NOR'EASTER! Gas up those saws and generators!

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Apr 22, 2004
Clearly there are differences of opinions on this issue. I never equated this storm to the bigger disasters that are being brought up but I don't think WoodHeatWarrior was really too concerned about that when he was trying to get his injured daughter to a hospital during a big time snowstorm with trees and power lines down everywhere. Nobody ever said this was a major disaster on the scale of earthquakes, Katrina or any war but it is more than a mere inconvenience for many people. Luckily for me it was just a minor inconvenience but there are people like my neighbors who are elderly with a disabled son who need to be checked up on and helped after Irene and storms like this and for whom not having power for a few days could mean a major medical issue.

I try to be prepared for the unexpected by having three different heat sources in my house, a generator with gas (which means gassing up before storms), reliable tools and plenty of ammo, etc. Can most of us live a week or two without power and running water, of course but like I said before, that's not true for everyone. I agree, the world is a mess and we are likely headed for a rude awakening soon but as decent human beings we need to help those who are legitimately in need as best we can and have compassion on those who are having difficulties, even if it's not a major crisis like Katrina, etc. The old golden rule really is a good thing.

logbutcher, I'm sure you are not really a bad guy and certainly you are entitled to your opinion and have every right to voice it so perhaps it was not right for me to make the jackass comment but I still think you are off base on this one imo and I'll leave it at that.

No Carl, I am a bad guy, and a Jackass. However, there are times when one can be correct. This is one. This is one great country with faults. The world is the world as it has always been: troubles, poverty, death, biblical storms ( not Emma ), war. We are living in the best of Best shelter, security, plentiful food ( fatties beware ! ), peace here, relative ( don't get started please ) prosperity, Rule of Law, extraneous wealth such as computers and cars and private property, excellent medical care. You're bright: think of many more reasons why the world wants to live here.

One northeaster ( the hell with what's in a dictionary : "nor'east" was a direction in early nav, not a storm ) early snow is not disaster. Will all those flaming here who have lived, worked, or traveled in the real world of Third kindly raise their hands ? My case rests. :clap:

Thick skin is mandated when the B.S. meter goes off the chart. Jackass is fine. Not to worry.

P.S. What's with the "ammo" ? :msp_scared: Maybe another discussion. If you need to "survive", Connecticut is not the right region. You need a land buffer around you.

Feb 6, 2007
Now why are you picking on fatties? We fatties have the metabolism for survival, since you seem to be stuck on that scenario. This fatty, considered "obese" hiked down and back up from the bottom of the Grand Canyon with a backpack that (didn't feel that heavy until my evil friend weighed it) weighed 42 pounds. This fatty has spent time hiking up and down, up and down, up and down, steep ground all day, and continues to be a fatty. This fatty just spent 3 days doing physical labor on a creek ford on a hiking trail. Moving large rocks with a choker, grip hoist, and rock bars. Oh, and we had to hike in carrying the gear to do so. This fatty walks at least 3 miles most days of the week, and then goes and thins trees or cuts firewood, or splits firewood. The latter is done with a splitting maul.

Some of us are built for more caloric efficiency. Some are not. So, beware of fatties. You may be underestimating their abilities. :msp_scared:
Carl Anderson

Carl Anderson

ArboristSite Operative
Mar 22, 2010
Eastern CT
No Carl, I am a bad guy, and a Jackass. However, there are times when one can be correct. This is one. This is one great country with faults. The world is the world as it has always been: troubles, poverty, death, biblical storms ( not Emma ), war. We are living in the best of Best shelter, security, plentiful food ( fatties beware ! ), peace here, relative ( don't get started please ) prosperity, Rule of Law, extraneous wealth such as computers and cars and private property, excellent medical care. You're bright: think of many more reasons why the world wants to live here.

One northeaster ( the hell with what's in a dictionary : "nor'east" was a direction in early nav, not a storm ) early snow is not disaster. Will all those flaming here who have lived, worked, or traveled in the real world of Third kindly raise their hands ? My case rests. :clap:

Thick skin is mandated when the B.S. meter goes off the chart. Jackass is fine. Not to worry.

P.S. What's with the "ammo" ? :msp_scared: Maybe another discussion. If you need to "survive", Connecticut is not the right region. You need a land buffer around you.


You are right about Connecticut being the wrong place to be if you're into the survivalist thing but that's not really where I am at just yet. I'm getting sick of this state pretty quickly after living here my whole life, just too expensive to live here. I love this country, it is the greatest on earth and we do have lots to be thankful for and we should not take it for granted, you are also right about that.

I try to make sure my family is taken care of in case of an emergency (or even an inconvenience) and try to have enough extra to help other family and neighbors a little if necessary. I guess that's my whole point, you seemed to be making fun of people for stocking up on provisions and gassing up before this storm but the reality is that many of them are now stuck without power, running water, transportation, etc. Gas has run out in some places even if people can get to a gas station that has power. So doesn't it make sense to be prepared before this happens? If you just meant to say we should not be in a panic but we should be prepared, that's fine, I agree with that but to say this was just a minor inconvenience is where we disagree. Maybe from a global perspective, yes it's barely a blip on the radar but as a friend and neighbor to some of the people impacted I try to have a little more compassion than that. What comes around goes around and if you don't act with kindness towards others, don't expect any in return. We shouldn't depend on other people's kindness and I don't but it's sure nice to have when times are tough and I sleep better at night knowing I try to be kind to others, the golden rule, you know.

I get it that people in other parts of the world face life and death every day, war, starvation, etc. Nobody was saying we have it hard in America or that this was the end of the world as we know it. Was it a major disaster? No but it was a major storm that caused serious damage where people got hurt. For those people it is more than just losing some of the creature comforts we Americans enjoy. I just think it was pretty cold hearted to make light of what those people are going through. I felt bad for making the jackass comment to you but now you openly admit to it and to being a bad guy so I guess being cold hearted is part of the territory for you, that's fine, to each his own, no hard feelings. Like I said before, you have the right to speak your mind and others have the right to disagree, that's part of what makes this country great.

As far as the ammo goes, no I don't plan on needing lots of that to survive in CT right now but sometimes crap can hit the fan when you least expect it and better to be ready than left out in the cold. If it's stored right and locked up safely ammo can last a very long time so get it now before the prices get even higher. I don't stockpile massive amounts of it, just enough that if I ever did need to rely on it I would have enough to last a little while. I'm not going to war anytime soon and I'm not worreid about zombie aliens attacking but if I have to kill some furry creatures to feed my wife and kids, well I can do that.

I think I've said enough and people are probably bored as heck with my long-winded posts so I think I'll be done with this now. Like I said, no hard feelings, we just disagree on this one.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 22, 2011
Watson's Hill
Oh, I see, you're just so much more worldly than everyone else. You're the only one who knows what's going on in the world I guess, the only one who studies history, the only one who's tough enough for the "real world".
The reality here is that you just want to show us all how tough you are, but if that were really true you wouldn't feel the need to tell us all about it. People who walk the walk don't have to ridicule others to pump themselves up.

Hi Guys,

I'm brand new here. I don't have much in the way of chainsaw equipment or experience. I'm here to learn, but I hope I can lend a bit of support from some of my other lives, and apologies if this is off-topic. It's my last one.

This is from Wikipedia (no reference to you Sawtroll): "Troll Main article: Troll (Internet) - Forum trolls are users that repeatedly and deliberately breach the netiquette of an established online community, posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages to bait or excite users into responding or to test the forum rules and policies, and with that the patience of the forum staff. Their provocative behavior may potentially start flame wars or other disturbances. Responding to a troll's provocations is commonly known as 'feeding the troll' and is generally discouraged, as it can encourage their disruptive behavior." Internet forum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Having recognized the callous comments by a certain member about, well, just about everything you guys enjoy discussing, I wanted to encourage you not to get drawn off-track. I take care of mentally ill patients who are actually so bright as to know the exact boundaries of the borderline (take that term either way) acceptable behavior, step right on them, but NEVER cross them, just to get a reaction: that is to hurt but not be hurt, in this case by censure from the moderator, in the process.

Another bit of trivia from Etymonline: 1579, from L.L. sarcasmos, from Gk. sarkasmos 'a sneer, jest, taunt, mockery,' from sarkazein 'to speak bitterly, sneer,' lit. 'to strip off the flesh,' from sarx (gen. sarkos) 'flesh,' prop. 'piece of meat,' from PIE base *twerk- 'to cut' (cf. Avestan thwares 'to cut')."

Long story short: to engage in sarcasm is to "cut flesh." Consider the source. If guys aren't man enough to make their ignorant and sarcastic comments to your face, don't waste your valuable energy on them. You're a great bunch of guys with a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share. We need to hear more about this storm. Don't give such people the satisfaction of any response whatsoever, let alone leaving these fora, apologizing to the cowards, or even explaining yourselves to them. We need you.

Best regards
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Sep 2, 2011
NorthEast Mississippi
Mississippi Snow

I am hoping that I don't get any snow this year. Last years record snowfalls did not agree with all of my broken bones.
Farmers almanac says I should have a mild one. THANK GOODNESS.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Oct 28, 2009
Hi Guys,

I'm brand new here. I don't have much in the way of chainsaw equipment or experience. I'm here to learn, but I hope I can lend a bit of support from some of my other lives, and apologies if this is off-topic. It's my last one.

This is from Wikipedia (no reference to you Sawtroll): "Troll Main article: Troll (Internet) - Forum trolls are users that repeatedly and deliberately breach the netiquette of an established online community, posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages to bait or excite users into responding or to test the forum rules and policies, and with that the patience of the forum staff. Their provocative behavior may potentially start flame wars or other disturbances. Responding to a troll's provocations is commonly known as 'feeding the troll' and is generally discouraged, as it can encourage their disruptive behavior." Internet forum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Having recognized the callous comments by a certain member about, well, just about everything you guys enjoy discussing, I wanted to encourage you not to get drawn off-track. I take care of mentally ill patients who are actually so bright as to know the exact boundaries of the borderline (take that term either way) acceptable behavior, step right on them, but NEVER cross them, just to get a reaction: that is to hurt but not be hurt, in this case by censure from the moderator, in the process.

Another bit of trivia from Etymonline: 1579, from L.L. sarcasmos, from Gk. sarkasmos "a sneer, jest, taunt, mockery," from sarkazein "to speak bitterly, sneer," lit. "to strip off the flesh," from sarx (gen. sarkos) "flesh," prop. "piece of meat," from PIE base *twerk- "to cut" (cf. Avestan thwares "to cut")."

Long story short: to engage in sarcasm is to "cut flesh." Consider the source. If guys aren't man enough to make their ignorant and sarcastic comments to your face, don't waste your valuable energy on them. You're a great bunch of guys with a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share. We need to hear more about this storm. Don't give such people the satisfaction of any response whatsoever, let alone leaving these fora, apologizing to the cowards, or even explaining yourselves to them. We need you.

Best regards

That being said, don't feed the trolls :hmm3grin2orange:


ArboristSite Operative
Sep 4, 2011
Northwestern, NJ
One northeaster ( the hell with what's in a dictionary : "nor'east" was a direction in early nav, not a storm ) early snow is not disaster. Will all those flaming here who have lived, worked, or traveled in the real world of Third kindly raise their hands ? My case rests. :clap:

No flaming here. I get your point about people around the world having harder lives, not having enough food to survive, etc...but the reality is this is not the Third World. I've never been to a Third World country nor do I ever want to go to one, much less live or work in one. I'm not saying that to be derisive or derogatory to those who do, but my frame of reference simply is not that large. I'm just an average guy with an old two bedroom house that I worked very hard to buy, maintain, and improve. I have a wife and an infant daughter who are my whole world and that I would walk through fire to take care of. Yes, entire towns were wiped off the map in Japan, people are starving in Somalia, and there are child soldiers being forced to slaughter innocent people in the Congo, but for someone like me who was born in the U.S. and struggles to get by as a member of the middle class, forgive me for not being able to wrap my mind around anything other than my own family. My wife lost her job recently, my daughter has a serious lung condition and will be having the right lower lobe of her lung removed in two months (all the more reason that keeping the house warm was absolutely critical), and I had to rely on the understanding of my boss to let me stay home with them until the power came back on because I couldn't expect my wife to tend a generator, cycle the sump pumps, feed the furnace, and care for a one month old with a respiratory condition all by herself. I lost two and a half day's pay but my daughter was able to eat (my wife has to pump her milk because she can't feed normally), last year's venison harvest didn't go to waste, and the $3000 and countless nights and weekends I spent finishing my basement wasn't down the drain. That is my frame of reference and my life. Call me selfish, short sighted, or provincial if you want, but that's all that matters to me.

I started this thread because I, like many woodburners on here, do somewhat enjoy the challenge of dealing with storms and interruptions to our daily lives by being prepared. I used the phrase "gas up those saws and generators" for a few reasons-I, like many here, am a scrounger. For the past four years I've burned about five cords per year and I've never bought firewood in my life. I don't have the luxury of my own woodlot to cut on either. My wood comes from powerline cuts, Craigslist, friends and neighbors who have trees removed, etc... Every last piece in my shed was found, transported, cut, split, and stacked by me. Part of the reason I burn firewood is to save money because I don't make much money. Storms like this are an opportunity to go out and find a lot of free wood. I already have three neighbors who have offered me down trees on their property. Everybody here likes to show off their wood score, talk about what they picked up, etc... Maybe next time I'll title my thread, "Northeaster! Bundle up in coats, sit on the couch, stare at the wall, smell the spoiled food, and watch your basement fill up with water!" :hmm3grin2orange: because basically that's what I would have done if I didn't have a wood furnace and a generator. I'm no survivalist either-I don't pretend to want to live off the grid or to think that I'm going to ride out the apocalypse by stockpiling food, fuel, and ammunition. However, I do enjoy being more self sufficient than most, and being able to help others in need. I stored food in my fridge and freezer for two other neighbors who would have lost everything otherwise, and we had another set of neighbors spend the night in our basement (the one that would have flooded had I not "gassed up the generator") because their house was 45 degrees and they have three small children. They brought over some food, we cooked on the grill, and had a really nice night. I realize that none of this will convince you to think any way other than the way you already do, but I guess I just needed to get that off my chest.
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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 1, 2009
Will all those flaming here who have lived, worked, or traveled in the real world of Third kindly raise their hands ? My case rests. :clap:

Been to more third world countries than I can remember. Wore the uniform and carried a gun in all of them too. And to what avail? All in the name of defending your freedom of speach, which in this case you are using to be a total jackass.


Aint freedom grand?!?!


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 22, 2011
Watson's Hill

Been to more third world countries than I can remember. Wore the uniform and carried a gun in all of them too. And to what avail? All in the name of defending your freedom of speach, which in this case you are using to be a total jackass.


Aint freedom grand?!?!

Without getting overly political, I want to thank you for your service in preserving this freedom, war-wagon, even though its essence has been corrupted over the years. Please don't despair that freedom, particularly freedom of speech, may be abused or that your service may be taken for granted. Freedom IS grand, but we know that it's certainly not free, and will always be subject to misuse. "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill


ArboristSite Operative
Sep 4, 2011
Northwestern, NJ
Without getting overly political, I want to thank you for your service in preserving this freedom, war-wagon, even though its essence has been corrupted over the years. Please don't despair that freedom, particularly freedom of speech, may be abused or that your service may be taken for granted. Freedom IS grand, but we know that it's certainly not free, and will always be subject to misuse. "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill

Everybody is entitled to an opinion and I get that logbutcher has clearly lived overseas at some point and experienced the Third World firsthand. However, it's just silly to belittle another person's situation just because you've experienced much worse at some other point in your life. My daughter has a life threatening condition that requires risky surgery to correct, but I wouldn't criticize another parent for being upset over their child having some sort of lesser medical condition-if they've never experienced worse, how could they have something to compare it to?
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
Everybody is entitled to an opinion and I get that logbutcher has clearly lived overseas at some point and experienced the Third World firsthand. However, it's just silly to belittle another person's situation just because you've experienced much worse at some other point in your life. My daughter has a life threatening condition that requires risky surgery to correct, but I wouldn't criticize another parent for being upset over their child having some sort of lesser medical condition-if they've never experienced worse, how could they have something to compare it to?
Diesel, My hat's off to you. We certainly will be praying for your daughter. Take care!!


Where the Wild Things Are
Jul 9, 2011
My crappy generator is actually working pretty darn well considering what it is. I got the carb tuned up decently, and it's doing yeoman duty. I have not had it up to 5kW, but it's pulled 4.2kW to run the water heater. It even starts easier than it ever has. The carb is a combination of the throttle and choke plates and levers from the fixed jet one that came with it, and the rest is a fully adjustable carb from the old HH120 off an old Wheel Horse. Now with a new float, adjustment needles, and bowl gasket. I think every part on the thing resonates at a different frequency, but it's doing the job. I'm getting 7 - 8 hrs of run time with typical loads out of 5ga, and of course it uses more if I try to run the water heater. It uses a fair amount of oil, but there is not much oil capacity in the sump. Electricity is very expensive this way!

I got the roof structure built on the springhouse, but did not put on the plywood yet. I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I'll have to finish it in the evenings and weekends. Meanwhile there is firewood to haul, and all those trees begging for chainsaw time.
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
My crappy generator is actually working pretty darn well considering what it is. I got the carb tuned up decently, and it's doing yeoman duty. I have not had it up to 5kW, but it's pulled 4.2kW to run the water heater. It even starts easier than it ever has. The carb is a combination of the throttle and choke plates and levers from the fixed jet one that came with it, and the rest is a fully adjustable carb from the old HH120 off an old Wheel Horse. Now with a new float, adjustment needles, and bowl gasket. I think every part on the thing resonates at a different frequency, but it's doing the job. I'm getting 7 - 8 hrs of run time with typical loads out of 5ga, and of course it uses more if I try to run the water heater. It uses a fair amount of oil, but there is not much oil capacity in the sump. Electricity is very expensive this way!

I got the roof structure built on the springhouse, but did not put on the plywood yet. I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I'll have to finish it in the evenings and weekends. Meanwhile there is firewood to haul, and all those trees begging for chainsaw time.
Wish I could help. Get your rest and good luck!
lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
My crappy generator is actually working pretty darn well considering what it is. I got the carb tuned up decently, and it's doing yeoman duty. I have not had it up to 5kW, but it's pulled 4.2kW to run the water heater. It even starts easier than it ever has. The carb is a combination of the throttle and choke plates and levers from the fixed jet one that came with it, and the rest is a fully adjustable carb from the old HH120 off an old Wheel Horse. Now with a new float, adjustment needles, and bowl gasket. I think every part on the thing resonates at a different frequency, but it's doing the job. I'm getting 7 - 8 hrs of run time with typical loads out of 5ga, and of course it uses more if I try to run the water heater. It uses a fair amount of oil, but there is not much oil capacity in the sump. Electricity is very expensive this way!

I got the roof structure built on the springhouse, but did not put on the plywood yet. I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I'll have to finish it in the evenings and weekends. Meanwhile there is firewood to haul, and all those trees begging for chainsaw time.
Put some fully synthetic oil in that generator.


Where the Wild Things Are
Jul 9, 2011
Put some fully synthetic oil in that generator.
LOL - with the way that thing is knocking them back it'll have to make due with Old Milwaukee, Pabst Blue Ribbon or Keystone light, there's no way I'm going to pony up for good stuff! Although maybe if I give it some Guinness it would slow it down some.... It's drinking CAM2 30W now.

The oil consumption is not really too bad, considering it's an HM100 side valve Tecumseh running at a steady 3600rpm. Even the factory manual just about says it will do this. The problem I have now is that I got it slightly overfilled, and it's spitting some oil into the aircleaner. That's made a mess of the air filter, making it run rich and limiting airflow, and it's occasionally slurping a bit down the intake which it doesn't like. This came about from not letting it sit long enough at refills, so when I checked the oil it had not all settled back down into the crankcase and I got an artificially low reading. I'm at work today but I will be fixing that issue tonight, assuming (likely) that we still don't have power.

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