The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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I got two loads of Eucalyptus wood in today free. :smile2:



Third load coming to my house Cliff? LOL! I love Eucalyptus man that stuff is worth the extra, tough cutting, and splitting, as good as it burns. Heavy too first burned it last year, the new road yard I have been in fortunately Euc's come down in the storms, and end up in my wood pile:rock:
Montana is a different kind of cold. Went there all the time as a kid to see my family. Alway's wanted a white Christmas. I played in the snow for an hour or two, and then watched the snowflakes from inside, looking out the window, and enjoying a warm fire. Havre used to get weather like antartica. Man Sam, that takes a tough breed for that weather.
Pic of the boys shoveling out this morning. Truck shuffling. We got to go for a hike to get to the strip. Howdy Norm - Sam

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I worked in Billings in Jan but it sure wasn't cutting wood. you are a better man than me. I helped cut firewood for a church group to give to needy folks yesterday,it was about 38 when we started and about 50 when done . Oh yeah they were complaining about wind lol. A lot of senior guys helping though.
My late BIL was born and raised in Havre. Said he walked to school one time when it was -58. Must have been in the early to mid 1950's.
Sorry to hear about a passing Joe. He must have known my mom she was born, and raised there, and her whole family.
My late BIL was born and raised in Havre. Said he walked to school one time when it was -58. Must have been in the early to mid 1950's.

Folks on the Hi-Line are pretty's a cold SOB over there. Too cold for me.
I already know it's to cold for me. Must be alot more work logging in the snow. What time of year do you guy's usually get shut down in the wood's Sam? Certain month or time of year like around here?
I already know it's to cold for me. Must be alot more work logging in the snow. What time of year do you guy's usually get shut down in the wood's Sam? Certain month or time of year like around here?

We work straight through Norm, don't have to worry about getting mudded out with the yarders. Going on 3 years straight more or less for me at the moment. Hard living, but work is work - Sam
Wow, you guy's are a tough breed brother:clap: Yep work is work, and when I was younger, there was not a whole lot of it in Montana. Hats off to you Sam.:clap:
Helping our friend Steve, also the owner of one of our hunting ranche's, summer before last. Clear some madrone's. He was building a driveway to his ranch. After some hard cutting for the day, Jesus and I were pretty tire'd, but I aske'd my good buddy Jesus if, he thought he had enough energy to go for a evening deer hunt. I got a nice 3x3 buck.