What have you done lately?

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Four Paws

Addicted to ArboristSite
Jun 8, 2006
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Well, I worked all weekend...the downside to being a shiftworker...but I sure don't scoff at all the time off!

Since I had today off, I met my buddy from work at 7:00 this morning to do some cutting. Figured I would pick-up a few test logs, and some more firewood to add to my woodpile! Spotted a doe and a fawn. Cruised up towards one of my favorite camping spots and came across a nice blowdown with pretty easy access. Went a good 24" at the base. 3 tanks and 3 hours...we were out by the time the temperature got too uncomfortable.

The chains I ground on my Northern grinder worked absolutely excellent! They held a great edge and cut like a hot knife through butter! I would suggest ANYONE who cuts firewood to pony up the $80 -$100 and buy the grinder...after sharpening 10 chains, the thing has paid for itself! I also used my new Northern Tools Peavey. VERY nice quality, fit and finish, very robust, and it rolled some big, thick-barked logs without a problem. A very nice, cost effective alternative to a Log-Rite Peavey or Cant Hook (almost 50% cheaper).


Four Paws,

Great pics. Did you give the 981 a workout also? If I see right, the Stihl in the pic is a 460? how does it compare to your 981?

The white Ford in the other pic...what year model? Is it a diesel, F-350? manual or auto trans.? Looks obviously like a 4x4. Nice truck.

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Looks like a MS 440...... The perfect saw for every occasion.

I was trying to read the number on the saw...but then I noticed the air filter cover...looks like the 460 style...the 440 has 2 pieces that make up the air filter base and cover.

Kevin, you win. It is a 460.

I plan on making some timed cuts with both saws, so I will let you know...that is why I wanted to pick up some test logs.

The trucks are both 4X4 7.3L Powerstrokes. White truck is a 1993, gray truck is a 2002.

So, nobody has done ANYTHING saw related lately? Haven't even changed a sparkplug or starter cord or?? Come on guys, post up, this is a chainsaw forum...your saws just don't sit on a shelf, do they? :popcorn:
I just aquired my 3rd poject 044 ( paid $50 bucks, its a big wrist pin one, new bar and chain), so I did a compression check on it and got 120psi, she's been around. I also did the same on my project Husky 61 got 145psi. And fondled some dead saws to!!! :hmm3grin2orange:
Kevin, you win. It is a 460.

So, nobody has done ANYTHING saw related lately? Haven't even changed a sparkplug or starter cord or?? Come on guys, post up, this is a chainsaw forum...your saws just don't sit on a shelf, do they? :popcorn:

At 93 degrees plus out.....yes, my saws sit on their shelf. :hmm3grin2orange:

I really do need to start cutting though......cool weather is coming. My 98 year old grandmother will want the outdoor stove fired up about the middle of September.

I did pick up a decent 066 last week though. Does that count?

Howz the smoke up there. I think all your wildfire smoke (and Oregon's too) is blowing down here in UT. I've got the itch to get up there and drop some dead-standing pines. I hauled enough wood last year to last me for awhile, but dang, I got a 7900 at the end of the season, so I'm anxious to get her in some trees.

One thing that torques me is these stupid NF firewood permits. With all the fires burning everywhere, they should be paying us for thinning out the dead stuff. Anyway, I'm glad you took pics of the big pine, the stuff in the back of the lead p/u looks kiind of puny.:biggrinbounce2:
So, nobody has done ANYTHING saw related lately? Haven't even changed a sparkplug or starter cord or?? Come on guys, post up, this is a chainsaw forum...your saws just don't sit on a shelf, do they? :popcorn:

I cut a little wood a few weekends ago (a 5'x8' trailer and part of my shortbox pickup worth of wood), and since I have a bunch of rounds in my yard, it's time to do some splitting and stacking. As far as saw work, not much, received some screws for the 970's muffler...installed with blue threadlocker this time. Still needing some stuff for the 044 project...I have a 6" long reach torx T27 bit socket coming from Wiha tools...and I need to order a flex-hone from Bailey's...and I need a new ElastoStart rope. I'd like the matching small outside dawg for the 044...I'd like to find a used one (I'll post a pic from the IPL and a part number later)...or I'll see if my dealer will order one for me. After I get the hone, I'll put the piston and cylinder on and do a vac and pressure test and go from there. Looks like our little one might be here before her August 22 due date...so my focus is getting ready for her arrival...and with my wife on partial bed rest.

So, nobody has done ANYTHING saw related lately? Haven't even changed a sparkplug or starter cord or?? Come on guys, post up, this is a chainsaw forum...your saws just don't sit on a shelf, do they? :popcorn:

At 93 degrees plus out.....yes, my saws sit on their shelf. :hmm3grin2orange:

I really do need to start cutting though......cool weather is coming. My 98 year old grandmother will want the outdoor stove fired up about the middle of September.

I did pick up a decent 066 last week though. Does that count?


I'm with Ed on this one - it has been HOT. Heck, it's so hot that I decided to pay my dealer to do a hone-and-piston job on my Husqvarna 154 rather than stand in my hot garage and do it myself. Incidentally, can you believe that they want almost $300 for a new OEM piston and cylinder for a 154?! That's a lot of coin for an old saw.

That said, I spent a few hours each of the past few weekends running the FS200 and even that was some hot, nasty work. As for saws, though, it has been minimal; I did get some time in thinning scrub, weed-trees (ailanthus, sumac, mulberry), and dropped maybe a half dozen small, dead ash trees. But no saw work that required anything more than the little 238 Husqvarna.

When I get back from vacation next week I've got to finally get my firewood situation finished - a bit of splitting left to do for '07-08 (it's ash, it'll be fine to burn) - so I can start work on '08-09.

EDIT: Oh, and I finally bought a Remington PL-5 since I liked how BCMKTG's saw sounded at the Indiana GTG. See: Best Sounding Saw Thread
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Week and a half ago did this Cedar for a friend and made a few bucks. Lot a fun to.

Wow! Nice! What a sin to chunk up that big cedar though. (where I'm from, large cedar is unheard of) Would have made some nice milling material, but I know, there wasn't room to bring it down.
It has a lot of bug holes and several rot spots. Took the bottom in a big chunk and am going to see if I can get some slabs out of it. Got some 40+ inch in the back yard to mill from our big storm back in December. The top 35 feet blew out and landed on his roof about 20,000 in damage.
Howz the smoke up there. I think all your wildfire smoke (and Oregon's too) is blowing down here in UT. I've got the itch to get up there and drop some dead-standing pines. I hauled enough wood last year to last me for awhile, but dang, I got a 7900 at the end of the season, so I'm anxious to get her in some trees.

One thing that torques me is these stupid NF firewood permits. With all the fires burning everywhere, they should be paying us for thinning out the dead stuff. Anyway, I'm glad you took pics of the big pine, the stuff in the back of the lead p/u looks kiind of puny.:biggrinbounce2:

Hazy, but no thick smoke. The crews have had fairly good luck getting most of the fires out quickly. Things are terribly dry, with no end in sight, so the first thunderstorm will be hell...pray for rain!

As far as the USFS permits...they are cheap...be thankful you live in a state with federal land that you can use anytime! The puny stuff was branches...plenty of big stuff in the back on the flatbed.
So, nobody has done ANYTHING saw related lately? Haven't even changed a sparkplug or starter cord or?? Come on guys, post up, this is a chainsaw forum...your saws just don't sit on a shelf, do they? :popcorn:

We did a removal of two Willow trees Monday. Boy was it hot weather.
The homeowner has a Huskey 55 which he uses to cut wood for his heat. He was very impressed with my modified 357xp. Said he had never seen a saw cut so fast in his life. I had to tell him that any sharp saw should cut fast in Willow.
I went to start my 346xp, it fired up on the second pull like allways but then it died. Tried to restart it, same thing again. Put the saw in the back of the truck, grabbed another saw and went to work cutting. Later when I got home I checked the plug, it was fine... I thought WTF is with my saw. Opened the gas cap.. yep out of fuel... I forgot to gas it up. Have not told my partner what happened yet. Mybe he'll forget. I hope.
Yesterday my special order from Bailies arrived. A set of inner and outer dawgs for my 357. Looking forward to putting them to use when the weather cools down.

I spent the weekend cutting while the wife made runs with the tractor to a new pile. I cut some elm, ash(white and green), hard maple and hackberry. I even let the boss cut some!




Also having heat problems here. Was predicted for 98 but only made 95 today. Been getting out there every 4th day early in the morning. This morning fired up the saws at 0600. Put in 4 1/2 hours before the heat got to me. Just clearing brush from old willow trees, down, leaning way over, grass 6ft tall, thistles...real fun working condititions. Nice stumbling around feeling for down stuff to pitch on the burn pile, yanking it out of the grass.

Worked up one fair size log (20" on butt) - all on fire pile. Cut up anohter that was "down", just the tip holding it up, rest was at chest hight. All on the fire pile. Was ready to quit by 9 but wanted to fall the next bad leaner. There were two sorta intertwined, almost horizontal to the ground, but the bottom one would roll clear...uhuh...hung up, just the butt dropped to the ground. Went out to the tip, lots of cut this, cut that clearing the crud out of the way to get at the prop branch. Cut that. Still doesn't come...ah! anothe prop hidden in the grass...cut that.. What!! now it is clear of the ground, nothing touching and it is just up there! No visible means of support that I could see. Bit the bullet and fell the other one. That brought both down in a very tangled mess. Left it for my next shot probably Sunday, only supposed to be 92 then.That took 1 1/2 hours with a lot of it spent in the shade cooling down.

Harry K