Ropensaddle,s world Arkansas style

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Yup but I do have a video of the three machiteers lmfao. I really wish I could figure out how to upload it but my puter wont recognize my vid cam. I bid a job and the home owner even after being refereed hired three illegals that climbed barefoot no rope except for a ski rope to lower limbs the climber was bare foot no saddle no rope and definately no hard hat and used a machete to limb the removals. I vided the whole scene thinking I would be able to upload and found it impossible:cry:

You have to be kidding!
Yup but I do have a video of the three machiteers lmfao. I really wish I could figure out how to upload it but my puter wont recognize my vid cam. I bid a job and the home owner even after being refereed hired three illegals that climbed barefoot no rope except for a ski rope to lower limbs the climber was bare foot no saddle no rope and definately no hard hat and used a machete to limb the removals. I vided the whole scene thinking I would be able to upload and found it impossible:cry:

LMFAO! you have to get that vid on here. I did a prune job one time for a HO on a big oak, while I was there the HO came out and talked to me a bit. He show me the next door neighbors 70ft tall Hemlock. It was limbed all the way up and left about 20 feet of limbs on the top half of the tree. Every limb that was cut left a six inch stub. He said the HO hire a mexican to trim it. The mexican climbed up to the top with no rope or harness and cut each limb as he went leaving a stub so he would have something to stand as he climbed. Since he had no rope it was his only way down too. This tree looked hidious and it lean heavely over the HO's house. The Ho I did the work for emphasize the that mexican was a hell of a climber like a monkey.:monkey:
I just scheduled a job I will be using it on mid March four pines out hauled an stumps ground I got them yee ha! I followed the lead from the landscape supply and that 28 dollar load of soil got me a good gig lmfao:cheers: I put a trailer brake control in the silver fox and a tie rod I didn't like but really this one ton is in good shape just a few odds and ends and daily ready. It has not used any oil so that is great and it has new brakes too. I am prolly going to use the grapple next week too, if I remember cam I will take pics maybe even a little vid clip lol:monkey:
Ugly but usefull!

Great thread rope! "Beaver Brown, takes em down"
I am losing money on this job:cry:

Stump 1 the pro crew of mexicans cut lol


stump2 the same crew see the resemblance lmfao


grapple at work

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The tree behind the gate I will be doing for the neighbor.


Here is the fence they knocked down!


I think they moved the disaster crew out for a bit lol. The neighbor still has two trees they are supposed to come back and cut I will have to clean them up also. Then I will cut his other tree the large leaner. I have two to cut on the property I am on.
The losing part was I bid this clean-up but thought the logs where ready for the mill. I spent much time measuring and recutting and now have more junk to haul. I bid low to get work and now wish I hadn't because it is obvious the way they cut this they did not ever intend to clean it up. In all honesty it is backwards, I should be cutting and they should be chipping:hmm3grin2orange: I had to put on a steer tire first thing this mourning :cry: I felt a shimmy right before I reached the site yesterday at 300 pm and when I performed my pre-trip this mourning the side wall is separating good tread but bad side walls. I am going to put another new one on the other side it just hurts to lay down a thousand which is what the clean-up was charged at! I hauled 8.7 tons to the mill after they fixed the tire and moved remaining logs to the front in case of rain and got a very packed load of tops so hopefully I will dump in the mourning and get back and finish the load. They rutted this yard up it is a mess the lady said to not worry about them that she could just get dirt later. I told her I could do that as well so maybe I can recoup some of my expense there. I may not sell this ole grapple now that I am signed into the sawmill, I may start logging some to keep busy and put some money into the old girl lol.
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I hate bidding work for little old ladies, I always seem to go soft and then wish I hadn't but hey I am working and the two other trees will pay help and I may make 300.00 and two new steer tires, so all is not lost. The neighbors work I bid for a man, still cheap by my older standard but not dirt cheap. I bid it at 900.00!

There are four other stumps one actually looked better maybe a different cutter. I hope to get this clean-up done early and start climbing the other two trees it will be a delight to clean-up behind me again lmfao.
I am going to double my rates next time I clean up their work.
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I guess I hauled and then moved around twelve ton of logs and then loaded five ton of chunks and brush today after a late start and went home at 4. Here is a couple on the last logs in the bed of my truck.


The lady wants all these gone at some point so maybe I can do better next time. She has to save up the money and is not that well to do but it should be another round this summer and I will likely need it then too lol. I am going to explain it may be a little higher next time though. I had thought she was ready to do them all but I understand money concerns and gave her a substantial discount. The two trees I first bid are large and medium I bid them 900 for the both but they are bombers so should be fun climbers. I decided to climb them for cutting the cost of fuel. There is eight more I did not photo but we will see if she has me cut them or not.


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Nice rope.

The tall Pines remind me of GA. We don't have many around here.

You might be able to find a pulp wood guy to come haul them for free if you do a little searching.
The logs I hauled to the scales for timber and is to come off the cost of job:rolleyes: I will not do that again:buttkick: It looks like she will end up only about 500 out of pocket for 6 cleaned up trees. I really gave this lady a steal deal but thought all the other trees were coming soon and now she was worried about paying for this clean-up and the two trees I bid before the tornado crew of Mexican's made this mess lol. Oh well I have to think positive and stay happy it is my fault I am a sucker for the elderly. I do know what goes around comes around so you young whippersnappers better give ole rope a deal in twenty dern years ya hear me:monkey:
Hey, at least your working. Nothing wrong with giving the elderly a break. I've got a big one coming up for an elderly couple that I would be ashamed to say how little I'm doing it for. I'm working part of it out for an old 91 Dodge long bed. :crazy1:
Let me see if I have this right. You bid the job, she said "no" and got the tornado crew in there to drop it all and now you are there cleaning it up?
And the part about the log sale coming off the ticket is pretty bad but show me a guy who can stick it to an old lady...

There is this old widow who wanted me to TD these three poplar over her garden. I could go back to her to see if she still wants it done but I really would rather not. For one she just might say " Who the hell are you? I don't remember anything about it"

Then there was this old widow who wanted me to TD this ash cause she was afraid of it. I told her it was no worry ( and it wasn't) and to save her money. She had someone else do it.
Hey, at least your working. Nothing wrong with giving the elderly a break. I've got a big one coming up for an elderly couple that I would be ashamed to say how little I'm doing it for. I'm working part of it out for an old 91 Dodge long bed. :crazy1:

Yeah I just hope they know how much you save them is all. It really don't matter though if I am in the right spirit to give a discount I do and I feel good for doing it. If you live in a mansion your paying my price or get someone else. I like working for all classes but I have a hard time when a million dollar resident expects me to cut him a deal and I refuse and illegals do the work it infuriates me.
Let me see if I have this right. You bid the job, she said "no" and got the tornado crew in there to drop it all and now you are there cleaning it up?

No no no Dan, I told them to check with the power company on the close trees that they may cut them for free! They did cut them but told her they would not clean them up! I then came to clean up but thought the logs were cut correct and they were not and had to measure and cut the knots off to take to the mill. It takes a little time doing that. I am really not disappointed it is more cleaning up after the worst crew I have seen in twenty seven years. The limbs some were cut into two foot pieces and others thirty foot long and all fubared in with everything. It is four times the work to clean up after them than I.

In case you missed it Dan, this same crew fell one yesterday across the lines and on a house almost burning the house down as the primary and neutral was a foot away from the roof and saved the roof from considerably worse damage. So in two days a fence and a house I would like to follow them around a day or two with a camera lmfao:cheers:
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No no no Dan, I told them to check with the power company on the close trees that they may cut them for free! They did cut them but told her they would not clean them up! I then came to clean up but thought the logs were cut correct and they were not and had to measure and cut the knots off to take to the mill. It takes a little time doing that. I am really not disappointed it is more cleaning up after the worst crew I have seen in twenty seven years. The limbs some were cut into two foot pieces and others thirty foot long and all fubared in with everything. It is four times the work to clean up after them than I.

In case you missed it Dan, this same crew fell one yesterday across the lines and on a house almost burning the house down as the primary and neutral was a foot away from the roof and saved the roof from considerably worse damage. So in two days a fence and a house I would like to follow them around a day or two with a camera lmfao:cheers:

Oh yeah, I remeber that now.
Oh yeah, I remeber that now.

Oh thats better lol another thing where the log went through the fence there was around thirty foot of stick in the neighbors yard meaning the neighbor got very lucky as his house ain't too far from that fence:jawdrop: Did you see the angled backcuts?
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