First Falling - modded 460 video

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Tree Sling'r

Addicted to ArboristSite
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Ft. Jones, N. Calif.
Hey fella's put the video camera to work today in making all my friends (you) a video with commentary and falling a doug fir snag with a modded 460 I built.
8 tooth sprocket - and Stihl chain.
Sound must be on - I hope you all like - it's my first.
Last edited:
Thanks guys, I really mean it!

I was really excited once I figured out how to edit and post. You all are doomed with my videos for awhile.
Once again thanks -
You need an avatar update :


Give it a big thumps up

Excellent vid 'Slinger! Good framing, sound was good, right mix in of tunes, good job. Give it 9.9 mon.:rockn: :cheers:

Your partner is a pretty good log walker too. I liked how he walked out the top for ya while you were limbin'.

That 460 sounds down right nasty, even in my crappy little laptop speakers. I'm goin' play it again with my headphones.:rock:

How long have you been a professional cutter?

Your limbing, like the rest, was very impressive.
Nice weather, nice saw, nice day to be in the woods! Good job on the video. What band was that playing in the background?
I agree with all the compliments that were said so far. It was Extremely well done and I look forward to seeing more of your videos on here.