Anyone have a 372XPW you would sell me?

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Ok well I've got up to $400 I can spend. It looks as though I'm going to have to go with an XP instead. Anyone have a used but not beaten 372XP they'd sell me?
I just can't see keeping it with the amount of time im gonna be gone and I transfer the beggining of the year, so PCS time it will be again, I need to downsize my heap of stuff.
may as well go to someone else who will use it.
Ok folks still searching for a 75cc 372XPW but this time I can buy new as well. Anyone know of any dealers that still have any out there? Or if anyone has an extra they would be willing to part with?
Ok folks still searching for a 75cc 372XPW but this time I can buy new as well. Anyone know of any dealers that still have any out there? Or if anyone has an extra they would be willing to part with?
There's several new ones listed on eBay so local dealers might still have or be able to get them.
Most of the new ones on ebay are stratos or xtorq. Atleast thats what it appears. I keep looking though.
Peculiar as it may be I had to put my purchase on the back burner and focus more on family and other ventures. Now that my family and I arw going completely off the grid and we are focusing on doing more tree jobs and brush jobs we can now get my new saw.
Peculiar as it may be I had to put my purchase on the back burner and focus more on family and other ventures. Now that my family and I arw going completely off the grid and we are focusing on doing more tree jobs and brush jobs we can now get my new saw.

COMPLETELY off the grid? That is awesome! Got any pics to share of your setup?
We dont have many pictures as of yet but I will say that the only power we have is a small panel for charging my phone and other small things and a larger panel to power our chest freezer and reefer for food and wild game. Other than that all lighting comes from kerosene and oil lamps and small solar lamps. Our water is brought up from an artesian well and powered by a 12' blade windmill. We raise our own chickens, ducks, guineas, turkeys and geese as well as blackbelly sheep and dual purpose goats. We have a decent sized garden that provides us with a spring/summer crop and a fall/winter crop. Weve also 23 different fruit and nut trees as well as three types of grapes and various berries.
We dont have many pictures as of yet but I will say that the only power we have is a small panel for charging my phone and other small things and a larger panel to power our chest freezer and reefer for food and wild game. Other than that all lighting comes from kerosene and oil lamps and small solar lamps. Our water is brought up from an artesian well and powered by a 12' blade windmill. We raise our own chickens, ducks, guineas, turkeys and geese as well as blackbelly sheep and dual purpose goats. We have a decent sized garden that provides us with a spring/summer crop and a fall/winter crop. Weve also 23 different fruit and nut trees as well as three types of grapes and various berries.

Way cool man! I lived like that for several years, in retrospect, it was tje most fun and the happiest I ever was in my life, and I had the most energy and was the healthiest to boot.

I used both a bowsaw and a small chainsaw then, bowsaw for my personal wood, chainsaw for making money/work, fence posts and a little firewood to sell. No solar then, just candles. I had one navy surplus flashlight I hardly ever used, and a small transistor radio. that was it for modern conveniences. Small well, had chickens, caught fish, big garden plus wildcrafted a lot of food. cooked on the woodstove year round. Learned to not waste wood, and not be a wood snob then.

Now...civilization, indoor plumbing, plug in the wall, etc. but we do have a small PV array for backup and grow a lot of our food. small orchard we put in and some grapes. tried some berries but they didn't make it for some reason, I think the well water is too alkaline when we watered them.

Sorry, don't have a spare XPW though. Or any XPW for that matter.

You can try posting a wanted to buy post here:
Way cool man! I lived like that for several years, in retrospect, it was tje most fun and the happiest I ever was in my life, and I had the most energy and was the healthiest to boot.

I used both a bowsaw and a small chainsaw then, bowsaw for my personal wood, chainsaw for making money/work, fence posts and a little firewood to sell. No solar then, just candles. I had one navy surplus flashlight I hardly ever used, and a small transistor radio. that was it for modern conveniences. Small well, had chickens, caught fish, big garden plus wildcrafted a lot of food. cooked on the woodstove year round. Learned to not waste wood, and not be a wood snob then.

Now...civilization, indoor plumbing, plug in the wall, etc. but we do have a small PV array for backup and grow a lot of our food. small orchard we put in and some grapes. tried some berries but they didn't make it for some reason, I think the well water is too alkaline when we watered them.

Sorry, don't have a spare XPW though. Or any XPW for that matter.

You can try posting a wanted to buy post here:

Thats awesome! We enjoy cooking our meals over an oak fire in Cast Iron. If we want fish we arent very far from the American River and many Sierra lakes and streams. Woodcutting and other peojects pays well but iys time for a bigger saw due to many clients who have LARGE Ponderosas that my 460 just cant handle. Oh I forgot to mention that we have a rain barrel system for the rainy season that can hold 200+ gallons.