Asking about wood?

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I live in a small town in Northern Indiana but I didn't grow up here. I grew up in a small town in Ohio. The nerve center of most small towns I've learned is the local diner. There is one just about a mile up the road from me. This is where all the farmers gather every morning to BS, gossip, and tell bad jokes. This is also where I've made a lot of friends and got more offers to "come on out" to cut wood on farms than I can believe. It's kind of like networking in business. I've done a good job on every property I've cut on and word gets around with these guys. These guys don't want some yahoo hacking up their property, but if you make a couple of connections and treat them right it may lead to an endless supply of wood for you. It has for me--and some good friends to boot! My $0.02
Always knock on the door, meet the person, and make a friend. BTW, treat the person and their property with absolute respect, when in doubt, ask permission etc before doing something. Never do anything that the property owner says not to do, and make sure that they're satisfied.

Good advice to get and keep access to private land for any reason, be it wood cutting, hunting, ATV/snowmobiling, whatever. A lot (by no means all) of landowners are just happy to see someone else respect their land as much as they do.

Sounds like you hit the lottery on that one. Good friends just don't come along every day.

... I've done a good job on every property I've cut on and word gets around with these guys. These guys don't want some yahoo hacking up their property, but if you make a couple of connections and treat them right it may lead to an endless supply of wood for you. It has for me--and some good friends to boot! My $0.02

Kinda the same deal as above. Treat it like it's your own, and chances are that one spot will turn into 2, 4, as many as you can handle. They say bad news travels faster, but a good word may well travel farther.

One final note, already mentioned above, be ready to take "junk" wood with the good. Around here, if you just want to cherry pick the good stuff, a lot of doors will slam on your face.
A farm up the road from me is being logged and having new fence built. I asked the woman that owns the farm if I could cut up the old locust stakes ( they make great firewood). I also offered to cut here a load for every load I haul out. I knew she didn't burn wood but I offered anyway. She said they burn wood at their hunting camp and if I cut her one load and left it by the gate I could cut and haul all I wanted. She also said I could cut all the branches and tops that the loggers left. I should have next years wood cut by the end of the month.
I always knock on the door. I haven't been turned down yet. I live out in the country with alot of older people and I always make sure I tell them where I live. I always tell them them the old harris place they lived there 20 yrs ago but they know the place then. If I'm not in my truck i describe it for them and when I'll be out to cut.
I'm not sure whats going on here have you Americans logged off your forests?
All we have to do is drive up the road 10 minutes and holy crap looky there, trees, lots of trees. Big beautiful trees cut what you need a glory hole, Bunyon bonanza, Pickle farm, Pumpkin patch snags galore!
All free- all the time- everywhere. No need to ask just buck away into a gentle pleasing fir tree. Your eyes are getting heavy-sleep-sleep.
I'm not sure whats going on here have you Americans logged off your forests?

we have environmental nazis everywhere that dont understand trees are the one of the most renewable resources on the planet, some states you can buy cutting permits from what ive read here, but not this one.
there are many townships and/or counties around here that require you to get a "permit" to even cut down a single tree on YOUR OWN PROPERTY... crazy huh? welcome to america
I'm not sure whats going on here have you Americans logged off your forests?
All we have to do is drive up the road 10 minutes and holy crap looky there, trees, lots of trees. Big beautiful trees cut what you need a glory hole, Bunyon bonanza, Pickle farm, Pumpkin patch snags galore!
All free- all the time- everywhere. No need to ask just buck away into a gentle pleasing fir tree. Your eyes are getting heavy-sleep-sleep.
