Anybody get any morel mushrooms yet?

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Took a nice long walk today.

Saw a few toad stools and some other stuff.

Still no mushrooms. On the border of calling it quits for this year.



We only got 3 yesterday but we found about 70 fake ones.

Have you got any moisture up by you? When we get rain here it turns cold and the wind dries everything out. I found over 200 one day last week but it was in the swamp. I am between Lake City and Houghton Lake
Do any of you folks have Mayapples blooming?

There's the odd bloom here are there, but most of the Mayapples are still growing, and lots are quite small.
Have you got any moisture up by you? When we get rain here it turns cold and the wind dries everything out. I found over 200 one day last week but it was in the swamp. I am between Lake City and Houghton Lake

Dam!!!!! I'm near Gaylord and it's been the same weather here. I buy cedar from a guy that cuts in that swamp, it's huge and usually real wet when I've been there.
Picked a couple grocery bags full yesterday, it was a family affair, and for our first outing pretty cool, the kids even found dinosaur bones(deer).

The largest was 12" overall height, 7" top, and 3" dia.

They are pretty darn tasty after the frying pan, nice meaty taste like portabellas.
Been running all over looking and last night I mowed the yard and picked 27 white ones by the front porch. I found some black ones this morning that had just came up.
It seems like they start popping up here about the same time the lilacs are blooming. Everything is gonna be late here this spring.If it starts to warm up here in a few weeks they should be coming up, still a little cold. I can't wait.:darkbeer:
i ve got craploads of mayapples around here but never seen a morel now im wishing i could they sound good. Any hints on finding them they seem real elusive to me i know what they look like and everything is it too late im on the NJ an NY border now its been real cool for the season too maybe i still have a chance. I heard deer love them theres sort of too many of them here maybe they get to them before i do
Porcini too...

Came across a flush of golden morels a few days ago. Pulled some 5 lbs out and 3 (alas only three...), nice, big Boletus edulis (Porcini, cep, etc.). Elevation was about 5,000 ft. about 70 miles north of Yosemite. Heating up way to fast for much of season though.

NIce haul!

Do you dry them or use them fresh ? We had some rain in the high country last night. I'll be looking for more in the next few days... I'll post my finds.

While we were out cutting this weekend I guy drove by in a little truck. After we finished the tree we moved on up to one of the decks we've been cutting on. When we got there the little truck was parked right by the deck. Dang, there goes my secret wood stash. But the guy wasn't in the truck. He shows up a few minutes later and stops to say hi. I asked him if he was cutting wood, he said no, he was looking for mushrooms. Morels to be exact. He showed me one he had just found down below where the deck was. It was as big as my fist. He had a whole tub of them. Most were about the size of a golf ball and really healthy looking. He wanted to know about other areas to look. I told him about a road that had wood decks on it, was nice and moist all around. He was out of there faster than greased lightening. Hope he struck gold.