You guys want the bad news first?

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He is Out! Doc said everything went well. No other damage that we didn't already know about. I get to see him in about 20 minutes. Thank God!!! He's the best :)

Thanks for all ur nice comments. I'm sure he will be posting soon. :)

Mrs. J

That's so good to hear. I'm sure he'll be getting a little spoiled the next few days:)
He is Out! Doc said everything went well. No other damage that we didn't already know about. I get to see him in about 20 minutes. Thank God!!! He's the best :)

Thanks for all ur nice comments. I'm sure he will be posting soon. :)

Mrs. J

I think Mrs. J is going to 'need' her own AS user name after this! Shes going to be the one using the saws and's all down hill from here!

Seriously, great to hear things went well!

Wiggs going to have a laptop in the H room?
Jeremy is doing fine guys. I just got off the phone with sounds like they have him on the good stuff. :laugh:
Wow... that sucks. I was going to give you a call today, but got busy. I hope everything goes well for ya, thoughts and prayers out to you.
Hopefully you got some turkey hunting in already. ;)
Well, looks like I'm not fooling with any more saws for a while. :(


That's a pic of my spinal cord and the disc that's nearly got it pinched shut.

Most of ya know I've been having back and neck problems for a couple years now, often dissapearing for a while, but coming back stronger each time. Well, we've found the culprit.

I meet with a neurosurgeon first thing tomorrow morning, and will most likely be in surgery before the weekend. The two doctors that looked the MRI over couldn't believe I was still able to walk....

Anyhoo, hopefully I'll be back in action soon. Doc said 6-8 weeks is the usual recovery time. I'll be sure to try to keep up with muh progress and such. The wife might post up a bit when I can't, so y'all be nice to her.


J, I'm so sorry to see this. I'm glad you found the culprit though. Guess you'll need to start sending all your saws to Teddy for work. Hope you get better. I'm sure the wife is takin good care of you.
Well..... That's done.

Doc said it was every bit as bad as it looked on the MRI, but was an easy breezy fix. I'm sore as crap, but amazingly alert. Kinda odd.

Sure do wish I had some chains to file or something. :laugh:
Well..... That's done.

Doc said it was every bit as bad as it looked on the MRI, but was an easy breezy fix. I'm sore as crap, but amazingly alert. Kinda odd.

Sure do wish I had some chains to file or something. :laugh:

Glad to hear your doing good. :rock:
Well..... That's done.

Doc said it was every bit as bad as it looked on the MRI, but was an easy breezy fix. I'm sore as crap, but amazingly alert. Kinda odd.

Sure do wish I had some chains to file or something. :laugh:

I wish I was closer. :hmm3grin2orange:
You keep pushing that med dripper and you will have one cutting and running like a charm real fast.Take it easy, and follow the docs orders.They have a way of testing your patience when they wake you up to give you a sleeping pill.Hang in there jeremy and forget saws for a while .We are all wishing you a speedy recovery and prayers sent to you and your family.if you need as much as your dog walked you had better let me know,would nt have it any other way.I am here my friend!!!!