Growing up with Redwood's. Truely God's country.

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I understand all too well, as I have travelled all across this great landmass we call North America I am in awe of what nature has provided for us. Some people see the wilderness as a frightful place due mostly to their inexperience with nature. For me it is my second home, my whole life has been full to the brim of outdoor wilderness adventures, with my witts and a few hand tools I can spend many days at a time out there just soaking up the atmosphere. It seems I never grow tired of it.
Could not agree with you more my friend! Your pictures are awesome too, you know me between cutting, running my dogs, etc. I see those gullies, streams, stumps and big trees, many times, and never enough. Thought it was cool I used to be in a hunting club in point arena, and Gualala. Ten thousand acres. Was lp, then Mendocino forest products. Eureka hill is the point arena side. Jerry beranek put some cutting from this side, in his high climbers and timber fallers book. Also said the mountain view road, was some of the most rugged country they fell timber in. Some of the trees fell end over end. My friends the Parmeters also logged up there. I used to explore all the time up there, loved it.
Pretty funny. We used to stop there and throw apples to the horse that was there a few years ago.
That was called Berry Glen, there was a small market and motel there, the Himalayan Blackberrys
ate it.

So that explains where the name "Berry Glen" came from for the new Berry Glen trail that they extended from there up the hill to connect with Lady Bird Johnson Grove's looped trail.
So that explains where the name "Berry Glen" came from for the new Berry Glen trail that they extended from there up the hill to connect with Lady Bird Johnson Grove's looped trail.

I first saw Berry Glen in June of 1964, I went to Crescent City with my Grandfather, what I remember
most about Berry Glen was the big Nehi sign in front.
101 was quite different back then, it was a 4 hour trip to Eureka from CC.
Awesome Bob! It never get's old does it! I don't care how many times I stop and admire trees, good ones or giants, one or many, it never gets old, and I can do it over and over. I never get tired of them.:msp_thumbsup:
Yup it's natural. But when you're parked by a nice OG, and your pickup has a bumpersticker that says TIMBER...THE RENEWABLE RESOURCE, and the back of the pickup is full of saws, tools, chokers, Timber Harvest Boundary ribbon,gas cans etc. and you're checking the tree height with an inclinometer and the Park Ranger drives by and comes to a screeching halt....well, it's a little hard to convince him that you're just a tourist and don't mean any harm.

Those guys don't have much of a sense of humor.
LOL! Nope they don't no humor at all LOL! Like scoping a deer just to look with your rifle, even though it's unloade LOL!:cool2:
I was almost arrested for possession of a weight on a cord, in a state park. That and I trod on shiny boots, blew Havatampa smoke in a short guy's face. I'm guessing turning my back to him when he was talking peeved him some. Jeeze, all I was doing was looking at trees.


Norm, High Rock is off the Ave, between Dyerville and Redcrest. I used to work at the Fire Camp
just up the hill from there.


They dredged gravel there, you can see the ladder way up in a tree, where they had a block, they climbed up to grease it and play with cable.

This was just below the grove, on the river bed. There is a hell of a hole at High Rock Bluff, saw a Sturgeon there that was maybe ten feet long.

My beater Honda
Love those pictures Randy. Dyerville got ya thanks. The beater honday, Will John parmeters dad, always got funny looks going down the road on his 350 honda, or his truimph. His dog terrible on the gas tank and front of the seat, pig hanging over the back rack, unloaded pistol on his side, rifle on his back LOL! He used to take those bikes timber falling in the summers at times too!:cool2: Jerry hope you are doing well my friend:rock:

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