Buying MS 362 today for $550 + tax....Should I do it?

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Hey Folks,

Sorry to have left you (and my bud, hillbilly 22) all with a case of "Saw Ballz" but I finally got it!:clap::givebeer: Picked up my MS 362 for $550 + Tax. The Stihl Salesperson threw in 2 extra chains, a Stihl hat (like I need another hat, Haw!) quart bottle of bar oil and 2 bottles of mix- each bottle mixes with 2.5 gallons. I also bought a dozen files and a case. He is going to also be pricing me the 'Kita 6401 at around $370 + tax (new). Hope to buy the 'Kita BB from Bailey's and after the warranty runs out....Looks like Christmas may be coming soon. I' lll be able to try her out on Saturday (all day). I have a 2 questions, if ya'll be kind enough to provide me with input.

1. Do I break in my saw by working it like a rented mule or do I baby it? I have always run my saws hard but maintain them after each time I use them.

2. Do I need to start my saw by using the decompression valve? I have always started my Dad's Stihl 056 AV ( 84 cc's) and it doesn't have this feature.

any and all input will be appreciated- Thanks again for your input fellows and hope you have a great Friday and weekend!!



"saw ballz" LOL!!!! 10-4 on the 362 good buddy! Cant go wrong with a Stihl. I know youll love it.....but since you mentioned Christmas may be coming early...why dont ya go try out a Husqvarna XP saw. Dosent matter which model...try any of'em.....ya never know....:food:
Sounds like you have a winner friend!

I would think you will like it alot. Just run it like you would any saw. Breaking a saw in is just running a few tanks through it. Just run it normal, no 30" all day cutting. Break it in like you want to run it.