I got bit by something, not sure what

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Hey Zogger, Remember reading what Steve and I wrote about Ticks and Lyme’s, I'd be seeing a doctor if I was you. I still have my ups and downs from that tick bit and that was 5 years ago. Last year my dog and I were picking mushrooms in Mid Sept and my dog ended up with Anaplasmosis. One day were out in the woods and a day later she couldn’t lift her head let alone walk to go outside. I was smart enough to rush her to the vet and had started her with IV’s, the test results showed a tick born infection but there are so many types we didn’t really care because the IV and the pills knocked it out within a day or so.

If you are not feeling better by now, or think you have the flu in a day or so, get in to the Dr and start the pills. I wish I would have done that 5 years ago….
Spider bites affect people in many different ways. However the bite may or may not be related to the symptoms, could just have randomly happened at the same time. I too would advise a Dr visit, and if you absolutely aren't able to now, be sure to find a way if it gets worse again.
Your symptoms could be lyme, and there are also babesia & bartonella and other co-infections common with tick bites. Cat scratch fever is bartonella. You don't really know if the itching bite was the cause for sure.

These days we're treating lyme with Samento and Banderol, which you can order for yourself.
Zog, I'm an ol' redneck self medicating, herbal guy myself, but sometimes you need modern medicine. I've had Lyme twice. Both times my VA Doc jumped on it HARD AND FAST w antibiotics and no lingering effects. You notice anything coming back, GET UR AZZ TO THE DOC!!! I enjoy your post, hope to be reading them for a long time to come.
Zog, I'm an ol' redneck self medicating, herbal guy myself, but sometimes you need modern medicine. I've had Lyme twice. Both times my VA Doc jumped on it HARD AND FAST w antibiotics and no lingering effects. You notice anything coming back, GET UR AZZ TO THE DOC!!! I enjoy your post, hope to be reading them for a long time to come.
On that note I too try to avoid the Dr if possible. Self medicate but if things don't get better, get your azz in for a checkup. Unlike some of my friends I don't go in and ask for a "z-pack" at the first symtoms of an ailment because I want the medicine to work when I really need it. There is a problem with "super bugs" in this country now because people take antibiotics when not needed....not good.
how much does it cost to walk in and see a doc in the US anyway? We're pretty lucky up here - National Health Care (that I hardly ever use) - but it's darn nice to never have to give it a second thought when you break something or worse. Hand them my card and Bob's your Uncle. No one is going bankrupt because they get sick.
how much does it cost to walk in and see a doc in the US anyway? We're pretty lucky up here - National Health Care (that I hardly ever use) - but it's darn nice to never have to give it a second thought when you break something or worse. Hand them my card and Bob's your Uncle. No one is going bankrupt because they get sick.

You guys pay for health care through your personal income tax. This is Ontario's Health premium sheet (where my wife is from). Basically, two individuals making 50k each a year are taxed $1200 for the "free" health care not including supplementary coverage like dental which is not covered by health Canada. My plan via my employer for myself and my family (2 dependents) costs around $4800 a year. Of course, we don't have to wait a month or so to see a specialist like you guys do. That being said, health care down here certainly aint perfect nor cheap but Canadian health care certainly aint free or without problems of its own neither.

If you even think it's a spider bite get your butt to the doctor...fast. I waited too long on this one and it cost me some tissue and nerve damage. I was lucky to keep the hand.


If you even think it's a spider bite get your butt to the doctor...fast. I waited too long on this one and it cost me some tissue and nerve damage. I was lucky to keep the hand.

No, nothing like that this time. I did in the past have multiples of something like that, docs said it was staph aureus infections, most likely from getting cut while diving. Took a long time to get rid of it, still have sort of holes in the meat in my arm and thigh. Looked nasty like that plus it hurt like heck and just plain stunk.

I am significantly better today over one week ago, still have some joint pain and general weakness/tiredness but it is improving fast. The wound on my shoulder is healing rapidly as well. So, probably not a bad spider bite.

Do you know what species bit you?
Species? As near as we could figure it was a Hobo spider. There are very few Brown Recluse spiders in this area and the tox screens ruled out Black Widow. Or then again, maybe not.

LOL...it's rare around here to see a severe reaction to a spider bite. There were two teams of "spider people"...each from different universities...who spent most of their time arguing with each other about the type of spider and generally getting in the Doctor's way.

The general consensus, and the only thing that everybody agreed on, was that it was indeed a spider bite. They're probably still arguing about all the rest of it.
Species? As near as we could figure it was a Hobo spider. There are very few Brown Recluse spiders in this area and the tox screens ruled out Black Widow. Or then again, maybe not.

LOL...it's rare around here to see a severe reaction to a spider bite. There were two teams of "spider people"...each from different universities...who spent most of their time arguing with each other about the type of spider and generally getting in the Doctor's way.

The general consensus, and the only thing that everybody agreed on, was that it was indeed a spider bite. They're probably still arguing about all the rest of it.

Well, that was certainly a bucket of bad news, glad they were able to save your hand.
When you have an active life doing physical jobs like cutting trees or anything associated with a rural life, often around equipment, it usually involves a significant amount of danger. Of all the things you think about that could take you out, what usually seems to actually happen is something that seems trivial, like a bug bite. You dodge all the big dangerous stuff and some little bug lays you up.
You guys pay for health care through your personal income tax. This is Ontario's Health premium sheet (where my wife is from). Basically, two individuals making 50k each a year are taxed $1200 for the "free" health care not including supplementary coverage like dental which is not covered by health Canada. My plan via my employer for myself and my family (2 dependents) costs around $4800 a year. Of course, we don't have to wait a month or so to see a specialist like you guys do. That being said, health care down here certainly aint perfect nor cheap but Canadian health care certainly aint free or without problems of its own neither.

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Yup, we sure know it ain't perfect (wait times the biggie) and of course it is paid out of taxes - I don't know anyone who thinks it's free - it's just out of sight, out of mind and everyone kicks in which evidently helps lower costs overall. As for waiting on specialists, I think that's probably a good thing as it might cut down on abuse of the system - I see so many people that don't take care of themselves and then wonder why they get sick.

The one great thing about this system, when you are flat on your ass and need emergency care, you move to the front of the line pronto, and no one goes broke just trying to stay alive!

Best plan in my book is we all have to work more on prevention, and rely less on docs and meds.

Sorry Zogger for moving off topic. Hope you get full recovery.
Yup, we sure know it ain't perfect (wait times the biggie) and of course it is paid out of taxes - I don't know anyone who thinks it's free - it's just out of sight, out of mind and everyone kicks in which evidently helps lower costs overall. As for waiting on specialists, I think that's probably a good thing as it might cut down on abuse of the system - I see so many people that don't take care of themselves and then wonder why they get sick.

The one great thing about this system, when you are flat on your ass and need emergency care, you move to the front of the line pronto, and no one goes broke just trying to stay alive!

Best plan in my book is we all have to work more on prevention, and rely less on docs and meds.

Sorry Zogger for moving off topic. Hope you get full recovery.

Ya, thanks.

On topic, sideways, offtopic, meh, doesn't matter, the conversation flows as it does.

My *intent* was to try and explore different bugbites to see if anything else exotic might be out there. Between all of us, we must have been bitten by most everything.

Small bite, relatively fast onset of symptoms (if the two are related in my case, my guess is yes)

The bite wound* is healing up fast, about done, my symptoms are down to joint pain and general tiredness.

*I have always been very fast on wound healing with only a couple of exceptions.
No major bug bites here (knock on wood), but my daughter got a tick bite some years back and they sent it off to test for lyme disease, so we know doctors are concerned and on the lookout around here as well - daughter's tick came back negative.

"When is medical attention needed?

Most bites and stings are minor and can be treated at home. But you should seek medical attention if you experience the following symptoms":

Bad Bug pictures and their bites:

More contemplation with no data.

Perhaps..as I really think I had west nile before, perhaps I got it again, but because I had it before, I still retained some sort of at least partial immunity/immune response to it, so it wasn't as severe? Still sucky, but not as bad.
More contemplation with no data.

Perhaps..as I really think I had west nile before, perhaps I got it again, but because I had it before, I still retained some sort of at least partial immunity/immune response to it, so it wasn't as severe? Still sucky, but not as bad.

Maybe it's just old age creeping up on you?
Some symptoms sound like a black widow bite. They make the joints hurt bad. As long as it's getting better, and I hope it is, I wouldn't go to a doctor either. 9 out of 10 M.D.s wouldn't know what it was either and just give you a bunch of antibiotics.
Spider bites can present in about as many different ways as there are spiders. Keep it cleaned out and hopefully you will make a full recovery.I'd boil it with peroxide then put some antibiotic ointment available over the counter. Take some extra vitamins A,E,and C. Hope you get better soon.

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