Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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yes it is it could use a trim but i don't bother it, it has lived this long i might as well let it keep living i guess the tree is around 400-500 yrs old
This weather has been great here. 50's at night 70's during the day. Great sleeping with the windows open weather. But I can feel fall coming and know that this week or the next I need to get on the ladder and clean the chimney. I hate ladders but I need to climb the 30' and do the yearly ritual.
From looking at the limbs that was my first thought too
Maybe just around here in the SE, but I don't recall seeing any white oaks that branch that close to the stump...generally the first branches are 10-20 feet in the air with oaks that are nowhere near that size in diameter. Certainly could be wrong though. It's a helluva tree regardless of what it is.