the all aussie dribble thread!

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get this ii'm in Vicroads in the que so take ma number its 30 speaker calls out number 2 too counter,, I look down and at my feet is the number 2 docket hmm ,,,should i calls again number 2 too counter ah what the hell i pick it up wander over & get served good as gold all sweet till i turn about and get dagger eyes from the sad mob still waiting in line meh my win i done nuthin wrong
Hey blokes from Vic, does anyone know Jim Odowd, axeman and axe maker / repairer from Victoria. If I could get a email or phone number it will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
oh what a day went out and got a load of red box ...... and realized it bloody well cost me $80 arrrrrrr crap
been put on the back burner as just after tax time he got real busy has bought 3 new CNC machines and put on 5 new

blokes just to keep up , so thats 10 CNC machines now.

can't wait for the next go slow i tell ya with just half that we can turn out a crap load in 3 days .
if it wasn't for the awsom power of the 1985 2.4LT toyota HILUX i would still have it :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

the hill detector,,,, I owned a 85 navara 2.5 diesel which went at 110 km all day if there was no head wind or the slightest uphill grade then it was 4th and flat to the floor....Used to go good ------------------------------------------------------ down hill.
Gee Matt, that's a fairly personal sort of question, and what about Julie's credibility suggesting she let him on for 80 bucks,,,, gee.
Next you will be asking was it for an hour or a half.....:oops::oops:

For 80 bucks I'd get her to do the lawns, ironing, vacuuming, and she could wash and polish the vehicles too. She'd have to pay me 800 bucks to check her box and I'd only give a visual assessment.

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