A new convert

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ArboristSite Operative
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A few days ago, while taking my dogs for a walk, my neighbor stopped me and asked me to stop over when I was finished with the dogs. This is the guy who gets himself balls deep into a project and THEN asks for help , meaning you have to undo all his mess before doing the job right.
Anyway, I stop over and he is proud to show me his new Quadra-fire insert! He built his house about 7 years ago with a masonry fireplace and hated it because it didn't heat the house. After long discussions, he decided to invest.
His only hang up is firewood, but he bought a cord from a local distributor, surprisingly it seems to be burning well. We discussed cutting and splitting together and sharing the work......I'm not sure if I want to get tied up with him in that aspect but I told him he can use my splitter if he needs it, at least until he decides on what to get. It'll be nice to have an ally close by.

Allies can be a big plus. So can a partner doing firewood. You might get some help, friendship, tackle bigger trees, and get too try out his new toys as he acquires them. He can gain a mentor, experience, shared equipment and ideas. Win-win if things work out. Invite him to join AS, sounds like he's not afraid to work, but could use some guidance.
Hopefully he's not the friend that says the "I need to borrow this ______(insert firewood tool here), just till I get my own" and never seems to come up with the tool of his own. I've seen To many of my own tools magically disappear after I forgot who has all my stuff.
My one neighbor is a very good friend who has been heating at least partially with wood for a long time. We both live in the woods, and I know he cuts wood so I assumed he cut his own. After hurricane Sandy we did quite a bit of clean up together, and I discovered he's really quite scary with a chainsaw, he uses little Echos that are sorely over taxed and abuses them badly. Turns out he mostly bought his firewood until recently when we lost so many trees to storms.

Still, he's a great guy, quite resourceful and not the type to want to borrow my tools. I will be trying to spend some more time cutting with him and I think I can easily teach him some good practices quickly. And probably get him to buy a bigger saw! I know he will just pick up things if he sees them done properly.
I told the neighbor that his first investment should be a real saw.....he said he has one. A Craftsman 16" is good for a branch or two but get something with some power and some safety gear.
The good thing is he has access to a skid steer and a dump truck so it could have potential!
My experience has been that "converts" are often temporary... they tend to "convert" back to the "easy button" once they discover making firewood ain't so "easy".

I have a BIL that I give wood to occasionally because he bought a house with a masonry fireplace. He owns the dump trailer that I borrow so it works out.

But he is always asking me why I cut wood. He is convinced it is easyer to make the money doing side work and just pay for the natural gas.
He is convinced it is easyer to make the money doing side work and just pay for the natural gas.

He is very likely correct, I know for a fact I can earn more that it costs for a cord of firewood in a day(if I push it) and if I were to look at what I have invested in getting each cord then I would never cut my own wood but whats the fun in that....

Wooding is a bit of a labour of love and that ok....
I only loan certain tools too certain people.
I used to go down this road. Even a lot of the guys I worked with had the code to get in my shop. I had an old school chalk board hung on the wall and you were supposed to sign out the tool/date and your name on it. After that didn't get done a couple of times I changed the code and locked everyone out. Ruined me on trusting people for a long time, especially "friends"!
All of our time is really valuable, but I can't think of a better way to get all the exercise while providing a way to heat our homes. All the really cool guy toys are an added benefit.:D I think AS just changed something with their site.

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