looking to find insurance for wood shed/OWB

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i live just south of erie pa ,yes erie insurance is cheap in premiums compared to most insurance companies everyone loves their agent till they need them to fulfill their part of the bargain ! dont let that fool you as they will drop you real quick if they think they have to pay out or even think they may potentially need to pay out ,i know of several people in my area who went to court because erie wouldnt pay out claims and those individuals eventually won their cases .sadly insurance in general is a huge ripoff ,most of the insurers in my area seem to have the biggest houses and the fanciest cars but if you actually need their services or something taken care of they cant be bothered other than to take your payment ..oh they do call from time to time to give you a friendly reminder your premiums are likely going up the following month ,their books are chalk full of disclaimers for every minor detail unless its cleared with them and fits their specific descriptions .weather its the guy who answers the phone ,writes the policy or the claims officer who denies you ,they are basically one in the same in most peoples eyes ,atleast a used car salesman actually gives you something tangible for your money .if it were me i would schedule an appointment with your agent butter him up reason with him and show him what your intentions are and hopefully they wont make you jump through hoops but i wouldnt hold your breathe.unfortunatly often your almost further ahead to do like your great grandparents did and save your extra money in jar
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i live just south of erie pa ,yes erie insurance is cheap in premiums compared to most insurance companies everyone loves their agent till they need them to fulfill their part of the bargain ! dont let that fool you as they will drop you real quick if they think they have to pay out or even think they may potentially need to pay out ,i know of several people in my area who went to court because erie wouldnt pay out claims and those individuals eventually won their cases .sadly insurance in general is a huge ripoff ,most of the insurers in my area seem to have the biggest houses and the fanciest cars but if you actually need their services or something taken care of they cant be bothered other than to take your payment ..oh they do call from time to time to give you a friendly reminder your premiums are likely going up the following month ,their books are chalk full of disclaimers for every minor detail unless its cleared with them and fits their specific descriptions .weather its the guy who answers the phone ,writes the policy or the claims officer who denies you ,they are basically one in the same in most peoples eyes ,atleast a used car salesman actually gives you something tangible for your money .if it were me i would schedule an appointment with your agent butter him up reason with him and show him what your intentions are and hopefully they wont make you jump through hoops but i wouldnt hold your breathe.unfortunatly often your almost further ahead to do like your great grandparents did and save your extra money in jar

Sir you are full of horse dip, but I do agree with you about this worthless POC we call a president..
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Sir you are full of horse dip, but I do agree with you about this worthless POC we call a president..

"I can assure you that in 20 years of being an agent ...."

seems your previous statement explains everything ,of coarse you think its fair and worthwhile because your biased and your income depends on people purchasing polices from your company.i have had Erie insurance since 1998 i think that certainly entitles me to speak about my and my families experiences or maybe im wrong and you know more about my life experiances using their coverage than I do :laugh: well i gotta admit you definitely sound like a good salesman to me ;)
"I can assure you that in 20 years of being an agent ...."

seems your previous statement explains everything ,of coarse you think its fair and worthwhile because your biased and your income depends on people purchasing polices from your company.i have had Erie insurance since 1998 i think that certainly entitles me to speak about my and my families experiences or maybe im wrong and you know more about my life experiances using their coverage than I do :laugh: well i gotta admit you definitely sound like a good salesman to me ;)

I did not have time to fully respond to your prior statement as I had company last evening, but I will take the time this morning. Your posts reak of inexperience and a complete lack of understanding how an insurance policy works. An insurance policy is a contract. It has specific duties and spells out what is and is not covered.

Lets take your first point about companies dropping someone right after a loss or even before a loss. We positively CANNOT drop someone just because they had a loss. Insurance is all about risk management, just because you were issued a policy today is no guarantee that the company must keep you insured forever. If something regarding your situation has changed that presents an increase of hazard to the company they have the right to discontinue your policy. For example, you neglect to keep your roof in good repair, or sidewalks, or let junk accumulate around your house, or get a pit bull terrier dog. These are examples of risk that are unacceptable to an insurer. Was it the insurance companies fault you let your house fall into disrepair or got a dog that is an unacceptable risk? I do not think so.

Your second statement about going to court and the judgment going against the company is proof the company was wrong. Juries are always right huh? I suppose you believe OJ Simson was innocent too. Wait that was not about insurance. How about the classic case where a woman bought coffee at McDonalds at a drive thru, then proceeded to drive a car with the coffee between her legs and burned herself, think she was right. Or the idiot that used a lawnmower to trim his hedges by holding the lawnmower by the case and cutting his fingers off. Or the moron that bought a Winnebago and proceeded to drive down the highway, set the cruise control then gets out of the seat to make coffee because he thought the cruise was an auto pilot? These are all cases that a jury ruled against an insurer. I could go on and on.

There are a lot of jurors that cannot even spell insurance let alone determine coverage under a contract. Ever wonder why many insurance companies are afraid to go to court? There is your answer.

You also seem to resent that someone is a good business man and is successful. That seems to fly in the face of your feelings about Obama. He also seems to resent successful people.

As I stated and you pointed out I have been in the business for over 20 years. I have seen and heard people such as yourself many times, and WAY more often than not the company had MORE than sufficient reason to make the decision they did. There are ALWAYS two sides to every story. I guarantee there is more to your story than you are telling.

Just because you have been insured and some of your family is also insured by xyz company HARDLY makes you an expert on either insurance or the company. That is like saying I have driven cars for 20 years so I know all about the computer or the transmission or whatever.

You dislike insurance, fine don't buy it.
Storm, I have to give you credit for sticking up for your occupation. :)

There are a lot of good folks in the insurance business. My Grandfather sold life insurance for over 40 years, he was a fine man. There's probably a few 'good' insurance companies, but the industry as a whole is flawed (yes, there are crooks in the business). Part of the flaw though, are some of the people who use insurance. The dumb-asses who file claims for every little incident and or false claims. Have seen crooks on both sides of the desk :)

You are right about me. I do not believe in insurance and only use it where the law says I have to, such as for vehicles... I tend to take responsibility for my own actions. If I build or buy a house in a flood plain, it's my own fault. If I burn down my house, or wood shed, it also is my own fault and I'll deal with it.
If I burn down my house, or wood shed, it also is my own fault and I'll deal with it.

Congratulations to you for being able to take care of your own house if you burn it down. Most people can't just take care of it themselves if they loose the largest asset they have (other than their future earning power)
Congratulations to you for being able to take care of your own house if you burn it down. Most people can't just take care of it themselves if they loose the largest asset they have (other than their future earning power)
I do understand that. I'm not wealthy, am self employed and do not make a ton of money. But 22 years ago, I realized the best place to be is debt free. This should be the number one goal out there. Once debt free, I can take care of myself and my family and any unforeseen circumstances that pop up.

Part of my point is: I use my head and am careful not to burn my house down :)
Storm, I have to give you credit for sticking up for your occupation. :)

There are a lot of good folks in the insurance business. My Grandfather sold life insurance for over 40 years, he was a fine man. There's probably a few 'good' insurance companies, but the industry as a whole is flawed (yes, there are crooks in the business). Part of the flaw though, are some of the people who use insurance. The dumb-asses who file claims for every little incident and or false claims. Have seen crooks on both sides of the desk :)

You are right about me. I do not believe in insurance and only use it where the law says I have to, such as for vehicles... I tend to take responsibility for my own actions. If I build or buy a house in a flood plain, it's my own fault. If I burn down my house, or wood shed, it also is my own fault and I'll deal with it.

Sunfish, thanks for the thoughts. I respect your position. Certainly there have been injustices by insurance companies. I am an independent agent which means I represent several companies. In my 20+ years in the business, I can probably count on my 2 hands where I felt the company was out of line. And on those occasions I went to bat for my policyholder. I represent the company, I work for the policyholder.

That said I have to say, 99 percent of the time, if there is a problem, it is the policyholder that is being unreasonable, not the company. Thankfully most of my customers are good people, but we have a few...
Storm, an good independent agent can make all the difference...Rep to ya.

I'm done discussing insurance. Back to firewood, splitters, stoves an saws :cheers: