Do People think your nuts.

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Nuts? I dont know about nuts but they step into my shop and see two long shelves loaded with saws and two things come out of thier mouths.
1. WTF do you do with 20 saws?, answer, cut trees with them.
2. Now I know where I can borrow a saw!, Answer, and where would that be??

"Now I know where I can borrow a saw!, Answer, and where would that be??"

followed by "Not here!"
Now they think I am normal!

Good post I will give you a positive rep for this one!
I have met a few people who think I am nuts for owning so many Guns and trucks and chainsaws and fishing rods get my drift but I always say look how many ski's and golf clubs and health club memberships you have!
I have really good neighbors they are all old and retired and love it when I come home with a Elk or deer they all come to look then the stories start!Buy the way they all have saw's and welders in the garage really good people.I bought a sthil 044 with one tank of gas through it for 200 Canadian because his kids and grand kids did not want it! He was going to give it to me!!! but I cut a truck load 1/2cord for him so he can in joy the fire place this winter. It was a retirement gift from his work.
If I lived in the States would I good go handgun hunting something I really want to do,plus some bass fishing .No your not Crazy you are normal everybody else is crazy!!!
My neighbors, all think I'm a little nuts, Starting a small block with the headers open at 9 at night, testing a saw after dark, Loving Remington and Echo saws, which most haven't heard of. When trees are down, they all come up to the nuts house who has the saws, the trailor and the big ol truk. Nuts is good. One thing I found out last year. The BIG sign over my shop bench. DON'T ASK TO USE MY SAWS, MY TRUCK, OR MY EQUIPMENT. I WON'T ASK TO USE YOUR WIFE!

Arnie is headed out to the shop to make a new sign......I love it bob.
The nice thing about being crazy it keeps me from going insane. I know a lot of people who have the show house and watch pro sports. Had a guy at work tell me his happiness is based on how well his football team does. If it looses he's bummed all week. I kind of keep track of the teams so I know what every one is talking about but I don't really want to waste my day watching sports. I have also spent a fair amount of times climbing up to 10,000 feet on mount Rainier and camping up in the snow and say I am crazy for doing that to. Well i'll press ahead with pride to build a saw "Collection":D
15 years ago, when I started carving with my Husky 272 with a 20" bar, exhibiting at the local festivals, everybody thought I was its a fashion :chainsaw: and most every festival has a carver now, it seems like......chainsaws are cool !! :rock:
Marriage made in heaven

I think you're all missing the most important point here:

BKS - does your wife have a sister and can she also cook?
i`ve only got 7 running saws hence my friends don`t think i`m crazy, now when it comes to the .50 caliber bmg or the 600 horsepower diesel pickup I start getting some weird looks :blob2:
I think you're all missing the most important point here:

BKS - does your wife have a sister and can she also cook?
Sorry no sister. Yes she can cook learned from her german mother. Cakes pastries galore. Everything her mother cooks looks and tastes like its from a gormiegh book.

i`ve only got 7 running saws hence my friends don`t think i`m crazy, now when it comes to the .50 caliber bmg or the 600 horsepower diesel pickup I start getting some weird looks :blob2:
All sounds good to me. You can't have too many tools, saws, guns or H/P.
Does She have a Sister??????

When I talk about chainsaws with most people they say they are dangerous or to much work to use. When I tell them I got my wife a chainsaw for Christmas they think I am doubly crazy. When they find out her name is Jani May they start hearing banjo's. Is it sane to have this as a hobby. And my wife is an enabler she wants more chainsaws big ones and little ones.

I would say you are Blessed :)
Good post I will give you a positive rep for this one!
I have met a few people who think I am nuts for owning so many Guns and trucks and chainsaws and fishing rods
If I lived in the States would I good go handgun hunting something I really want to do,plus some bass fishing .No your not Crazy you are normal everybody else is crazy!!!

Austin 1 If You're serious about bass fishing come look me up In Feb/Mar. We'll go flip some jigs......
All sounds good to me. You can't have too many tools, saws, guns or H/P.

see my reasoning is I need the truck to haul the saws around, and it needs to be modified because we all know what a couple hundred pounds in the bed of a truck will do to your acceleration.

and the .50 cal is used to protect said chainsaws...or when I need to blow holes the size of basketballs through cast iron engine blocks :laugh:
Well, when only 4 out of 6 really run, it makes me look better. If they are in my garage, they will often ask how big the "blade" is on that one, usually pointing to the 3120. 42", is the reply, and they go "WOW, what do you cut with that?!!!"...I calmly answer "trees...the wrong way", and show them some boards. I end up coming off as only semi-crazy. Maybe "quirky" is a better answer.

I see I have finally found somewhere I fit in, if I fit in anywhere. My wife got pissed off last night when I sealed the deal on my second chainsaw. I asked her how much she liked the fireplace going at nights and the lack of a propane bill. :laugh: After I get the 034 AV up to snuff Im gonna buy a bigger saw. Do I need it? No. But theres a lot worse things a person can spend his hard earned money on. At least a few chainsaws gives me a backup saw, not to mention the tools to make what I love to do even more fun. I wish I still loved operating cranes as much as I do cutting firewood and clearing trees...
Wife enabler

Told my wife shes my enabler. She said at least its a constructive addiction. Yes I feel this is where I belong. Logging is in my family blood and this keeps me close to my roots. Chainsaws are noisy expensive and powerful what more could a guy want. Maybe an F16 fighter plane only because they are noisier, more expensive faster and more powerful.
The best part about being nuts is that you really don't notice what others think so you think that everything is fine. While you are thinking that everything is fine you ask yourself if you are nuts and that fact that you have not noticed that any one else thinks your nuts has got you wondering if you really are nuts. You realize that because you wonder if you are nuts does not make you crazy (I am really not suppose to use that word) and the fact that you have not had any one walk up to you with a straight jacket (sure sign) then you must be ok and every one else is nuts. See we have it all figured out. I just had this very discussion with my chainsaw and his imaginary friend last week.
Hi, My name is RBW and I have 25 running perfectly good vintage chainsaws. I dont use most of them due to their being specail (to me) in some way or may have a unique feature not found on most saws.

My biggest problem (and what gets me the most stares) is that I cant have just one of something that I like, I must have multiples, and as many spare parts as I can find.

This process continues untill I find a New Favorite saw, then it begins all over again.

Untill I find another new favorite..........

Im currently working on plans for a chainsaw shaped casket, and Im also trying to figure out how to die and loose a leg in the process.

Otherwise the casket wont work.......;)

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