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. AS Supporting Member.
Jun 15, 2011
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A guy came in today for firewood that hadn't been here in 10 years and was shocked prices were higher now then 10 years ago. Well no **** Sherlock!
I said, do you still make the same as you did 10 years ago?
He still bought wood and then tipped me 20 bucks. Some people just don't get it.
Run into a few every year that seems like it could be seasoned prime wood for free, put up in the shed for them, fires made everynight along with a sandwich and a beer and tucked into bed after by a bikini babe and they'd still complain.
For some reason I make what I did 10 years ago . They say my skills are not in demand . I know for a fact people like living inside . The day is coming people with skills will come to a end .Teach science instead of hocus focus crap . I never whined much showed up for work an paid my bills and lot other people did too . And we all got screwed . I always said do nothing but look good doing it .
For some reason I make what I did 10 years ago . They say my skills are not in demand . I know for a fact people like living inside . The day is coming people with skills will come to a end .Teach science instead of hocus focus crap . I never whined much showed up for work an paid my bills and lot other people did too . And we all got screwed . I always said do nothing but look good doing it .
And what is it that you do for a living?
By any chance is your field one full of illegal aliens?
We get the same response when we sell people water heaters. People are shocked to pay 1100 for a water heater when they paid 500 for the last one 15 years ago. The cost of them has gone from 150 for a tank to almost 500 plus tax. Buy the tank and the material to install it and then the labor and my boss doesn't make much on them. Maybe a couple hundred and that's if nothing goes wrong.
For some reason I make what I did 10 years ago . They say my skills are not in demand . I know for a fact people like living inside . The day is coming people with skills will come to a end .Teach science instead of hocus focus crap . I never whined much showed up for work an paid my bills and lot other people did too . And we all got screwed . I always said do nothing but look good doing it .

Maybe your attitude is the reason you still make the same as 10 years ago. What are your skills and if you think your skills are holding you back, why have you not tried to improve on your skill set? If your doing nothing but looking good doing it, it's no wounder you still make the same.
What I do about price hikes . I use to buy boots eye glasses an other stuff every year . The price would rise I didn't get a raise . I will buy my stuff every other year maybe 3 now I cut there wage in half working thirds .
We get the same response when we sell people water heaters. People are shocked to pay 1100 for a water heater when they paid 500 for the last one 15 years ago. The cost of them has gone from 150 for a tank to almost 500 plus tax. Buy the tank and the material to install it and then the labor and my boss doesn't make much on them. Maybe a couple hundred and that's if nothing goes wrong.

Priced them out this winter, a 30 gal electric one was in the $350 area at Lowes. Granted that was the mid line ones, not the ultra cheap and not the super deluxe.

Ended up rebuilding the one we have, it was put in around 1996 and just burned out the element, it's a 50 gallon which is overkill, just for hot water at the sink in the shop and for the 1 bedroom apartment upstairs.

I'm surprised it worked though, there's a good 6+" of minerals in the bottom of it from the hard water. Pulled out as much as would come out and it's been working ok. Figured worse that would happen is either it wouldn't work or leak, not the end of the world either way.

My brother has one from the late 60s, early 70s in his place, still working fine. Not sure how really. Growing up it seemed like 10-15 years was about it on a water heater. The last 2 my folks have had have had the tank rot out and started spraying out the side.
They did end up putting a pressure reducer, I'd imagine that will help. Had around 80-100psi from the town.

As far as keeping up with cost of living, I bumped my wood prices up $10 a cord for 2019. One or two people moaned a bit, but I kept a printout showing the dollar value in 2016 vs 2019 and how that $10 just covered that inflation. Once I explained it and showed that, they were plenty fine with it.... and that doesn't even figure in increases in wages for workers, insurance increases, etc, etc. Kind of a fine line to walk to not turn away too many people with the prices, but at the same time keep it fair and profitable.
No matter what with firewood or tree work there's going to be someone that is cheaper.

I've had some people buy from me, the next year find a "deal" and then eventually end up calling me back.

Usually it's something along the lines of:
Their cord or two from "the better deal" guy ended up being short,
Wood was junk,
Cut all sorts of lengths (real fun to stack stuff that's 6-30" when it's supposed to be 16",
Splits from wheelbarrowS of splinters to big honking pieces that couldn't fit in most any normal stove,
The price changed when the seller got there (all sorts of hidden fees, pretty much bait and switch),
Were promised wood... next week, next week, next week and then seller fell off the face of the earth... sometimes with the buyer having pre-paid!

It's awesome to hear new customers say they choose me cause they've heard great things, or repeats every year that don't bother to look around because they know I'll do good by them.

Word of mouth can make or break an outfit for sure.