PILTZ: Master HOT SAW builder (...not)

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361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
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The longbar PNW
Yah, that guy PILTZ has been busy on Ebay again. If you do not know who he is, he sells 40-60cc size Stihl "HOT" saws with really long low profile Canon bars on them with Stihl Picco PS loops. Like, MS180 saws with 28 inch bars and 8 pin rims. No other mods, just the long bars, big rims and loops. I mean, I like long PNW bars and all, but this guy is ridiculous. All he talks about is chain speed and has nothing to say about torque. Sad that, as power = torque x revs. He seems to think that power is all from chain speed alone and swears by it. In my world of engineering, longer bars require smaller rim drives for more torque and less speed. Otherwise the torque drops to a level that the chain and cutting resistance will just bog the saw. Apparently that does not happen in PILTZ land where the laws of physics do not apply. He advocates larger rims on longer bars. Say what? Never mind not needing an oil pump upgrade to keep those long bars wet, or that Picco bars are pretty thin and that length and thinness will create some real problems cutting in big wood. Hell, even my 026 with a 16 inch Picco B&C is pretty flexible. I also run that with a 7 pin rim at most.

Anyway, now he is writing 'expert' pearls of wisdom like, "Our favorite saw is the MS880 with 3/8 X 9 tooth sprocket on a 42 inch bar, we have 1000s of hours on that setup." or, "Big saws and short bars (Very Dangerous)", and We consider anything under 32 inches a short bar & anything under 24 very short. The guy is a complete douchebag, and I would love to see him come on this site and post this crap and get trashed, so of course he never will. Keep in mind that its fiction at best...

Oh, and a word from him about us arborists:

We get plenty of (experts) coming to our EBay store thinking they know something because they are an arborist and they insist on telling us how stupid we are, let me explain something; A good timber feller can fell more trees in a week then an arborist falls in a year. It takes an average timber feller 2 years to become proficient, (not an expert but proficient), an arborist will never gain that much chainsaw experience in 2 lifetimes.
you got some history with this guy or what?

No, he just gets more insane and more full of BS every time I see more of his stuff posted on Ebay. Some more outrageous pearls from Piltz:

Full chisel chain always cuts faster and last longer in every application period!!!

ALL outboard clutch saws should be considered obsolete antiques, don't make me say it twice.

You can't properly fell trees without big dogs

any saw CAN run any saw chain... ... any chain can be made to fit any saw... ...any saw can run any length bar

If the town you live in has a huge puke saw dealer you may want to consider buying puke saws

"We started selling chain saw products because we are painfully aware of how uneducated the general participant in this industry is, yes that includes the manufactures"

"Saw chain is not proprietary to any make or model of saw, that means any saw CAN run any saw chain. Regardless of whether it may or may not be advisable to do so any chain can be made to fit any saw."

This quote here we sees the uneducated manufacturers specify max lengths for their chains that this business advises exceeding. Not going to bother with the displacement ratings on the chain at this point.
Oh hey, on his 090 post (he has one up for $2,575 PHO) he says that the 090G is a useless turd of a saw:

For those who own or are thinking about buying an 090G Listen up good, those saws were made to run 1/2 pitch chain on 6 foot bars, the chain would weigh 4 pounds by itself and they needed a gear reduction to pull that chain thus the 090G was invented. IT IS USELESS for anything but a paper weight, it's clutch CAN'T be updated to make it useful. Don't buy an 090G for anything but parts for a regular 090 you have been warned!

You are probably just jealous, Scott, because Mr. Piltz is extra cool. Look at him, he just look like a ninja with his naked feet and posture :muscle:

He's obviously a great specialist! (or not...)
I do not have high blood pressure. Nor does Mr. Piltz really bother me any more. Its just that every time I log into Ebay and look at his stuff, the statements are longer than ever before and even more full of BS. It seems that he thinks that the more BS he posts, the more real it will become. As for posing shoeless with saws stuck into my deck, meh... I was into Aikido for about 4 years when I was younger. I am into guns for self defense now.

Here is some more insane crap he has for sale. He has these posted for a MS170/180 chainsaw (stab stab!). I cannot imagine a plastic engine case dealing with that kind of leverage. Imagine the torque from a long bar on a 170 with these PILTZ dawgs... snap!

piltz dawgs.jpg
They are good quotes , i am an arborist and the timber fallers i know drop more trees by lunchtime then i would in a year , obsessed with long bars and doesnt like gear drives :dizzy:
Here is some more insane crap he has for sale. He has these posted for a MS170/180 chainsaw (stab stab!). I cannot imagine a plastic engine case dealing with that kind of leverage. Imagine the torque from a long bar on a 170 with these PILTZ dawgs... snap!

View attachment 408160

Counterweight to re-balance the long bar? ;)
Oh, and a word from him about us arborists:

We get plenty of (experts) coming to our EBay store thinking they know something because they are an arborist and they insist on telling us how stupid we are, let me explain something; A good timber feller can fell more trees in a week then an arborist falls in a year. It takes an average timber feller 2 years to become proficient, (not an expert but proficient), an arborist will never gain that much chainsaw experience in 2 lifetimes.

Wow that is such a stupid statement that it is almost comical. No arguments here that a pro faller will get more timber on the ground quicker. It's a no brainer. They are cutting where the trees are selected for size and quality usually far away from peoples houses and properties, while an arborist is stuck removing trees usually with defects or damage that are over houses, gardens and other items of value. We don't do many detailing and light pruning jobs at the moment, we are day in day out doing tricky removals that many other less experienced tree companies would not touch. Sure we are not getting a 100' tree on the ground in a matter of minutes but in terms of "chainsaw experience" we need to be able to perfectly judge which type of cuts to use in order to safely avoid expensive obstacles such as houses and the like. Our clients are very happy with our work and the reputation of our company would be rubbish if we were damaging peoples properties regularly due to not having the required "chainsaw experience". I would like to think that my boss and our companies workers and most of the arborists i know around our area are up there with the best.

Maybe he will wake up and realise that the reason so many people who work daily with saws are telling him how stupid he is, is because there is some truth there! I said maybe, as i don't hold much hope as he has been pulling this crap for quite a while now. ;)