Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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This picture is kind of typical of a lot of the places I hunt. This is NYS Land (part of Cranberry Mtn) off Haviland Hollow Rd. It goes from 400' at the road to 1,200' at the top in no time flat. This old logging road is going up at a 45* angle to reduce the slope and it is still pretty steep. Down about 80 yds there is a snow coved knoll that had a deer bed.

It is a steep rocky, rugged climb, with stands of Beech, Chestnut Oak and Mtn Laurel. Also, they mis-named it, there are NO Cranberries but tons of Blueberries!

I'm glad that we have so many skilled members on here that could make that shot at a moving deer w/o hitting any brush, but I'm not going to pretend to be one of them. Regular season is over, so I was carrying my MZ yesterday.

Did not see anything but did find fresh sign. I think this guy is a Buck, and he knows just where to bed. Almost no way to get to him w/o him seeing you.

If nothing else, I got my exercise yesterday, and the views from the top (looking over at the next ridge) were nice.

Not a lot of deer tracks, but some, coyote tracks, including a large one, one set of bobcat tracks. Disappointingly NO Turkey tracks, rabbit tracks, or Bear tracks. I see lots of birds of prey, and I think they are almost wiping out the rabbits and small turkey, and the grouse are gone! It is a shame.
I really do love hunting deep woods like that, though… Sometimes you only have 15 yards of shooting range.

The mature woods here are very similar, except a little less incline and more small brush.

Next year they are logging the last 120 acres of woods that hasn’t been logged in my lifetime… Sad to see it go but at the same point I’m happy to know that it’s going to be quite a while before they come back to start logging again. Both this new area as well as the area around my deer stand (logged in 2018) have been or will be planted in Pine. Takes longer to regenerate, but once there are about 10 years old, it’s a very thick, healthy forest. Now granted we just need the deer to recover which I don’t know that’s going to happen.
Heat is always an issue, and finding the easiest why to dissipate it is a big plus .
we amped up our temps reading abilities other day. got wind that HF had their lazer therm on sale. so got one, then got another. A-z. now got two. learned somethings as to what heat temps running here n there in the house. or as in a/c ckg vent out flow temps. like them! 👍

testing the grillin' night before. 160s outside, 125f inside...
thanks, Lawless! :) 👌
you would have liked that ND restoration, SM... huge beams cut from oak trees, special everything to avoid twisting as dry... and some over 65' long! the mill making them could flip them over..90,90,90.... like lil Sambo down at the pancake shack! easier, actually ~
that saw and beam reminds me of a tv show i watched last nite. awesome show! PBS 8... mid-term + 1 on the 5 yr restoration of Notre Dam Catherdral. View attachment 1040897

a restoration project (process) of almost unprecedented scale! the timber to be used for support and for replacement section of the docuvid were amazing. hunting for one oak, needing 850 in a forest of over 8,000 acres! the effort and archetectural expertise involved is unreal. "an extrodinary show of architectural and historical restoration expertise" one expert was quoted saying. and everything has to be to original standards. ex, only one company in the world can and does make replacement vintage glass as used originally in the catherdral. WOW! a glass blower blows a bulb. rolls it red hot into a tube. expands it into a cylinder. swings it in special stand, it is heavy, and gravity pulls it from ball to cyl. then once a cyl, a scrible line thru middle. t-b. 'tap! it cracks... perfectly... is reheated slowly... and teased into opening and then flowing out slowly into being a pane of glass! the show was full of such amazing skills. talents. abilities. the metal work research includes electron microscopes... the architectural engineering involved to build it originally, had surprises even for today's best! ~

their goal for completion of the restoration's deadline is for the 2024 Olympics... 🤞
View attachment 1040899
I think old building techniques, authenticity, ... are important, but I don't understand they don't install a concrete and/or steel structure... You don't see it anyway, there's a ceiling in the cathedral. It would be safer, from a fire hazard point of view.
When the cathedral was built, I suppose there was an abundance of oak, nowadays it's 'a little' different...
Some of the oaks that were cut for the original roof started their life during the reign of 'Charles the great', which was around 800 A.D... it's a bit mind boggling.

The cathedral of Reims took some shells during the first world war, resulting in a fire of the wooden roof structure, with molten lead pouring down onto the streets, exactly like it happened in Paris. The whole restoration was done with modern materials, reinforced concrete etc...

BTW if you're interested in old building techniques you should check out 'Guédelon castle', there's a lot of videos about it on youtube, and here's the wikipedia page:édelon_Castle . I think it's absolutely fascinating.

Apparently, in the middle ages there was no such thing as 'drying timber', they used it green... Also, nowadays we cut through the grain, but back then they used axes to carefully cut with the grain. If you needed a piece with an angle in it, the first job was to look for a tree that had grown into the desired shape.
do i need it? Hell no but that’s not the point :p
i have a ‘92, 8hp 066 and a ported 661…

if I don’t snag it, anyone in the market? I’ll pass it on.

And...if I get it I'll need at least a 60" bar and that ain't cheap, LOL
keep us posted! we :heart: :chainsaw: pix!

Heat is always an issue, and finding the easiest why to dissipate it is a big plus .
IMO that's partly why virtually all modern saws benefit from muffler mods. Less heat equals a better work saw, it's just a fine balance between power/heat dispersion and excess noise.
IMO that's partly why virtually all modern saws benefit from muffler mods. Less heat equals a better work saw, it's just a fine balance between power/heat dispersion and excess noise.
Yup , you hit the nail on the head !! , that is the first thing I do is mod the muffler on a new , old saw .
SO, what bullet you use DOES matter after all.
That's my point, the bullet that's used DOES matter and if I was hunting brown bear, I wouldn't use just any ole' 180 grain bullet in your 300 Wby. either...
I've hunted them a lot and shot a few and seen even more shot and that's been MY experience.
bullets may soon be flying for these two....

I think with this rig you just became king of the road. "Firewood road anyway"
Will have pics on Saturday, the weather isn't looking the greatest it just rained like crazy. But says 25°-31° 🤞 the ground needs to be frozen as I have to go through a ravine.

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