safety).

The plan for Sunday is a park work day for the FPG volunteers (those that are already signed up as volunteers, and newly signed up volunteers). We will be dealing with hazard tree issues within the park. Those folks who are not already park volunteers and who want to participate will have to sign up as volunteers during the event, most likely on Saturday. We'll have Gologit and 2Dogs at the park early to go over the current hazard tree list, scope things out, and form a plan of attack ahead of time.

There is some discussion of a group meal being provided on Saturday. It will be 'subsidized' by the park folks, but will most likely still cost folks somewhere around $5/head. For other group meals (say on Friday or Sunday) will be up to you folks coordinating amongst yourselves. We have the large cooking/eating setup in the day use area to ourselves.

There will be some of the Antique Engine (Hit and Miss) guys with their engines on display on Saturday. Possibly some antique tractors as well. Saturday's the day when we'll most likely have some of the 'general public' watching the festivities and asking questions. There will be some short pieces in the local newspapers ahead of time. Hopefully people will better understand what's needed to keep the park safe and operational after this.

My hope is that people will see us as a group of responsible, knowledgeable, capable volunteers instead of a bunch of 'Tim Allen' "More Power!!!" chest thumpers. Public image for the FPG (Forestry Practices Group) volunteers is very important right now, both for future support of our efforts, and to keep people from throwing more roadblocks in our paths. We've had some 'anonymous' complaints sent to OSHA and other BS. Hopefully what we're doing (and why we're doing it) will be better understood after the GTG. The park administration as well as other volunteers (in areas other than what we're involved in) don't yet have a clear understanding of who/what we are, what we do, or why we're doing it. Again.............I hope that they're understand us better at the conclusion of the GTG and work party.

We don't NEED the park as a place to practice our skills, spend our time/effort, and put wear and tear on our bodies and equipment. We're putting forth the effort to help the park (which has lost state funding and support), and have already saved the park thousands of dollars by handling hazards in the park, and stand to save them tens of thousands more in the future. Why folks would try to stop us or make things difficult for us is beyond my understanding.......

We'll have a logging/forestry/chainsaw related informal swap meet too (same as last year). The logs (chainsaw runnin' area) will be farther down the road (past the bathrooms and group cooking/eating area) than last year.

More info to follow soon. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things....

Good post! Tried to give you positive rep, but the site wouldn't let me.
I am on telephone standby for jury duty beginning October 27th. I will drive up on Friday, Nov 1, if I get released on time.

The northbound toll for my pickup and 22 foot fifth wheel on the Carquinez and Benica-Martinez Bridges is $20. We seniors in our 70's need our comfortable beds.
Head up the GG side of the bay, free headed north...head back over 36 to Napa thence up to St Helena
I am planning on going. Weather will be the factor. I have some Les Schwab super easy (I haven't tried them out) chains for the Tomato, but none for The Pointy Trailer so I want bare pavement. Please let the Siskiyou Weather Controllers know that. Then I think all I have to worry about is my road.