260 and 440 deal

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Looking at those saws, listening to you talk about the dealer and his policies, I'd say you made a hell of a buy!
Enjoy your saws, and cut some wood!
hey now quit picking on the 290. It will probably stay parked like your 357 once you get your 262 going ;). However if he decides to sell it on ebay or craigslist they bring real good money.

LOL! We shall see! My 346 stays in the tool safe at work since i got the 357... Even though it is MY saw i still use it for work! wtf is that all about then?

Cant wait to crank the 262 up tomorrow. Want to try the 357 though too as it's got a new 13" bar on it with full chisel chain. :D Spoilt for choice!!

I would definately ebay the 290 now you have doone the deal on the others. Will get you a fair amount of your money back that you spent on the 260 and 440.
i gotta agree with the others about the 290, you'll probably never pick it up again !!!!
well, maybe once..........
i'll betcha 10 bucks............... been there....
So far so good. That little 260 rips. IMO something is messed with how they have them rated on stihls website, but that 260 will out cut the 290 from what i have seen so far. Seems to deffinatly run at higher rpms, maybe that is it? but it will deffinatly go though the wood:bowdown: i dunno if they overrated the 290 or underrated the 260, but i can see why you guys say i won't be picking up the 290 too much any more. I'm not gonna sell it, my dad and i bought it 50/50 when i was in highschool, so i'm just gonna take it down to his house, and if ever wanna take 30 seconds to go though a 10in log i'll go down and get it:laugh: LOL. I do not like them "dang flippy caps" on the 260, they don't seem to work as well.quess just got to get used to the smaller ones? As for the 440, i ran it, but the wood i was cutting today was dead tops. so i didn't get to see the power yet. Tomorrow i'll be cutting some still pretty green wood. Decent size cherry, nice pin oak, and i think they are rock oaks. I took a pic of the first load with the new saws when i got back home but i still can't figure out how to post them. How do you resize the pictures to make them under that 300k? Thanks again for ALL of your help!
I use an image resizer VSO Image Resizer utility i downloaded. There are also many places online you can use to resize your images. The nice thing about a utility like VSO is you can select a bunch files and right click to resize a bunch at once. There may be other or better ones out there, but this is the one I use.

Link to VSO

If you want feel free to email me the pics and I can resize them and get them uploaded to AS for you.
...I took a pic of the first load with the new saws when i got back home but i still can't figure out how to post them. How do you resize the pictures to make them under that 300k? Thanks again for ALL of your help!

You can use Microsoft Paint, which is usually included in the software that comes preloaded on your computer. Open Paint, open the image you need, select Image, then select Resize/Skew.
I'm still running windows xp on this pc and there is an add-on feature that can be downloaded that will resize the pics for you. Image Resizer for windows. Then all I do is right click and choose resize image from drop down, then choose small, medium, large resize. Choose the size that will create a pic that will be under 300. It does not change the original pic just creates another copy in smaller size.

Those saws look to be in great shape. Congrats on the purchase and take care of them so that they can take care of you.

I dunno if this is gonna work or not but here it goes, been trying to figure it out for an hour. I have not got very much accoplished today work wise, but i'm learning all kinds of stuff on here :D
Finally figured it out, used microsoft paint. As you can see by the size of the wood i didn't really need the 440 today, but that's the first load for the 2 saws. I did get to thinking about the big difference between the 260 and 290, i have always had them anti kick back chains on the 290 even sharp and or brand new it seemed like you kinda had to push it through the wood. with going to the semi chisel it's almost like the saw pulls itself though the wood? does that make sense or is the saw that much more powerful?
You did the same as I did..

The 260 and 440 is a great 2 saw combo....Now,,I dont use my 260 much anymore with the 346xp I have ..Dont get the wrong idea why I said that cause they are both great saws,,but my GF says the 260 is her saw,,so I just keep it stashed for her when she wanna cut with it...*I do sneek it out now and then*...LOL!!!
I have a 28 inch bar with full skip chain on my 440...It was fast when I first got it,,but since Brad did port work on her she screams now.....Thats my fellin and bucking saw for the bigger stuff, but your gonna find out you'll be using the 260 ALOT!
I bet both saws will last your liftime is all your doing is cutting for firewood...Regular maint. and care you shouldnt ever have a issue with either of em...I use a grinder to sharpen all my chains,,so I take the bar off,,blow all the gunk off, and make sure the oil hole, rails is clean,,take off the air filter and give it a good cleaning,,close the choke and cover the carb. opening with my thumb and blow off around the carb. area, and clutch area...I also spent the extra money for a case for my 260 to keep it from being beat up goin tru the woods and nice to carry your tools in it too...Cant get a case to fit the 440 though. : (
It makes it so much enjoyable to go out and spend a day with something nice,,and it dont seem like your workin your azz off,,,really it's not work for me but have a day in the woods to relax and cut ...