Which of these Solo 681s looks fastest and strongest?

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Which of these Solo 681s looks fastest?

  • Saw #1

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • Saw #2

    Votes: 27 71.1%

  • Total voters
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No one said anything about crack man. I wasn't the first to post gangster rappers anyway..

to me it's better than screaming white people hitting .900 gauge strings with a lead pipe,(death metal)

Listen to that song, that's exactly what he's talking about as if it were fashionable.
Deftones is a lot closer to the music I listen to. 5FDP and drowning pool here lately. Three Days Grace is always good.

Hell yes....my kind of people......5 finger death punch is the schit!!! Bullet for my valentine is too.:rock::chainsawguy::rockn:
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As long as you understand im not on your thread starting crap....i joined the crowd that posted dumb things to lighten stuff up a bit. The next time your ohio chainsaw posse has a gtg...I would be so interested in seeing a modern ported saw run...(hint..hint).
Have you ever heard of a saw builder by the name of Mike Overly..from greenfield, ohio? Hes doesnt ever get on here, but he builds race specific saws...not to keen on newer saws....he likes his westbends and mac kart saws.....but he would also be interested in coming to a ohio gtg. I have no idea why he isnt on youtube...he goes to races all over the tri-state...and belongs to some sort of race club.

i can tell you why he is not on youtube. because he is not a showboat,showoff,look-at-me,mine-is-the-best,P.O.S. just because people dont show pics,make videos,or take this forum into their home everytime they think someone cares,doesn't mean they are not any good. for me,and many others it means they are happy with what they are doing,and do not really care what everyone else thinks.
here's some bullet for my valentine

Brad calls Eric out and then backs Waaaaaaaay off and Eric responds with doing a build with same bar and chain, then all the sudden Brad doesn't want any part of it....Chicken **** if you ask me, If I call Brad out I'm more than willing to back it up, that is more than I can say for him!

I didn't back off of anything. Let me put my 681 topend back on the 681 and tune the ignition timing and carb, then run it against a bone stock 681. I've never once said I could build a faster saw than Eric Copesey, so quit lying and saying I did.

Why don't one of you time the vids I posted of my 681 against the 7900, and then ECs 681 against the same 7900.
Cant we all just get along!!!

c'mon guys lets let by gones be by gones and enjoy all the different music this thread has brought about.....rap, country, country rap(theres a new one...i kinda like big smo), and metal/rock. If anything this thread has brought people together. Infact I cant remember what this thread was about....lets all try to get along...please!!
Graph time!

You knew this was coming.

The word "significant" gets tossed around a lot, but for some, it has a specific meaning. It means that based on the existing variation in measurements, you are more than 95% confident that the differences you observe are real.

I looked at 'chucker's vids, and timed the cuts. I measured each cut 4 times, and tossed out the outlier, so the time for each cut is the average of 3 measurements of that cut time.

There were 6 cuts with the Copsey cylinder, and only 3 for Brad's. Not a huge problem, except that the cuts kept getting faster with the Copsey cylinder:


So, to do the analysis, I only used the first 3 cuts from each video. The results are that the saw with Copsey's cylinder had significantly faster cut times for the first 3 cuts. Not just at the 95% confidence level, but at a confidence level in excess of 99%. I added the average of all 6 cuts with the Copsey cylinder just for comparison.


Now the caveats. As was noted, the bars, chains, and condition of the wood were different. The differences, at first blush, would not seem to favor the saw in the second video, but because of the different conditions of the cut, it is not appropriate to say that the differences observed are due to the cylinders alone.

I didn't back off of anything. Let me put my 681 topend back on the 681 and tune the ignition timing and carb, then run it against a bone stock 681. I've never once said I could build a faster saw than Eric Copesey, so quit lying and saying I did.

Why don't one of you time the vids I posted of my 681 against the 7900, and then ECs 681 against the same 7900.


Here we go again. "I never said mine was faster...now show the videos that show mine is faster!"
I certainly have no dog is this fight, but this type post has no business being played out in public on AS. It's becoming all too common. Is it SBW instead of AS, SBW standing for saw builder's wars. Is there not room for more than one builder?
Brad you are your own worst enemy, when are you going too learn? I watched Weimiedog get hammered for "calling out another member" member recently. What in the hell was the purpose of this post? It looks like purposely dogging another member. You have made many valuable contributions to the sight, you have more knowledge about saws than I'll ever care to have, but these type self-serving post makes many member's forget that. I will say it publicly rather than in public rather than in pm's that as of late the post seem more like veiled self promotion of the saw building business than post of a contributory nature. I guess thats fine since your a sponsor, just call it what it is. I'll say I have more respect personally for TW's approach about his business. I've seen some sharp cats like Tommy Hall give you some sage advice but you just ignore it.
I would guess as that more than likely there would be a general consensus among most member's that lately there has been a degradation of the amount of respect they have for you. You talk of going to church and behave the way you do on here at times, it's not a way to witness to others. Day in day out I'm prolly not the best example either, as my swearing gets out of hand at times.
The pm that was posted hits it pretty close in my book. Although the 372XT thread was close to full disclosure it stopped short, I'd have posted pics of the inside of the cylinder, as through as you photograph and document post like the 261, I know you prolly took a photo of the inside of that cylinder. I've took apart enough car engines, failed B&S type engines and a yes a couple of failed saw engines to know with the looks of that piston there had to be damage to that jug.
Personally, I'd bought the guy a new saw ported it, since it did pay the tuition for you to learn how to do that model of saw, and took the blew up one documented a new jug piston, whatever else was replaced and sold it on the trading post, even if I lost a few bucks on the deal the replacement would have enhanced you position as a fair builder more then it cost you.
As many have told you when the piper comes calling don't whine when you have to pay up as your post and vids will hang your hiney, your way past the little guy like me or the average member with minor mods, even a ported saw or two, I'm sure your way over a 100 ported saws now, prolly closer to 200 that's some serious cash and way more than a "hobby".
I can tell you that no matter what you do in life there will always be someone better. Telling a guy his saw is not stock is no better than someone saying that your saw after porting was slower. What's the difference?
I will say in some vids it does appear that the saw is being lightly pushed, the 440 /460 top end saw vid comes to my mind, I may be way off on how that saw hold rpms but there isn't much of a change when it's in the wood and when you lift it.
Anyone who has run a saw at all knows there are tricks to making a saw look faster and stronger than it is to the unknowing onlooker, in fact did it myself last Sat to a couple of fairly new Echo lovers. They left thinking Stihl's were the first and last name in chainsaws.lol Hell, if I were in your position what do you have to lose doing a build off, you would prolly gain more respect even if you lost. What do you have to lose, I would either do it or quit talking up how fast my saw's were. So it's not race saw against race saw do sustained cutting for a full tank of fuel after a pre-determined number of timed cuts, just do your timed cuts and then go to the wood pile and run them until they run out of gas.
After the build off and saw off, both guys should then document their builds including photo's so average guys can learn a little. It could actually benefit the site. I've never has a fight with a guy that afterward I didn't have more respect for and usually become pretty good friends with them.
Again, maybe I have missed some post, but this one and several others lately have reeked of conceit, pride, self promotion and not a great reflection of a guy who goes and sits in a pew frequently, how you act is between you and the creator and I'm wrong for being judgemental. I really think your a better man than the guy on AS, prolly a really decent guy to be around. I know I think about my legacy more than most having a terminal illness, man life is short, today before I speak out, act on things I definetly try to think how those words or actions will be perceived down the road, really after I'm gone. How will they affect my kids, used too I'd be the first to tell someone to kiss my azz, go to hell, etc. I was knocking down close to 300k a year, had the world by the tail, had the title, the house, the vehicles, etc. thought I was pretty important, didn't give a **** what anyone else thought, I was it, a self made guy, knew it all. You know the Lord really blessed me when I got this little health problem, it took it too open my eyes on what was really important, God, Family, Friends and Health, the rest is all bullchit.
Your young, full of pizz and vinegar and are just a tad self centered imho, just make sure your the guy you want to be remember as when you look in the mirror every morning. Enough preaching. Go back to building and more importantly share as much knowledge to these newbs and old guys alike, theres no Lakeside any more. Ole Tommy needs to help these guys out on the technical side too, although I image he's tired of saws by the time he puts in eight hours, there's a ton of saw shop guys on here that could enhance this sight, I'm calling all of you out to make this site better by contributing your knowledge. It's been kind of dry as of late. Brad, this is not to offend, but had to get it off the chest, rather put it out there than other means.

That's an awesome response, with plenty for me to learn from.

About my 440/460, it ain't no joke. It really is just that strong.
I didn't back off of anything. Let me put my 681 topend back on the 681 and tune the ignition timing and carb, then run it against a bone stock 681. I've never once said I could build a faster saw than Eric Copesey, so quit lying and saying I did.

Why don't one of you time the vids I posted of my 681 against the 7900, and then ECs 681 against the same 7900.


You knew this was coming.

The word "significant" gets tossed around a lot, but for some, it has a specific meaning. It means that based on the existing variation in measurements, you are more than 95% confident that the differences you observe are real.

I looked at 'chucker's vids, and timed the cuts. I measured each cut 4 times, and tossed out the outlier, so the time for each cut is the average of 3 measurements of that cut time.

There were 6 cuts with the Copsey cylinder, and only 3 for Brad's. Not a huge problem, except that the cuts kept getting faster with the Copsey cylinder:


So, to do the analysis, I only used the first 3 cuts from each video. The results are that the saw with Copsey's cylinder had significantly faster cut times for the first 3 cuts. Not just at the 95% confidence level, but at a confidence level in excess of 99%. I added the average of all 6 cuts with the Copsey cylinder just for comparison.


Now the caveats. As was noted, the bars, chains, and condition of the wood were different. The differences, at first blush, would not seem to favor the saw in the second video, but because of the different conditions of the cut, it is not appropriate to say that the differences observed are due to the cylinders alone.


Here we go again. "I never said mine was faster...now show the videos that show mine is faster!"

Your graphs and times mean nothing. Different wood, different day...... You need to go back and analyze the vid I posted of the 681 against the 7900. Those are of the same saws in the same wood.
Your graphs and times mean nothing. Different wood, different day...... You need to go back and analyze the vid I posted of the 681 against the 7900. Those are of the same saws in the same wood.

Which says what, exactly, about the crap you started this thread with?
Room for more than one saw builder? Absolutely! You have never seen me have one problem with mature, confident men like Slingr and Timberwolf. Like I've said 100x, this has nothing to do with who can build the fastest saws. Some of you need to get that through your thick skulls. It has everything to do with EC. Ever consider he's ticked off people much worse than me, enough to make them hack and destroy Race Saws? Think about that for a minute! Right after the first time I beat several of his saws with my 260, he promptly flat out lied to another saw builder that I had said negative things about him. There wasn't an ounce of truth in it. He and his cronnies on Race Saws then out right canabalized me and EC banned me on Race Saws. What was their beef? They insecurely assumed that I was on RS learning to port for the purposes of coming back to AS to make money. That is 100% not true. I learned to port in my love for the hobby, and for no other reason. I'm on AS a sponsor, only because too many were asking for me to port their saws, and I didn't want to be banned. Of course, it's your decision whether to believe me or not. But it's the truth.

I was super upset over the RS lynching and banning, and let it affect me significantly for a year or so. About a year ago, I did my best to lay it to rest. Fast forward to this week. RS cames back as a brand new forum. I registered, but made no posts. The next morning I woke and found that EC had PMd me. It was nothing but attack after attack, just like it was when I was attacked and banned two years before.

So now you can understand why I have a beef with EC. I don't trust him any farther than I can throw him. For that reason alone, I would never enguage in any kind of build off with him. It would do nothing to settle this issue. That's the same childish mentality that thinks a fight proves something. Again, it has nothing to do with who can build the fastest saw.
I didn't back off of anything. Let me put my 681 topend back on the 681 and tune the ignition timing and carb, then run it against a bone stock 681. I've never once said I could build a faster saw than Eric Copesey, so quit lying and saying I did.

Why don't one of you time the vids I posted of my 681 against the 7900, and then ECs 681 against the same 7900.

Look at the title of the thread? Which of these Solo 681's looks faster and strongest? WTF does that mean exactly...to me it means you think in your brain that your 681 is faster because it revving with a lite hand... Who gives a ****!

Look at the vids chucker posted in the same wood months later with your 681 running a race chain, probably one of Eric's chains that you claim are seconds faster. Don't try and tell me that saw was faster, I seen the POS run a wkpoors, Bills 681 ran alot faster in the AM and you were so embarrassed you didn't even race it in the class when we raced, it sat on the tailgate.

You don't back down from running your mouth, but when you get called out you weasel away... DO the build Brad, show us what you have.

Before you start calling me a liar you better clean your closet really well.
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