Oh crap!

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Hey Andy, you can always buy some chinese knockoff bars...a lot cheaper :spam: :eek:uttahere:
Sure glad

that I have never done something that dumb. Wow that lightning bolt was close!!!!! Happens to the best of us, and to me. JR
How do you do that?
Or is the answer to that "if you don't know, you shouldn't be trying it"?

You reach up and cut the truck at a steep angle so the entire tree slides down past (inside) the lower section (RB will correct me If I'm off base..), a little more vertical each time you cut. As it's hung up, it's not going anywhere until it gets close to vertical.... that's when it gets scariest. Way too easy to get the saw stuck, and as you are often reaching for max length, somewhere between stupid and dangerous. Real easy to get a bar caught.

It get's done often out here - wind and tall trees mean a lot of hang-ups.

There are some good pics of RB doing this a couple of years ago.... and what can happen even if you are good (he is). I'd like to say "use search" but I'm not sure I can find them either.. I'll look...
Cottonwood is great training wood for Timbersports. If you have any college or high school teams or other Pro's in the area, I assume they would love to make that disappear, depending on size and age. It chops and saws easily, not so useful for much else. The stuff out here all smells like cow crap.

Otherwise, bummer on the bar.
Is this the confessional?

The dumb-thing confessional, that is?

I was using my new MS280 to clear maple saplings a couple of years ago, then chipping them with a 3-point-hitch chipper on the back of my John Deere.
Late it the day I went to move to the next location and set the saw in the chute of the chipper. Got to the new spot and without thinking (or leaving the seat) hit the PTO button. I'm not sure how many milliseconds it took to figure out that the noise was not normal and to hit the switch again, but the result was the chipper eating about half of the 18" bar and chain.
It was very hard to put down good money for a new b/c, but the worst part was the time it took to replace and align the blades on the chipper -- and thinking about why I had to do that job the whole time...:cry:
There are some good pics of RB doing this a couple of years ago.... and what can happen even if you are good (he is). I'd like to say "use search" but I'm not sure I can find them either.. I'll look...

I searched, found three instances of RB saying the word "slash". This thread, one where he was quoting somebody else on a different matter, and the thread linked here that did some explaining:
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You reach up and cut the truck at a steep angle so the entire tree slides down past (inside) the lower section (RB will correct me If I'm off base..), a little more vertical each time you cut. As it's hung up, it's not going anywhere until it gets close to vertical.... that's when it gets scariest. Way too easy to get the saw stuck, and as you are often reaching for max length, somewhere between stupid and dangerous. Real easy to get a bar caught.

It get's done often out here - wind and tall trees mean a lot of hang-ups.


I have done that a few times, mostly after storms - but I don't like it, even though the trees are much smaller here.......
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Second tree of the day.... 120 foot twisted and leaning cottonwood.. POS.. I hate those frigg'in trees...

Cottonwoods (which ARE stringy, tough POS's) are one of the more exciting trees to fell because of their big HEAVY limbs sticking out in all directions. They can be tough to predict, and love to pirouette on the stump. Plus, those things are regular water tanks--I swear they hold enough water to supply an entire neighborhood.....and tough to split too.....

cutting hung up trees

We call that cutting fence posts up here in the northeast. real common in the tight white pine groves when thinning out the dead trees.
Hey Doctor, that bar looks nice! Looks like something I would do! LOL
Glad you and the saw are OK. The MS 361 seems to confer added safety benefits in addition to putting the oncologists out of business......

While you are digging out bar tips, might you have any spare older style Stihl tips like to fit the bar pictured below? (I can't seem to raise a response from Bryce on this one...) The tip on the bar is grooved below the level of the bar rails.

Some say it's phenomenal trailer decking wood... I know a couple local fellas use the bark to carve mountain men faces, etc.

You mean like this? Yes, I hate to see the bark wasted.
Could have been a lot worse. I'm glad only the tip got bent and you weren't hurt. Good luck all around.

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Slash cutting.... RB in action...



Damb thing is stuck...

Needs little goosing with the saw to let go...

Holy sh?t.... Roger's pretty fast for an old guy... nearly bought the farm... note the saw still in the cut...
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Missed him... just.... Note the discarded husky... ;)

Roder takes a short break to contemplate... Crap happens to the best now and then...

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