this guy scares me

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Heck 95% of people don't even own a saw.
But I can round file a pretty mean 63pm3 dam near less than a hour it will blow thru 4 inch limb. No racing for me tho I got a no compete clause in my contract. Or I would kick some butt.

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You can tell it's the holiday season.......can't you ??

I've always done ok hand filing but I got one of those new 2 in 1 hand filers and they work pretty good once you get used to them .

guys do run my chains here, i'm just not gonna ship one thousands of miles away for a race i have absolutely no interest in that could very well be rigged by you guys anyways. what's the point. many guys here try my chains after running there round filed and can't believe it. i even got one buddy trying to square file now. if your not willing to put up sending a chain yourself when it was your suggestion then maybe you shouldn't be making these suggestions. just sayin'. of course, you only want your chain run where it is protected with your guys own rigged BS.
You don't really think anyone actually believes you at this point, do you?
Ya big chicken..
Cupcake (westcoaster90) can't hand file worth a damn and reading his excuses as to why now that's funny! LMAO.... Talk is cheap cupcakes even on the internet!...

Put up or shut up I think the saying goes, does he even realize he has zero credibility left? yet dig the hole deeper he does :laughing:....

You don't really think anyone actually believes you at this point, do you?
Ya big chicken..

Anyone can rub a chain with a file and make a tooth look decent. It's balancing out a chain 95% have a problem with which is where the filed incorrectly part comes in. If you really want to get picky a can see that cull mopar can't even meet his corner lol. ever have a cut wander? In your 20" wood? Imagine how much that same chain will wander in a 7' log. I have to know how to make a chain cut and cut arrow straight otherwise I would fail. There are chains that will seem to cut straight in 20" wood but then put them in even 5' wood and they are doing a banana cut. I don't need people to believe me. I've gotten a few PM's about this thread. If you didn't notice, go see how many likes I got on my original post before you fired up all the BS. You guys wanna race then race, I have not the slightest bit of interest in that. I'm done with this thread.
Anyone can rub a chain with a file and make a tooth look decent. It's balancing out a chain 95% have a problem with which is where the filed incorrectly part comes in. If you really want to get picky a can see that cull mopar can't even meet his corner lol. ever have a cut wander? In your 20" wood? Imagine how much that same chain will wander in a 7' log. I have to know how to make a chain cut and cut arrow straight otherwise I would fail. There are chains that will seem to cut straight in 20" wood but then put them in even 5' wood and they are doing a banana cut. I don't need people to believe me. I've gotten a few PM's about this thread. If you didn't notice, go see how many likes I got on my original post before you fired up all the BS. You guys wanna race then race, I have not the slightest bit of interest in that. I'm done with this thread.
Your skin is showing ............. its so yellow it is just about orange
Anyone can rub a chain with a file and make a tooth look decent. It's balancing out a chain 95% have a problem with which is where the filed incorrectly part comes in. If you really want to get picky a can see that cull mopar can't even meet his corner lol. ever have a cut wander? In your 20" wood? Imagine how much that same chain will wander in a 7' log. I have to know how to make a chain cut and cut arrow straight otherwise I would fail. There are chains that will seem to cut straight in 20" wood but then put them in even 5' wood and they are doing a banana cut. I don't need people to believe me. I've gotten a few PM's about this thread. If you didn't notice, go see how many likes I got on my original post before you fired up all the BS. You guys wanna race then race, I have not the slightest bit of interest in that. I'm done with this thread.
Pics of this "big wood" you refer too??

On second thought...

Don't do that..

Anyone can rub a chain with a file and make a tooth look decent. It's balancing out a chain 95% have a problem with which is where the filed incorrectly part comes in. If you really want to get picky a can see that cull mopar can't even meet his corner lol. ever have a cut wander? In your 20" wood? Imagine how much that same chain will wander in a 7' log. I have to know how to make a chain cut and cut arrow straight otherwise I would fail. There are chains that will seem to cut straight in 20" wood but then put them in even 5' wood and they are doing a banana cut. I don't need people to believe me. I've gotten a few PM's about this thread. If you didn't notice, go see how many likes I got on my original post before you fired up all the BS. You guys wanna race then race, I have not the slightest bit of interest in that. I'm done with this thread.

You got issues hey mate for real you do know the world can read your verbal diarrhea?...Just because you lack passion in life and excel at nothing well apart from over eating by the looks of it?.... This I'm a GOD way of thinking you have is only in your own head yeah? I don't claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed but theses so called firewood hacks/culls your words not mine are talking to you like they would a 5 year old and your receptive to that so really who's the dumb ass here?.. For real when you get help to stand and head bush occasionally and walk past a 60 year old stump do you actually say to yourself got me cuts lined up on that one! I fear you do?o_O...You are doing nothing new K walking in the same footsteps as thousands of men before you but big difference from them to you they were men not boys! yet in your crazy way of thinking you are better than any man to walk this earth? one word sums you up delusional!
You need to take a leaf out of westboastfaller's book he's a fit hard working man with a passion to be the best he can in all aspects of his job,not some whiny ass kid trying to bring people down to make himself feel better......
This is all you need to do.

"Always wear safety glasses..." when hand filing a saw chain?
They must file really quick if there is potential risk of getting filing chips into the eyes!

Huh, proof that You learn as long as You are alive I guess.

I'm asking for it as I don't even wear gloves while filing.
Getting cut once or twice ensures me that the chain is actually sharp. ;)
You got issues hey mate for real you do know the world can read your verbal diarrhea?...Just because you lack passion in life and excel at nothing well apart from over eating by the looks of it?.... This I'm a GOD way of thinking you have is only in your own head yeah?.. For real when you get help to stand and head bush occasionally and walk past a 60 year old stump do you actually say to yourself got me cuts lined up on that one! I fear you do?o_O...You are doing nothing new K walking in the same footsteps as thousands of men before you but big difference from them to you they were men not boys! yet in your crazy way of thinking you are better than any man to walk this earth? one word sums you up delusional!
You need to take a leaf out of westboastfaller's book he's a fit hard working man with a passion to be the best he can in all aspects of his job,not some whiny ass kid trying to bring people down to make himself feel better? no wait thats you! lol......

i have respect for every guy i work with. guess what would happen if i didn't? i'd be gone so fast i wouldn't even make it out to the woods. you don't even know a little bit about what you are talking about. i've talked to westboastfaller on the phone many times and he has given me sound advice. i suppose your the clown standing on the log in your avatar? with your bar on your POS pointing out in front of you? what about that butt. how long did you pound wedges to get that one over? looks like you cut it off on one side.. yer a goof rogue and you always will be a goof. i'm just wondering how you can tell what kind of shape a guy is all weighed down by his gear? have you seen some of the fallers state side? lol a guy can be as hard working as he wants if he flies by night he's nothing (not talking about Jamie). to many guys like that around here. i don't know why you think i think i'm a god. you probably don't understand anything i'm talking about. all i ever see you post is a bunch of BS replying to me or floating the 661's boat. no actual knowledge at all. you seem to assume alot of things, you wouldn't last long where i come from.

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