Stihlmans Wood,Tree cutting ramblings...........

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Poor lady, but she's not the only one thats for sure.

Talking about fire lights - I got an electric one for my birthday. It works kinda like a very hot hair dryer - point it at wood or charcoal for 60 secs and it burns right away. No smelly fire lighters required. Those Swedes have some interesting inventions sometimes...

Sheesh, whatever happened to some scrunched up newspaper, some sticks, twigs, bark and kindling, add match and enjoy a roaring fire ? :rolleyes:

Hexamine is bloody fantastic though :D
I take it you guys have nothing over there that is similar to our "fat lighter", "heart pine", or just "lighter".

I assume you know what that is but in case you dont, its old growth pine that has died and cured and the resin is kind of petrified and very very flammable. Besides that it burns for a while considering how flammable it is. Probably the hardest wood we have here that I know of.
I take it you guys have nothing over there that is similar to our "fat lighter", "heart pine", or just "lighter".

I assume you know what that is but in case you dont, its old growth pine that has died and cured and the resin is kind of petrified and very very flammable. Besides that it burns for a while considering how flammable it is. Probably the hardest wood we have here that I know of.

Never heard of it.

All we seem to have is all Hexy based stuff.
'Little Lucifers' and 'Jiffy' are favourite brands, oh, and the no-name ones too :D
Never heard of it.

All we seem to have is all Hexy based stuff.
'Little Lucifers' and 'Jiffy' are favourite brands, oh, and the no-name ones too :D

This isnt something you buy, you gota find it in the woods.
For kindling i bring home pin logs and when im running in,testing saws chains i do afew noodle cuts then cut cookys instant easy lighting pine chip like shape kindling.:msp_smile:
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The really pro (read: conscientious) firewood suppliers supply some kindling with every load for little old ladies :p

That'd be Andrew then :D

Actually it's nearly a no win situation. You bring too much small stuff and they whinge and if it's too big they whinge.
In the end you just supply medium sized stuff knowing that they'll chew through it twice as fast :)
All of the local firewood suppliers split their Redgum into tiny little bits that are nearly laughable.
Matt sounds like you been there done that as well.
Its unreall what some of them come out with,i have been cutting old second hand clean Redgum,Yellowbox fence post,na dont wont them they are to dry,WTF.
Matt sounds like you been there done that as well.
Its unreall what some of them come out with,i have been cutting old second hand clean Redgum,Yellowbox fence post,na dont wont them they are to dry,WTF.

Yeah mate been there. I pretty well only sell firewood to people I know now. I don't have the time to cut heaps and couldn't be arsed arguing with customers.
We have a local firewood flogger who is advertising the "perfect moisture content" firewood. Not sure when NASA type science came into firewood cutting (seeing that most of the local firewood guys have IQ's that are borderline retarded) but last time I looked if it burns it's fine.
I see kindling is where the money is at - $12 for 5kgs... which works out to $2400/tonne. Not bad bad I would say, you just need a machine to split it nice and fine. Stuff doing it with and axe :msp_ohmy:
Poor lady, but she's not the only one thats for sure.

Talking about fire lights - I got an electric one for my birthday. It works kinda like a very hot hair dryer - point it at wood or charcoal for 60 secs and it burns right away. No smelly fire lighters required. Those Swedes have some interesting inventions sometimes...

i make mine from candle wax and saw dust they work a treat
lighting fires for warmth is not something I do anymore since I moved into the tropics, now I only do it so I can turn up in my CFA suit and to get on the news.

I'm bull####ing

As a kid it was a chore to go and collect bags full of old dry pine cones from under the pines planted as wind brakes around the farm on the little TE20 grey fregie.

mostly we burnt coal briquettes in the old stove and the lounge fireplace

so news paper and pine cones were used to start them up and briquettes added one you had enough pine cones on the go.
lighting fires for warmth is not something I do anymore since I moved into the tropics, now I only do it so I can turn up in my CFA suit and to get on the news.

I'm bull####ing

Sure David.... ;)

One of the girls who just completed her basic firefighter course here has her gear packed and ready to go at the slightest opportunity, she's so excited she keeps asking for someone to ring her straight away...:msp_scared: (she obviously doesn't have a pager)

I commented to another brigade member that we better keep an eye on her, I'd never picked Bec as a pyro :laugh: