Apple AirTag saw tracking?

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ArboristSite Operative
Apr 19, 2018
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Vancouver, WA
I just had my 462 stolen out of my truck. Now I’m considering putting an air tag under the cover for in the future. Has anyone done this? Will the AirTag survive the heat and vibrations? I’m also aware it will notify, but I’ve seen videos on how to remove the speaker so it’s harder to find.
What are you going to do if it works and you roll up on them? If they have an Apple i phone it will tell them they have a tag that is not theirs I think. My talents lie elsewhere, like when you roll up on them. But not worth a 462 no matter who ported it. Just saying. Sorry for your loss bud!
Call the cops, tell them what's up, and hope they actually care enough and have the staff available to do something about it.

Given our current litigious society, confronting the thieves on your own seems like a good way to cause yourself more trouble than just buying another saw.

Maybe call the non emergency number for the police and ask what tracking device they use or can recommend, if any.

Make sure you call your local pawn shops, and report the saw stolen to Stihl, with serial number.
They can't see it on their phone unless it is synced to their phone. If they don't see it visually, they don't know it's there. That being said, if they find it, they can sync it to their phone. The tag has to be within range of an Apple hotspot for you to see it's location. We just got four to track our luggage on a trip. Worked very well.
Regarding the airpods. This weekend my wife and I rented an RV that came with a new portable generator. Within the first 10 mins of being inside of the RV my phone notified me, it's a galaxy s23 and not an iPhone, that there was a Device that was tracking me. So I opened up my phone to investigate and saw a map of our live location with someone's airpods. I clicked on the notify button and I heard it was coming from behind the generators cover. I'm not sure if you can turn off notifications on others phones. But something to think about. Sorry about your loss
What are you going to do if it works and you roll up on them? If they have an Apple i phone it will tell them they have a tag that is not theirs I think. My talents lie elsewhere, like when you roll up on them. But not worth a 462 no matter who ported it. Just saying. Sorry for your loss bud!
I have done it on several occasions. You damn sure better be ready to engage or defend. I had a Stihl 440 stolen from where I was cutting when l left for an hour to go feed cows. I knew exactly who it was. The dipstick came back the following Saturday on his wheeler and I gave chase. I caught up and rammed him until he had to stop. He was stunned and I caught him off-guard.

He no longer steals from me.
I just had my 462 stolen out of my truck. Now I’m considering putting an air tag under the cover for in the future. Has anyone done this? Will the AirTag survive the heat and vibrations? I’m also aware it will notify, but I’ve seen videos on how to remove the speaker so it’s harder to find.
Good morning Thomas, The air tag can survive the heat and vibration if placed (with epoxy) in the right area. IE: under the top cover. The beeping feature can be turned off by you but the device will still notify the thief that there is an air tag following them if they have a smart phone. OT :cool:
They can't see it on their phone unless it is synced to their phone. If they don't see it visually, they don't know it's there. That being said, if they find it, they can sync it to their phone. The tag has to be within range of an Apple hotspot for you to see it's location. We just got four to track our luggage on a trip. Worked very well.
Good morning Buzz, I must respectfully disagree. Any smart phone will be notified of an airtag following them. It is a feature that Apple installed to prevent illegal tracking of an individual from wherever. I use them. I have one in my wife's purse. She knows it is there. I placed it there to make sure she gets to work safely. She complains that she keeps getting a message of its presence. She does not have the airtag app on her phone. She recently flew to Florida and it tracked her even while airborn and tracked her movements while visiting family. The first generation of airtags did not have that feature however. OT :cool:
Good morning Thomas, The air tag can survive the heat and vibration if placed (with epoxy) in the right area. IE: under the top cover. The beeping feature can be turned off by you but the device will still notify the thief that there is an air tag following them if they have a smart phone. OT :cool:

Good morning Buzz, I must respectfully disagree. Any smart phone will be notified of an airtag following them. It is a feature that Apple installed to prevent illegal tracking of an individual from wherever. I use them. I have one in my wife's purse. She knows it is there. I placed it there to make sure she gets to work safely. She complains that she keeps getting a message of its presence. She does not have the airtag app on her phone. She recently flew to Florida and it tracked her even while airborn and tracked her movements while visiting family. The first generation of airtags did not have that feature however. OT :cool:
Thanks for the clarification. Maybe we have 1st. gen. I will have my wife check this with her sister and her iphone. I can understand why Apple added this.
Bucketofguts is right: Apple tells you if someone else’s AirTag is following you. This happened to me when my son-in-law left his AirPods in my car. It took me a while to figure it out. Apple describes it here:
If a stalker hid an AirPod on my daughter’s car, I’d like Apple’s feature very well.
It will eventually tell them they are being tracked after a while, like many hours. I want to say it's more like days. I had one in my daughter's school backpack in case it got lost or stolen, and it was a long time before she got notified.

I wouldn't worry about the speaker, if they find the tag they'll just tear the whole thing off and destroy it.

I would do it, you can always track it down and decide if you want to handle it or call the cops to come do it. Be sure to ID the saw somewhere with your name so the cops know your not just trying to use them to get the saw.

We use the tags for several things and they work great.