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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 22, 2006
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New Orleans,La/Poplarville, MS
Who has arborist/forestry/logging related tatoos out there. If you got one lets see it. I have a pretty good idea for a tatoo and was just wondering if any of you own some work related ink.
What is with the people marking themselves up I don't get
is I have a few work related scars do they work. I may be
too old school but think tats just make a person appear ,
well it does seem like a lot of people have them but not me.
I have friends that have them and I asked one of them why
he was not happy with out marking his body up he said he did
not know. I don't get it :confused: eye rings, nose rings,and
tats just don't get their thinking.
I do not have one personally, but not against it if there was something that I felt really strongly about. I agree with you, 90% of the people I see with tats look like idiot clones, because they all have the same dam thing. hey man i am like you, have plenty of reminders of my chosen career up and down my body in the form of scars. Foot, shoulder, forearm, legs, back, butt you name it I've been torn open from top to bottom, I am just wondering who has some really creative tatoos related to this industry, and not only that have they walked the line and earned to right to display it with pride.
I have a tatoo that runs from my achilies heel to about mid calf that was carved by a 372 husky;) ...I have another on my forearm thanks to a overzealous 044 stihl..
ive got some real nice scars from saws cut the tip of my finger almost off and my wrist with a 200t also cut my hip with a 046 but i do have my arms done .
I have a tatoo that runs from my achilies heel to about mid calf that was carved by a 372 husky;) ...I have another on my forearm thanks to a overzealous 044 stihl..

Care to tell us how? I'm always interested in preventing harm by learning from others experiences.

I have a Tattoo of an 066 with a climbing strap attached,it is pretty much the length of my back.I got it once I had ten years climbing experiance,I plan to get another once, I have climbed proffesionally in ten countries and another after twenty years etc.I as most do,have some nasty scars,these,unlike the Tattoo are not displayed with pride.They are not decorative and unlike the Tattoo,all unintenionally self inflicted.
As the founder and past owner of the first licensed tattoo shop in Texas, Crimson Dragon, www.crimsondragontattoo.com, I have tattooed thousands of folks. People have many reasons for getting tattooed and what is valid for a given person may not be to your liking, but you must accept its validity for that individual, nonetheless. Getting a tattoo puts you into a group of people in our society who get into body modification, and not all who choose to do so are necessarily trying to be different. As one poster said, some folks with a good deal of body coverage do tend to look alike, but that is fine with them: They are members of a tattoo tribe, of sorts. They know that each tattoo they have has a story behind it, a special significance for them. Some do get tattoos for no specific reason: They're just in the mood to get some ink. Interestingly, former junkies have told me that they like the sensation of the needle and some actually report, at times, being able to taste the ink. Other folks say that the needle sensation centers them, calms them down. My seventy plus hours of going under the needle has always allowed me to focus my thoughts and obtain a special clarity.

If the original poster is ever down in Austin: Send me a pm and maybe we can put something together for you.
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I have a Tattoo of an 066 with a climbing strap attached,it is pretty much the length of my back.I got it once I had ten years climbing experiance,I plan to get another once, I have climbed proffesionally in ten countries and another after twenty years etc.I as most do,have some nasty scars,these,unlike the Tattoo are not displayed with pride.They are not decorative and unlike the Tattoo,all unintenionally self inflicted.

I'd like to see a pic of that!

No saws, just a tat of these on my chest. I do have a rather impressive scar on my arm but it was not caused by a saw.....I came home one summer with a souvenir plate installed at Landstuhl Regional Med Centre.....
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I have a friend with 13 years experience who has a crazy clown with a chainsaw in a tree on his forearm...... he says thats his alter ego when he straps on a set of gaffs and fires up a saw.
What is with the people marking themselves up I don't get
is I have a few work related scars do they work. I may be
too old school but think tats just make a person appear ,
well it does seem like a lot of people have them but not me.
I have friends that have them and I asked one of them why
he was not happy with out marking his body up he said he did
not know. I don't get it :confused: eye rings, nose rings,and
tats just don't get their thinking.

You know what the difference in tattooed people and NON tattooed people is?

People with Tattoos DONT CARE if you DONT have Tattoos!
You know what the difference in tattooed people and NON tattooed people is?

People with Tattoos DONT CARE if you DONT have Tattoos!

Hey I don't care I just don't understand I have friends with them
I don't hate them because they have them. I would say that first
impressions are kind of sketchy to public. I think if I had the choice
of hiring two equal candidates one had tats and eye rings,nose rings,
and the other had none and both had good references I would probably
chose the none. I would feel clean cut to be better advertised for my
business but if the clean cut had poor references I would hire the tat
and ask him to take out the nose, and eye rings on the job for safety.
Cudos Boston Bull :bowdown: . Who cares what someone looks like as long as they are qualified to do the job. I will be getting my first ink in Nov. on my forearm. I don't want to spend all that money and cover it up with a shirt:biggrinbounce2:. I think tats may be alittle more accepted than piercing other than ears. I've seen some pretty hot chicks with their lips pierced and it made me think what else might be;) but hey I may be a freaky deaky to some of you
What is with the people marking themselves up I don't get
is I have a few work related scars do they work. .

. I think if I had the choice
of hiring two equal candidates one had tats and eye rings,nose rings,
and the other had none and both had good references I would probably
chose the none. I would feel clean cut to be better advertised for my
business but if the clean cut had poor references I would hire the tat
and ask him to take out the nose, and eye rings on the job for safety.

Personally, I'd hire the guy without all the scars:buttkick:

Here is my silky tattoo on my left shoulder blade
Personally, I'd hire the guy without all the scars:buttkick:
Like from filing a chainsaw an one on my eye brow that was
caused by breaking a socket and the dern ratchet spit back,
darn near knocked me out good for safety glasses would have
been worse. I have more scars not from work than I do from it.
I know you guys that wear them don't care if we like it or not,
and as I said it is not that I dislike you for it, I just don't understand the thought process and I am happy with what I have been blessed with, good bad and definitely ugly:laugh:
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Hey, if you want a tatoo, go for it.

2 of our kids have one or two, and a third child want's to get one when she move's back with her husband on the Marine base.

I don't have one, mainly because I'm not into jewelry or body decor. Nothing against it - it's just not my thing.

But the tatoo concept lends itself to my amusement about ideas for designs.


Where are you going to put it?

If you get one across your behind, you could have some included bark.

On your back, shoulder blade and bicep, you could do the upper part of a folding Silky pole pruner.

I like information so much, I think I'd have my forearm done with a "cut-away" diagram of tree wood, showing the rings, with captions like xylem, phloem, etc..

If you are a beer drinker with a gut, you could have your belly done like a big burl.

If you did a big Stilh saw, you might be able to get the company to foot the bill if the tattoo was big enough.
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