Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Woke up to 54 degrees outside. The non air conditioned part of the house was still holding at 75 down from 80 yesterday. Looking at cooler temps with several possible rainy days. Need to get to mowing at home and cabin today and tomorrow then hope to do a pickup load or two of wood.

Oh, and hopefully resurrect at least a couple of the four saws I’ve scrounged over the past week.

Woke up to 54 degrees outside. The non air conditioned part of the house was still holding at 75 down from 80 yesterday. Looking at cooler temps with several possible rainy days. Need to get to mowing at home and cabin today and tomorrow then hope to do a pickup load or two of wood.

Oh, and hopefully resurrect at least a couple of the four saws I’ve scrounged over the past week.

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That looks like some weather I wouldn't mind.
Don't get too exited now, with about half our HS now being "non English speaking" I'm waiting to see the sticker:

"Made in the USA by Genuine Illegal Aliens"!

And Congress will likely give them a tax break for doing it!!!
Maybe it reads assembled in the US by illegals with parts manufactured in china :rare2:.
Got out to my mom and dads place today, with the kids. Had all my nieces over. Had a great time with the kids. Cleaned up the pavilion for my daughters party in two weeks. Got to work out the fresh build on my husqy 562xp. Man I love this saw. Ran with my ported 359 no problem. Dad was happy to run the 359, guess I should go over his 026. Stupid thing wint choke again. Got a decent pile split up for him. Both my brothers came over for dinner. Great day.
Busy day at work and volunteering. We placed a new bench at a young man’s memorial in the park. A couple of the previous benches had been stolen so hoping this one (cement frame with cedar decking) won’t be so easy to steal.

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GPS trackers are remarkably cheap and reusable. It's surprising how many thieves don't ever check for 'em. Would be quite satisfying to find the lowlifes that steal such things.
Thanks for the well wishes fellas. Old man made it through the op well so far. Musta been happy hour at the cardiac bar because he ordered a single but they upgraded him to a double bypass while they were fishing about in there. Just the usual sore thoat from having a tube carefully shoved down it. But i guess he's still in the honeymoon period while the hospital-grade drugs haven't worn off yet. A week in there driving the nurses nuts and if he hasn't got any infections they'll be kicking him out, then about 6 weeks of grovelling at home before he's functioning normally, all going well.

Was looking at their place today and there's quite a bit of building work to do they have been putting off because they didn't want to admit they were getting older and need to make life easier but this last week has kicked that resistance out of them so I'll get it done. Don't want it to be a building site when he escapes hospital though, so will have to see what can and can't be done in a week that was never in the schedule. But, so far, so good. Thankfully.
Thanks for the well wishes fellas. Old man made it through the op well so far. Musta been happy hour at the cardiac bar because he ordered a single but they upgraded him to a double bypass while they were fishing about in there. Just the usual sore thoat from having a tube carefully shoved down it. But i guess he's still in the honeymoon period while the hospital-grade drugs haven't worn off yet. A week in there driving the nurses nuts and if he hasn't got any infections they'll be kicking him out for good. Was looking at their place today and there's quite a bit of building work to do they have been putting off because they didn't want to admit they were getting older and need to make life easier but this last week has kicked that resistance out of them so I'll get it done. Don't want it to be a building site when he escapes hospital though, so will have to see what can and can't be done in a week that was never in the schedule. But, so far, so good. Thankfully.
Good to hear pops is ok Kiwi. :rock2:
GPS trackers are remarkably cheap and reusable. It's surprising how many thieves don't ever check for 'em. Would be quite satisfying to find the lowlifes that steal such things.

If this one disappears, I’ll pull all stops to figure out who did it.

This one is heavy as hell. It would take two strong men to steal this.

Why really chaps my ass is they are stealing a bench at a memorial. It’s paid for by private donations and fundraising. And the boy’s mom frequently sat on the previous ones.