Possible AS get together?

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ArboristSite Member
Nov 17, 2011
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This idea was posed to me by Brian VT. My family has a parcel of woods that I manage since I was the Forestry major, the total parcel comprises 20 acres, however the area of main concern is a 5 acre Sugarbush and approximatley another 3 acres adjoining it, within this area are also a few specialty projects that I am working on that require a large saw with a minimum 36" bar. within the sugarbush are many Hemlock and Sweet Birch along with some White Pine, Oak and a few Maples that need to come out. as of the last tally 3 years ago there was a total of about 100,000 bf to come out, alot of the Birch is firewood grade. Here's the proposal, come spend a day in the woods of Western MA playing with saws and any other equiptment you feel like bringing, I would get my sugarbush cleared out, and you all would get firewood, workable board feet lumber, etc. The location is 6 miles from the interstate and the sugarbush is accesible by 4x4 via old skid roads and there is also a small landing next to the road. Any interest in this idea?
Sounds like you're getting some free labor out of the deal. Nothing wrong with that, if you lived here I'd go for it simply because any excuse to cut wood is viable in my book.
I admit, I am getting free labor out of the deal, there's not much of a way around that, although I could provide food and end of the day beer (after saws are away of course) as my ma always said "never hurts to ask, worst they can say is no" lol
Food and beer is usually a fair trade for a little free labor. When I was a kid, we had a "barn raising" Amish-style for an old couple who lived down the road. They were in their late 80's and couldn't do physical work anymore and their barn had burned down. They still had 40 head of cattle and a few horses. It was a big social doings with smoked, fresh-caught salmon and homegrown beef and around 10 kegs of beer for 60 people or so.
...if you lived here I'd go for it simply because any excuse to cut wood is viable in my book.
That was my thinking.
He asked if I'd be willing to cut a few cookies off a 36" stump in trade for some firewood. I know it's frowned upon to be hauling firewood (and the bugs in it) very far but the rest of the info. he gave sounded like a good excuse to me for a GTG.
I'd drive down there to hang out with a bunch of you clowns for a day :msp_biggrin:, but not to just cut a few cookies and go home.
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sounds like a good time. No area for fresh cut salmon here, but beef chili and depending on luck venison could possibly be an option :)
That was my thinking. He asked if I'd be willing to cut a few cookies off a 36" stump in trade for some firewood. I know it's frowned upon to be hauling firewood (and the bugs in it) very far but the rest of the info. he gave sounded like a good excuse to me for a GTG.
I'd drive down there to hang out with a bunch of you clowns for a day :msp_biggrin:, but not to just cut a few cookies and go home.

The bugs issue is a present one, however they're not too concerned in my area of the state, unlike Central MA where the beetles are. The idea of a GTG sounded good to me just to possibly meet a few of the guys who have been helpful with advice for me, also as a chance to learn from some folks who know alot more than I do.
Being a western ma resident it sounds interesting...:smile2:
I'm all for a Western Mass GTG.

The only problem I have with it is that I moved to Montana for the winter. Don't think I'll be able to drive back.
Also, I had to sell my saw for cash, so besides being 2500 miles away I don't own a saw right now. The only good thing about it is my brother owns it now and not a stranger who will trash it.
Boy, I wish you were closer. It's close enough for a GTG, but hauling a cord of wood home would cost more in fuel than it would be worth :bang:.
I like the plan. What is your timeframe? Could snow ruin the plan?
I like the plan. What is your timeframe? Could snow ruin the plan?
Snow makes for cleaner logs ? :D
Is there a skidder or tractor on site or would we just buck them in the woods ?
Any big trees to fall or mostly normal stuff ? Is there much out there as far as hang-ups, etc., from storms ?
I'm definitely in on this one. Don't need to take anything home with me; just coming for a day in the woods and to meet a few new members. In addition to plenty of saws, I'll make a batch of my world renown chili to bring.

Any idea of a date for this event?
Don't have much of a timeframe, kinda figured Mid-Dec or Jan didnt realize there'd be this much interest lol it bein New England and all snow is a factor at all times, as for a tractor or skidder on site, there isn't one, might be able to borrow one but no guarantees, so bucking in the woods to a trucklength is probably the best bet for now. Not alot of big stuff, most of it is in the 14"-18" range but there are a few Hemlocks and Pines in the mid 20s range and at least 2 rock maples in the 30" range. If yall want to PM me with some ideas for dates I'll figure out some options and post em up
January seems better to me since it will be after Christmas and New Years etc. I'm tryin to convince a buddy of mine he wants to come hang out with us and bring his skidder with him :) well see how it goes, will keep everyone posted with plans as they get finalized
Depending where in western mass you are (Pm me) I am in westhampton. I have a 2wd tractor, but my trailer is too small to carry it.
If someone has a smaller 4wd Truck they can always skid them.
I can bring a splitter and trailer, and 3 saws (2 70cc Husqvarnas) I have some family issues right now (mom has cancer) so western mass is good for me.

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