Can we pllleeeeeaase stay on topic!

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Sounds like the name for a body part when pronounced in a foreign language.

Ingred was in a terrable accident and had to have her Husque Varna removed.

I also think of a women's private when I hear that word:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:

Well, I guess its better than calling it an "Axe Wound"!:D

Why do you think we like to fondle our swedish saws...... :laugh: :yoyo: :laugh:

The Germans generally refer to their machinery as 'him'
Stihl PMN, or a 1/4", if you can find it, you wont waste as much that way!
LOLOL, ya need one of them hydralic reciprocating saws wit a thin blade fer yer bagels :p
Then, after a hard half day of cuttin' harder things than bagels, ya builds yerself a wee fire to keep yer toes warm and toast your bagel, smear it with some Saltspring Is. goat cream cheese thats ben marinated in Jalapeneo peppers, too yummy a bit o' heaven fer yer tummy.
Chainsaws an' bagels, hm, another great reason ta use canola oil as when you use the bar to cut your cheese on the bar it doesn't end up tastin' like funky 30 weight blues, in fact, using old resturant oil wit a bit of garlic should give ya an extra taste sensation.
Hows that fer stayin' on on typic!! :givebeer: :chainsaw:

(hey, it be a turrible kidless evenin' :D)

:chainsaw: I go agin!

LOLOL, ya need one of them hydralic reciprocating saws wit a thin blade fer yer bagels :p
Then, after a hard half day of cuttin' harder things than bagels, ya builds yerself a wee fire to keep yer toes warm and toast your bagel, smear it with some Saltspring Is. goat cream cheese thats ben marinated in Jalapeneo peppers, too yummy a bit o' heaven fer yer tummy.
Chainsaws an' bagels, hm, another great reason ta use canola oil as when you use the bar to cut your cheese on the bar it doesn't end up tastin' like funky 30 weight blues, in fact, using old resturant oil wit a bit of garlic should give ya an extra taste sensation.
Hows that fer stayin' on on typic!! :givebeer: :chainsaw:

(hey, it be a turrible kidless evenin' :D)

:chainsaw: I go agin!


LOL! You have some funny posts!!:cheers:
Hey Tommy I will sell you a Ford after all I make
Ok you did a bang up job on 6.0 egr coolers should be recalled
fifty thousand dollar junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I liked Ford what was I thinking at least true henry's
are good.
Last edited: combine topics...what the best chain for cutting good NY bagel?:greenchainsaw:

Stihl PMN, or a 1/4", if you can find it, you wont waste as much that way!

Yep, 1/4"p chain, Canola oil (or butter) and it goes without saying that you will need a top handle saw so you have a free hand to hold the bagel. :chainsaw:

That's a big azz boot:jawdrop:

Ya ever see how big Herr Trimmed is?
I want the time I wasted reading this thread Back.

Why would anyone start a thread like this ?

What Next ? Will the stripes be taken out of the American Flag.
I mean why should we have strips when the 13 states have a star also.

Ya Ya, The threads get off topic.

Ya Ya, People have there favorite chainsaws, Guess what they change every year. (20 years+ for Stihls)
If that were the case all A guy has to do is a search and you will find what you want. No need to read the B.S. we talk about. It has already been talked about.

When the ms441 came out Thalls thread took a record for B.S. Post Guess what else. We had fun doing it and it also got the point across about the saw.

See its all in good fun. Please take it that way.

I will now return you back to your monotone, serious life. _________________
___________________________ Beep______________________________Beep________

Wait, One more thing, Have you ever watched the L.A. Morning news. Talk about going off topic all the time. Geees the ratings are way up and the people love it.

Ok I done. _____________________________________Beep______________
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Have you ever watched the L.A. Morning news. Talk about going off topic all the time. Geees the ratings are way up and the people love it.

I hear the Naked News is better!

:Eye: :Eye:

Hey, its raining like crazy here and my roof is leakin'...........oh wait, that is the 'mirth factor', just splashed my cocktail in me lap, whew! Still rainin' like crazy though :chainsawguy:

:help: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

When I was a kid I got grounded for coughing so hard at the dinner table that a strand of Sapgetti shot out of my nose.

Ok, me playing with it by see sawing it back and forth then snorking it back into my head and swallowing it may have had something to do with it........

When I was a kid I got grounded for coughing so hard at the dinner table that a strand of Sapgetti shot out of my nose.

Ok, me playing with it by see sawing it back and forth then snorking it back into my head and swallowing it may have had something to do with it........


I seen that on Country Fried Home Videos.
They called the guy Noodle Nostril
When I was a kid I got grounded for coughing so hard at the dinner table that a strand of Sapgetti shot out of my nose.

Ok, me playing with it by see sawing it back and forth then snorking it back into my head and swallowing it may have had something to do with it........


I'm sure you have matured a lot since then. You haven't done that say, ohhhh, day before yesterday?!:monkey:

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