One thing I'd like to point out...

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You guys do know that without fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the environment you wouldn't be able to cut and burn your inferior wood right? Quit living in the 1800's hippies, it's time to burn gas and get with the times.

I think you are a flaming idiot, I know you are a troll, but I am going to respond anyway.

At what point prior to about 500 years ago was the burning of fossil fuels commonplace? Nobody was mining coal, drilling for oil, burning natural gas, or had even thought about petroleum derivatives such as propane or diesel. So if nobody was using what you appear to define as fossil fuels, then we must not have had any trees on this planet prior to the 'discovery' and common use of 'fossil fuels'. Additionally - I think you have carbon MONoxide and carbon DIoxide mixed up. And both have been a substantial part of the atmosphere since the dawn of time - volcanoes and forest fires come to mind.

And when we're all run out of oil reserves and natural gas and coal, we will be back to burning wood, and maybe by that time we'll have found something clean and affordable to replace it all anyway - solar, wind, hydro or even fusion.
Hes gotta be one of those guys that surfs around forums and makes comments to ignight replies. Looks educated enough to use emotive language but not smart enough to hide his real motive; getting off by "making daddy mad".
I think you got his number straightgrain. I do have to wonder how much gravity this muslim idiot thinks we put on his drivel though.

Nearest gas around here is 400 mi. north or south.
Now what do I do? $3 a gallon propane is not an option.:jawdrop:
In our neck of the woods it was not oil that saved the forest for my exploitation it was cotton. New Hampshire was 84% pasture for the couple of million sheep, cheap southern cotton came around and sheep and wool were not needed (well maybe for luvin for some). Todays news Prince Alwaleed,a Saudi worth $16.3 billion, I think I will cut another cord.

WE did that the other day. Fresh Black Krim maters' with Mozzerella and fresh from the planter Basil, and the Cousins Hyper sweet grown in Horse poop Bi-color corn, and a couple slices of Smoked pork loin on the side.

I gain 10lbs this time of year in preperation for hibernation.:hmm3grin2orange:
Between the garden and slaughter time, this is the best time of the year.;)

Stay safe!

OH Boy! Gotta love the black krims!!! This my first year growing them and it definitely wont be the last!! What a tomato!

Oh and theres definitley not a shortage of sweetcorn in Nebraska:clap:
started ribs at 10am , dry rubbed last night, at the 4 hour point I added apple chips to the charcoal . Son Pat just returned from the farm on the ridge with corn mmm starting corn and rice pilaf now
later tater
ice cold Sammy applied internally thru out the process
i'm working on a filter that will catch the THC.

them i am going to bottle is and sell it as a saald dressing to the Canadians and French.i will donate all the profits to the children of liberals for thought reconstruction.
You guys do know that without fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the environment you wouldn't be able to cut and burn your inferior wood right? Quit living in the 1800's hippies, it's time to burn gas and get with the times.

I burn wood because I have 400 acres of overgrown forest. When I remove the dead and dying trees, I'm reducing the fire danger. Those dead and dying trees will emit the same amount of CO2 in decomposition, as compared to when I burn them. The CO2 in Natural gas was sequestered underground and would have stayed there if it weren't mined. The transportation of natural gas also results in CO2 emissions. For me it's cheaper and better for the environment to burn local deadfall.:chainsaw::chainsaw:
What is it about burning wood that satisfies you? I'm willing to accept that it's a hobby, that makes sense to me, but I'm more aiming at the people who claim that it is actually an better alternative than gas.

1. It's carbon neutral
2. It's a renewable resource (as in renewable in my lifetime)
3. Radiant heat feels so much better.
4. The gas company gave me a discount for reducing my gas usage (which would not have been possible without wood or paying out the wazoo for electric)
5. The price for my fuel is my willingness to scrounge for it.
6. Trolls taste better when roasted on a smokey fire than on a gas appliance.
I burn wood because I have 400 acres of overgrown forest. When I remove the dead and dying trees, I'm reducing the fire danger. Those dead and dying trees will emit the same amount of CO2 in decomposition, as compared to when I burn them. The CO2 in Natural gas was sequestered underground and would have stayed there if it weren't mined. The transportation of natural gas also results in CO2 emissions. For me it's cheaper and better for the environment to burn local deadfall.:chainsaw::chainsaw:
You need some help with that? Any oak?
I dont think Ahab the arab realizes that wood burning is carbon neutral and is a renewable resource ,most uneducated people dont understand this.we will run out of oil before we run out of trees and last i checked nobody wants to wipe their arse with plastic so it seems wood is pretty useful stuff.
I dont think Ahab the arab realizes that wood burning is carbon neutral and is a renewable resource ,most uneducated people dont understand this.we will run out of oil before we run out of trees and last i checked nobody wants to wipe their arse with plastic so it seems wood is pretty useful stuff.


Trees grow everyday when was the last time another drop of oil was made

i support global warming every time my Javelin moves or fire up my chainsaw :chainsaw:
I really was planning on dissecting each one of these 'points' that have been made in the past couple days, then I realized it's not going to change anyone's mind and we just have a fundamental difference of opinion. Like I stated before I can understand cutting and burning wood as a hobby, I'll also concede that I can see how for some people in rural areas this makes sense. What I can't concede is that burning wood is a viable option for 95% of the population when gas is so superior in many ways. If you can't see how gas is superior you've already lost the plot and just don't get it.

I really can't stand the elitest attitude some of you have about burning wood.
I really was planning on dissecting each one of these 'points' that have been made in the past couple days, then I realized it's not going to change anyone's mind and we just have a fundamental difference of opinion. Like I stated before I can understand cutting and burning wood as a hobby, I'll also concede that I can see how for some people in rural areas this makes sense. What I can't concede is that burning wood is a viable option for 95% of the population when gas is so superior in many ways. If you can't see how gas is superior you've already lost the plot and just don't get it.

I really can't stand the elitest attitude some of you have about burning wood.

What I can not understand Is WHY you whould post on a forum that deals with wood burning. The people here all enjoy burning wood . Then you come along And say how gas is better. We don't want to here about it. So please Quit stirring the pot because we don't want to here about it.


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