Bad News, Good News, Husky 350

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ArboristSite Guru
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
Factoryville, PA.
I was cutting some downed stuff last weekend on my neighbors property. My wife came up to bring me lunch. As I was just finishing up the last tree, I turned around and shut the saw off. My wife asks me, "why is it smoking".:confused: I look down and both of the muffler bolts are sticking out about an inch. I have seen this problem mentioned many times on here, but thought I was lucky with my 350. Guess not.
I called my dealer who said he is aware of that problem and to bring it in.
He pulls the top cover off and says I get a new cover because of some melting. He pulls the muffler off.......and tells me I'm probably going to get a new saw. Several spots around the case were melted. He just went through this problem with another customer and thats what Husqvarna did. Replace the saw. No cost.
I asked if I could upgrade and he said thats not the way it works, but.......
Maybe a few extra bills and I have a 346 XP in my future.
I really liked the 350 and wouldn't mind another one, but I have been eyeing up the 346 xp since last year. Everytime I'm at the dealers I have to take it off the shelf and "fondle it".:)
He does have the NE with the silver cover and primer bulb. Also the gray gas cap.
I'll report back on what happens.

Day-um! My BIL just gave me a 350 that he'd burned up(scored p/c) that was only 6 months old that had a similar melting around the exhaust. I've never heard of this problem until your post. His dealer said he needed a new piston and cylinder to the tune of 300 bucks so he bought a stihl.

He'd already had them check it out two times before that to which they said there was no problem... hmm. I just figured my brother in law straight gassed it but maybe not.
Fix it up. I've really heard some nice things about the 350. It does sound like the muff bolts have a habit of backing out, though. Sounds like the 350 owners would do well to snug 'em up once in a while.
My boy has one and it did the same thing 2 times. No damage he caught it in time. I filled the head treads full of lock-tite and have had no trouble so far. We do check it now every time just to make sure before he uses it. It's been a good little saw. Up graded it to a different chain with bigger cutters and he modded the muffler and it cuts much better and will get er done now.
I have never had the bolts loosen on my 350 but have had it happen on my 310, a 137 and a few other cheaper saws. Not to be sarcastic, but how do you not know when running the saw that the muffler is coming loose? I was always able to tell the change in the sound long before any damage was done. As soon as any of my saws sounds just a little different I stop to find out why. I am positive that my 137 would be a melted blob if it was not for noticing the difference in sound and even the way the saw ran. That muffler seems to loosen up every time the weather changes.
Not to be sarcastic, but how do you not know when running the saw that the muffler is coming loose? I was always able to tell the change in the sound long before any damage was done. As soon as any of my saws sounds just a little different I stop to find out why.

Good ear muffs on my helmet I guess. I really don't think it was loose too long because I did have the muffs off while I was back cutting a dead standing maple a little earlier. Didn't notice anything then. I like to hear when the tree is breaking loose a little better.

my 044 muffler rattled loose the other day , its now locktited with red locktite
Jonsered actually sells a fix for this same problem, I don't know if husqvarna has the same thing out or not but if they don't, I can't see why; they're essentially the same product. Are they finally getting around to covering the burned cases etc under warranty? A Jred dealer gave me these, the insert is a service bulletin according to the dealer, the muffler; that kind of explains itself, check them out.
Jonsered actually sells a fix for this same problem, I don't know if husqvarna has the same thing out or not but if they don't, I can't see why; they're essentially the same product. Are they finally getting around to covering the burned cases etc under warranty? A Jred dealer gave me these, the insert is a service bulletin according to the dealer, the muffler; that kind of explains itself, check them out.

My dealer was aware of the problem and Husqvarna has a fix.

Is this problem with the newer 350's only? I have a 350 with out the primer bulb, it's about 7 years old. Never have had the screws back out.
I have noticed it more in the newer saws, I started another thread (see my thread "Mahle cylinder"), but haven't gotten any informative responses. I notice the older 350's used to have the Mahle cylinders on them & most of those that I have repaired are due to straight or bad gas problems. The newer 350's have the Husqvarna cylinders on them & most of the repairs are due to the mufflers coming loose. Some of the ones with muffler issues have actually burned completely through the oil tank if not noticed in time. I tested one that I put back together on a new case (I had several spare cases at one time) just to see how long it would take to melt the case after a muffler came loose; you can have substantial melting with less than 10 minutes of operation with a loose muffler (it does make a sound that should be easy enough identified when the muffler is loose). I wasn't wearing any ear protection, so it was easy to tell the difference, plus I knew the muffler was loose. I would think Husqvarna/Jred would want to get the word around about the muffler fix, as something like that could lead to a nasty fire if it goes unnoticed and burns throught the oil tank, especially if you are cutting in dry areas and throw the saw down if/when it catches fire!
It is an issue as old as the 350. Lots and lots of toasted tubs out there. Once the saw has been ran with the muffler bolts loose loctite is a short term solution. There was a bracket installed, etc. to serve as remedies. JB Weld is not a remedy.

At first it was blamed on loose bolts from the factory. Then it was blamed on bad bolts, bad castings. Blah, blah, blah. It was a poor design that needed a front bracket and a third mount to the case to dampen vibrations. They knew that.

If your muffler bolts have not vibrated loose count your blessings.
If Husqvarna/Jonsered and or your dealer are willing to cover the damage, count your blessings.

Good deal for you and your dealer.
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With all the darn saws I have, I really like the 350 for small, around the house duty and seem to grab it more often than not. While I've never had the bolts back out, after reading this thread, I reinstalled them with some 2100°F Thread-locker, just in case.
I have abused two husky 350 for years and neither has ever had a problem with loose muffler bolts. If I am not mistaken, the old 346xp has the same muffler and I have never had a problem with that saw either. The only problem I have had with both 350s is the ignition switch becoming disconnected. The 350 is a great little saw but I will check the muffler bolts on mine the next time I use them.
I have had a 18" 350 for about 18 months now and it gets used for small tree felling and firewood gathering...but acts as the larger brother to the 141. TBH most of my stuff is small so the little 141 is perfect for that.

Mine is a Euro sourced/manufactured 350 and (touch wood) I have not the problem. But I'm keeping my beady on it anyway

I have had a 18" 350 for about 18 months now and it gets used for small tree felling and firewood gathering...but acts as the larger brother to the 141. TBH most of my stuff is small so the little 141 is perfect for that.
Mine is a Euro sourced/manufactured 350 and (touch wood) I have not the problem. But I'm keeping my beady on it anyway

Thats my other saw. A 141 that I can't kill. I used it quite a bit this year. Never had an issue with it.

Anyway, without getting into specifics and money, I picked up a 346 XP today.
It basically worked out as a "trade in" with the dealer. I was comfortable with the deal. I've been looking at the 346 since last year, so it was an opportunity to upgrade. I should be good for a while.:)




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