The "Not So Pro" discussion thread...of course Pros are welcome!

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Clint most times I toss my axe at the next tree to die, sometimes it even sticks (so far only when someone is looking...which is weird) I have a loop on my belt to pack it with but that seems to be more for the long walk in on a skid trail, carrying gas-oil, water, saw tends to take a whole bunch of hands, most of the stuff gets set somewhere more or less safe, but the axe goes with me to every tree. Stays at the stump while limbing and bucking, and tossed ahead to the next one.

you, may sometimes see folks carrying them in an aluminium basket type thing in the center of their back, not sure where to find one of them, seems a fair bit safer then swinging around in a hammer loop. Although I carry mine like that and its razor sharp, the only time I've cut myself with one (at least while logging...) was from a bounce back while pounding wedges, and I fall down alot... probably alot more then the rest of you...

y'all know I carry the stubby sledge. 8# 24" and yea it gets tossed tree to tree lol. orange paint makes um easy to find.
hey, I don't know if many the western guys around but I been playin with the block face lately and it works nice on the ugly beech here, real nice. one ? tho, do ya want the back cut to line up top bottom or center of that wide block?
gotta go cross the road, see yas later.

Line up with the top, so it can use the entire fiber column.

Block face in what I was calling beech. I block a lot, but for me it's cause after an hour of chasing and mismatching, I'll just bore the ****er out and be done.

Happy 2014 to allay'all! Took the wife out to a nice restaurant and stayed up past midnight for the first time in years. Credit card is tired from the workout
Woods Cr 0001_19.JPG Woods Cr 0001_22.JPG Woods Cr 0001_14.JPG It was very quiet this year. Only one boom last night. The big cop action of last June has quieted things down--they removed the meth sellers then.

I am pondering returning to the land of mossy poofy things and doing some trail clearing today. I will use my most dangerous saw, the Razor pruning saw. That's the little saw that seems to like to fall off things and impale itself in my hands. The wounds heal surprisingly fast. I was only out of fiddle playing for a couple of days.

Here are some pictures from Monday's walk in moss land. Note the classic vine maple springpole.:eek:
Great way to get u'r jaw wired (wahr'd) shut

Not to worry, I shall use the little cuts, not quite all the way through, to relieve the pressure. Learned that in saw certification class. That's a good thing.

I'll take some pictures if I go today. The sun is coming out and sometimes it makes it hard to go into the shady woods in the winter.
Look at this fine group of not so pros. Never thought to look here to find you goof balls. Hope everyone had a good new years. I will keep the "I have a potty mouth"'s to myself, haha.

Chity Avatar.

"I have a potty mouth" all you want Phil. U'r good people, and I am glad to have the other founding member of 3 Idiots Logging, LLC around. Clint started this thread a year ago here, and NQSHM moved it during the hack, where it has basically taken up permanent residence. It'd be nice to have rob and cat back over here until the server fix, I'd even welcome that grumpy foreigner back:D
Look at this fine group of not so pros. Never thought to look here to find you goof balls. Hope everyone had a good new years. I will keep the "I have a potty mouth"'s to myself, haha.

Chity Avatar.

How ya doing Chity! Good to see ya! Ya this was the "birth place" of the Not So Pros.