my wife kills me

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I'm sorry to hear you lost him. Sounds like you were both lucky people. I hope you found someone since then. You sound like a great person and someone should be able to enjoy life with you.

My wife does ask, "Do we need it?" and in her head I belive she asks herself will it make me happy. I try to do the same for her. This year I got her big Christmas gift 1st out of the October budget (Ipad2 she loves it). Usually she gets every body else first and I have to scramble and scrape to get her something decent.

I use naproxen myself when needed. I have a pulled muscle or torn something in my rt outer forearm.

Nope, I've been alone since he died. I've been told I need to put myself out there n make myself available in order to meet someone. But I figure I'm just too wild n not attractive enough to be desirable to anyone. So everything I do, I do alone.

It sounds to me as though both you and your wife have a good healthy relationship too. These days I'm finding that to be rare, especially in the younger group.

With your arm, there is a type of bandage out there, I think they have it listed for tennis elbow, that applies pressure to the torn tendon until it's healed. I've used the same for my left outer forearm. (I'm left handed) though I found it to be too restricting. So I tossed the bandage aside and instead of limiting my activity with that arm, I gave it hell. So I either tore the tendon completely off or enough scar tissue developed to hold it in place. Either way, eventually the pain went away.
George Carlin's take on men and women-

Women are crazy! And men are stupid.

And women are crazy because men are stupid!

This may or may not apply in my marriage... :laugh:
...I figure I'm just too wild n not attractive enough to be desirable to anyone.

Heck, I'm attracted... some of us like our girls a little rough around the edges and a bit on the wild side.
Besides, beauty-queens are like Italian sports cars... sure, it's fun to take 'em out and open 'em up once in a while, but they're high maintenance, require constant attention, look like crap dirty, and ain't worth spit once ya' hook a wagon to 'em.
Heck, I'm attracted... some of us like our girls a little rough around the edges and a bit on the wild side.
Besides, beauty-queens are like Italian sports cars... sure, it's fun to take 'em out and open 'em up once in a while, but they're high maintenance, require constant attention, look like crap dirty, and ain't worth spit once ya' hook a wagon to 'em.

i can agree with that, the pretty girls are fun to look at and all but when you get past that they are a pain in the @$$ to deal with. you cant go ANYWHERE without at least a hours notice to shower, trim, fix hair, match clothes etc......and thats to the store. those short rides dont last.

nope, give me a girl with a nice smile that looks comfortable in a pair of jeans with a baseball cap. With some good morals and common sense we can ride through lifes bumps together. a little wild keeps it fun in the long run to!

learned some lessons with wife #1, doing much better with my lovely wife now.:rock:
Haven't y'all heard the stories about mountain women? We make country women look like high society! Speaking only for myself, I'm so rough around the edges, when I brush up against a living tree, all the bark falls off. N wild, I make a mountain lion look like a domestic cat. As for looks, I know I'm not the prettiest, but I am a sight better looking than some of the women around here. Some I swear look like butt ugly men in drag. :msp_scared: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being a beauty queen, I figure I'm about a 6 or 7, just slightly above average.

I don't wear a ball cap, but I do occasionally wear a leather cowboy hat if I'm going into town. Otherwise I use a rolled up bandanna tied in back to keep my hair in place whether I'm wrenching on my truck or motorcycle, clipping the lawn, hunting, or felling, limbing, bucking, n splitting rounds. Or when I'm out doing some other kind of work, be it remodeling or landscaping my property.

N if I want something done I do it myself. I have known some women who can't even change a light bulb themselves. Heck, if necessary I can rewire the entire house (to code) with outlets, switches, and of course light sockets. If I need to run 220 for certain appliances, no problem. Same for plumbing, whatever it takes.

N to get all gussied up just to go into town for provisions? Not a chance. I might shake off any excess dirt or wood chips, n if I'm greasy, i might wash up a bit, but my hands will still have grease under the nails and likely still be stained. The way I see it is I'm going to town for provisions or supplies, not win a beauty contest. If anyone looks down their noses at me for my appearance, I don't rightly care. (they're usually those snooty prissy ladies with fancy hair dew's n stuff. Good thing though, they tend to stay out of my way. :msp_smile: When I do get all gussied up, hear tell I clean up real nice.

Still, I'm not here to sell anyone on me or start some kind of romance thing. I'm just here to learn what I can and contribute where I can.

N if'n y'all are curious how I really look, I don't generally take pictures of myself though I did extract one from one of my security camera videos. It's poor quality at best but it shows me dragging a deer I shot across the yard to where I was going to gut n skin it. If y'all look by the arbor on the left side of the picture, just to the right of it is the second deer I shot. I took em both within a minute or two of each other.


See, I may not be all that repulsive, but I'm wilder than any ride y'all have ever been on.

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Nope, I've been alone since he died. I've been told I need to put myself out there n make myself available in order to meet someone. But I figure I'm just too wild n not attractive enough to be desirable to anyone. So everything I do, I do alone.

It sounds to me as though both you and your wife have a good healthy relationship too. These days I'm finding that to be rare, especially in the younger group.

With your arm, there is a type of bandage out there, I think they have it listed for tennis elbow, that applies pressure to the torn tendon until it's healed. I've used the same for my left outer forearm. (I'm left handed) though I found it to be too restricting. So I tossed the bandage aside and instead of limiting my activity with that arm, I gave it hell. So I either tore the tendon completely off or enough scar tissue developed to hold it in place. Either way, eventually the pain went away.

I hope it goes away my right arm is hurt and that strap works but it sucks.
When I do get all gussied up, hear tell I clean up real nice.

Still, I'm not here to sell anyone on me or start some kind of romance thing. I'm just here to learn what I can and contribute where I can.

N if'n y'all are curious how I really look, I don't generally take pictures of myself though I did extract one from one of my security camera videos. It's poor quality at best but it shows me dragging a deer I shot across the yard to where I was going to gut n skin it. If y'all look by the arbor on the left side of the picture, just to the right of it is the second deer I shot. I took em both within a minute or two of each other.


See, I may not be all that repulsive, but I'm wilder than any ride y'all have ever been on.


Good for you for being so independent. Sounds like you're a catch in the waiting for some lucky guy who can let you be you.

It will eventually heal, but it does take time. I don't recall how long it took mine or I'd be able to give you a rough estimate.

I will have to get one of these braces as I'm like you. I decided to just keep on working away the best I could and it kills me at the end of the day but on Monday it feels better. Hopefully the brace will give it enough support so I don't keep tear/damaging it. Should go see my Dr. but I don't want him to tell me I can't do XYZ because I will still do it:hmm3grin2orange:

Love that venison. The sons keep some in our freezer all year from the winter.
Good for you for being so independent. Sounds like you're a catch in the waiting for some lucky guy who can let you be you.

I will have to get one of these braces as I'm like you. I decided to just keep on working away the best I could and it kills me at the end of the day but on Monday it feels better. Hopefully the brace will give it enough support so I don't keep tear/damaging it. Should go see my Dr. but I don't want him to tell me I can't do XYZ because I will still do it:hmm3grin2orange:

Love that venison. The sons keep some in our freezer all year from the winter.

I rarely if ever listen to doctors. Stay in bed, don't do this, don't do that! And just who is going to be doing those things if I don't? Forget that! Do you really think my doctors would actually okay my felling trees, then limbing, bucking, and splitting the rounds? Shoot, they would likely not even want me to pick up a small round let alone swing an axe with my back the way it is. After my motorcycle wreck and the surgery on my back, they wanted to stick me in a nursing home. It took a lot of lying on my part to get them to let me go home. I lied through my teeth telling them I had someone to care for me 24/7. I didn't have a soul. They gave me a list of stuff for the caregivers to follow with a lot of don not let me do's and what they needed to do. :laugh: Once home, I was on my own. I changed the bandages and dressed the wounds. Even the ones on my back. Gotta love mirrors :) N if I wanted to eat, I had a choice, just lay there n starve or get up and fix something. The same for anything else that was necessary. I'll admit I was a mess there for a while, but I survived. N look at me now, I'm kicking it with gas! :D

The brace will help your arm, but as stihl023/5 said, it is uncomfortable as heck. If a doctor has you get one, he will likely tell you to limit your activities until the tendon mends. But with the pressure that bandage puts on the tendon I would think you would be okay. I only lasted maybe a few days with that thing and then instead of limiting my activity, I increased it to either make it or break it. I didn't care which. For you though, take care of things and let it heal. After all y'all have significant others that need you.

I love venison. It's a good lean meat and anything that calls for beef or pork, venison can be substituted. It makes a fine sausage and bologna too. N yep, I process the deer I shoot. To cut down on the gamey taste, I only do head shots. That way they don't have a chance to release the adrenaline with is a contributing factor. Plus it doesn't damage the meat. Another bonus is they drop on the spot. You don't have to go chasing after them until they collapse.

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