Baileys...steppin' it up...026 style

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yup, People will try to get every last bet out of you they can. You showed him everything and he still wanted you to do it again.... people are strange i tell ya.

Cant go wrong with OEM but their is a lot of quality aftermarket.
Lets say Baileys p&c was 10 times Better then the stihl ones would you use and recommend them more to your customers? Maybe a dum question to ask a dealer but... i'm curious.

Welp if it was 10 times better they wouldn't be half the price. I don't fault Baileys, wasn't their fault at all. They sent what he ordered, simple as that.

Far as promoting other brands, not again. Its hard to stand behind your work when your dealing in something such as that kit. Thats why I refused to install the second one. Had it failed after a few weeks who would be blamed, not me I made sure of. I get paid well to stand behind my work using OEM, I get nothing for standing behind someone elses brand. Not my job to look out for the other guy, thats thier job....
I wonder if this one can catch a 5100 that I keep hearing about........

Are you going to re port your 346NE so it will run with Gink...........Beware of rev limited saws .......
I wasn't frustrated, I was like what the f-----k.

I felt like I had steered the man wrong but the other side of me was going don't worry about it, he chose cheap, so be it...

LOL, may have just been a bad one. But after that i would tell any customers about it without warning at least.
I wonder if this one can catch a 5100 that I keep hearing about........

Are you going to re port your 346NE so it will run with Gink...........Beware of rev limited saws .......

Huh, what is Gink, that a person or a saw???
Welp if it was 10 times better they wouldn't be half the price. I don't fault Baileys, wasn't their fault at all. They sent what he ordered, simple as that.

Far as promoting other brands, not again. Its hard to stand behind your work when your dealing in something such as that kit. Thats why I refused to install the second one. Had it failed after a few weeks who would be blamed, not me I made sure of. I get paid well to stand behind my work using OEM, I get nothing for standing behind someone elses brand. Not my job to look out for the other guy, thats thier job....

Not arguing with none of that, I agree with you.
LOL, may have just been a bad one. But after that i would tell any customers about it without warning at least.

Nope, I won't do that, thats not fair or right of me to do so. I will do what I've always done. I'll price em OEM parts. If they don't wanna buy them so be it.

Yes, probably just a odd ball bad kit. It happens, no biggie. I felt kinda bad because I steered him to it but like I said, he chose cheap so I soon got over it, hope he did too,LOL
1) Frank (gink) 1.94 5100
2) Gink 2.0 5100
3) Gink 2.03 5100
4) Gink 2.07 5100

5) Brad 2.12 346
6) Ericjeeper 2.12 346
7) Brad 2.16 026/260??
8) Ericjeeper 2.22 346
9) EJ 2.31 346
10) 2.87 346

Awwwwwwwww ok, Gink is a person, not a saw. Saw racing huh, times are pretty close there. Within a second of the fastest and the slowest. 5100 was da winner. Now the big question, what was the prize? Back in the old days cats raced for titles of cars. The loser had to give the other man his car. Whoever Gink is just picked some new saws, hot dayummm..
Hey Brad,that NE346XP looks just like mine.I have better go check out in the garage and see.How is the quality of the other aftermarket cylinder kits that Baileys sells?
Nope, I won't do that, thats not fair or right of me to do so. I will do what I've always done. I'll price em OEM parts. If they don't wanna buy them so be it.

Yes, probably just a odd ball bad kit. It happens, no biggie. I felt kinda bad because I steered him to it but like I said, he chose cheap so I soon got over it, hope he did too,LOL

I meant to say wouldn't... spell check doesn't get all my disasters correct... LOL
I wonder if this one can catch a 5100 that I keep hearing about........

Are you going to re port your 346NE so it will run with Gink...........Beware of rev limited saws .......

Might as well do it with style and use the 260!:buttkick:
I wonder if this one can catch a 5100 that I keep hearing about.......Are you going to re port your 346NE so it will run with Gink............
Nope. I'm happy with the way it runs. There's no comparison in the throttle response of the two saws. The 346 is night and day better in that reguards. An 044 carb goes a long ways towards remedying that in the 260 though.

That ported 346 isn't so impressive any more.:greenchainsaw:
See above. IMHO, there's no comparison in use cutting wood.

Might as well do it with style and use the 260!:buttkick:
That's exactly what I plan to do. I'll chase Gink down and slaughter him with good ole Orange and White:greenchainsaw:
Nope. I'm happy with the way it runs. There's no comparison in the throttle response of the two saws. The 346 is night and day better in that reguards. An 044 carb goes a long ways towards remedying that in the 260 though.

See above. IMHO, there's no comparison in use cutting wood.

That's exactly what I plan to do. I'll chase Gink down and slaughter him with good ole Orange and White:greenchainsaw:

Brad rev limited saws do really good if you know how to build them......I remember a 7901 from Ohio that was way more than 15% over stock.......Just might have been a Ohio saw god saw.......:)

From what Ive read lately in your posts ,You seem to need big RPM's to get your saws to cut .............My question is Why?? Your 15% on the 7900 is the difference between a round chisel and a square chisel in some cases......Im just trying to figure out what people are paying for .......

From what Im being told by a Husky rep the 346NE is limited for a reason of longivity ......Rumor has it there bringing the RPM's down even more in the very near future ......I think I'd be really pissed to have a 50cc saw running 15K + and 850.00 with no idea what kinda stress it going to take and for how long ........2000 hours on a pro saw is good at stock RPM's ........How many hours are you getting out of an 850.00 50cc saw running 15K+ ??:popcorn:

Ok back too the 026 P/C ..........:clap::clap:
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Brad rev limited saws do really good if you know how to build them......I remember a 7901 from Ohio that was way more than 15% over stock.......Just might have been a Ohio saw god saw.......:)

From what Ive read lately in your posts ,You seem to need big RPM's to get your saws to cut .............My question is Why?? Your 15% on the 7900 is the difference between a round chisel and a square chisel in some cases......Im just trying to figure out what people are paying for .......

From what Im being told by a Husky rep the 346NE is limited for a reason of longivity ......Rumor has it there bringing the RPM's down even more in the very near future ......I think I'd be really pissed to have a 50cc saw running 15K + and 850.00 with no idea what kinda stress it going to take and for how long ........2000 hours on a pro saw is good at stock RPM's ........How many hours are you getting out of an 850.00 50cc saw running 15K+ ??:popcorn:

Ok back too the 026 P/C ..........:clap::clap:


Nope. I'm happy with the way it runs. There's no comparison in the throttle response of the two saws. The 346 is night and day better in that reguards. An 044 carb goes a long ways towards remedying that in the 260 though.

See above. IMHO, there's no comparison in use cutting wood.

That's exactly what I plan to do. I'll chase Gink down and slaughter him with good ole Orange and White:greenchainsaw:

Were you and gink running round or square at the last GTG? Or was one running square and the other running round? Hmmmm. This would be the 1st thing I would look for on the other saw if I was racing another saw. It's like racing a car with NITRO!:dizzy:
Were you and gink running round or square at the last GTG? Or was one running square and the other running round? Hmmmm. This would be the 1st thing I would look for on the other saw if I was racing another saw. It's like racing a car with NITRO!:dizzy:

The answer is yes...:givebeer:...Other than that I plead the 5th...
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