Things looking up...and down

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Feb 27, 2002
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se washington
Weather looks good for the next 7 days - Get some progress on the splitting arrears (around 3 cord locust to be done)


Those rounds near the camera are unsplit locust holding up one end of my ricks of split locust.

Wife improving - getting around well with walker and able to care for herself. No more seizures after the first two (medication took care of it). Got to get her hooked up with one of those "panic buttons" to call for help if something happens when I am gone. Looks like I can go back to killing trees again.

The down side? My pasture has sprung a leak. A small spring (seepage) started a couple weeks ago and has grown every day since. Today I have an acre of swamp out there with the flow going right through the pasture gate so I can't get in with the truck. I have been here for 33 years and that never happened before. It should dry up when out normal dry season hits. I THINK I can still get to one end of the 'arrears' stacks with the lawn tractor and cart.


I inspected today. The entire pasture except for corner over at the far right and the area up around my already processed wood (upper left area) is now swamp. Can't even get to the 'arrears' pile without walking in an inch of water. All that water coming through the gate is the outflow. I have never seen that before except during a frog strangler of a rain.

I was looking forward to putting down another locust this weekend but I couldn't dump...well, I _could_ dump it alongside the drive if someone can figure out how I can make it look like it isn't there when she sees it ;)

Harry K
Well Harry, at least there won't be a forest fire threat where you are - #1, it's too wet, and #2, you've pretty much cut all the trees that were left - :)

Sorry Harry But I had to laugh as I was agreeing with him..
Turnkeys user name should be tree sniper..
Well Harry, at least there won't be a forest fire threat where you are - #1, it's too wet, and #2, you've pretty much cut all the trees that were left - :)

Heh! I planted all the trees showing in those shots...also, lots more. I have even begun cutting _those_ down. Chainsaws must have fodder or they sulk :).

Harry K