50 rancher. Can it be converted to 55?

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ArboristSite Operative
May 12, 2009
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howdy folks,.

Looking for some info on a 50 rancher. Want to know if anyone has tried to put a 55 rancher cylinder on on a 50. If you have done this could you tell me what the differences are between the two. Looking at the 50 rancher breakdown alot of parts are the same as 51/55 husky but the cylinder still remains unique to itself. What gives

Thanks for your time

For a long time I had a very nice looking 50 Rancher that I wanted to bring back from the dead, shot piston and cylinder, and asked the same question you have, thinking someone would tell me 'Oh yeah, just use one off a ...'. The responses I got weren't what I expected. A couple suggestions of a couple (old) Partner models that might share the same parts, but other than that it seems that the 50 specifically is one out on its own.

I think things like the 55 and 60 (probably a couple other models too) can interchange no problem, but not the 50.

I eventually found another none runner of the same vintage, 1983, on ebay with a good P&C and now have a very fine running saw that I was out cutting with just yesterday.

I'm not saying the above is 100% accurate, but that was my experience.

I guess the mission begins.

thanks a bunch Dan,

I finally got enough customers looking and asking for this bigger conversion. Does any one know where to get a burnt up 50 rancher for cheep!!! If so please let me know and I will tell you all the differences and what needs to be changed so we will know for sure and this question will no longer be ignored.

Thanks varmit