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Anyone can complain
as you demonstrate on a regular basis.
but few actually take the initiative to do something about it
should I hold you to your own standard of proving your worthiness? :laugh:
seems clear which camp you are in
Ah ... you've dug yourself in then? and which "camp" may I ask, are you in?
If the direction the country is headed in is not to your liking, do something to change, accept it or move somewhere that is more compatible with your ideals.
And there it is folks, the ultimate conclusion of a person who cannot represent himself in a discussion without declaring:
"Agree with me or get out" ... What camp was that you're in again, Guido?
I feel sorry the folks out east. Dealing with feets of snow and running out of places to put it.:eek: We are used to it here, I live in the country so we have plenty of room to put the snow but the -26 F actual temperatures are getting a little old. :cold: I don't even want to go out and get the mail. It is only a couple hundred feet to the mailbox but it seems much farther this time of the year.:cry:
No snow here, if I was in a snowbound state, I think it would be a hoot to have a Snow Cat. "Come on honey, grab Sam (the dog) & lets go get the mail". Of course, have the cab all warmed up & ready to roll.
You guys don't like cold weather? Come on down to sunny Georgia where the temp here is 17 degrees this morning. But hey, we don't ever have to shovel that white stuff.

I like turtles too. Did I tell you I got a new to me MS460? So far I've put a new pull rope and handle on it and fitted up a 32" bar so I can finish bucking a pecan with it. I've been sick since I bought it and haven't even had it in wood yet. I'm feeling a bit better but not sure if I'm up to slinging that around yet...
Oooooo wood splitter project.I need a splitter and I like Honda motors.Actually I'm out of Money right now and Couldn't even make it to the Gas Station.:laugh: Think I'll start sorting motorcycle parts to go on Ebay and work on sending my time in to a bunch i work for.
That is the nature of the beast.

Our founders tried (brilliantly) to create a system that resists that tendency ... however, the Republic they created will not function as a republic in the hands of corrupt and immoral people.

How many people today think America was founded as a democracy? I cringe every time I hear someone say "We're a democracy" or "Democracy is freedom" ... Our founders were well aware of what a pure democracy was, and they feared it. That's why they created the republic, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.

Those documents were boundaries and restrictions on the government, not the people per se, but since our government is supposed to be "we the people" ... those restrictions are upon the people as well, in the sense that the "tyranny of the majority" was an anathema to the founders.

Sadly, we have lost those principles ... incrementally over the years, and the rot began long ago.
We're more of an oligarchy.
Well, I got this Honda in a package (of two). They were both new but no longer in the box. The boxes had gotten wet so were removed. The one I used had a keyed shaft. This one has a threaded shaft and they are typically used on pumps and so forth. I don't know if there is a Lovejoy coupler that can screw onto the shaft or if someone would have to adapt something. At any rate, it's a brand new, never had oil/gas Honda. I don't even recall the size. Maybe in the 8hp range? Guess I need to get some pics and put it up in the Trading Post. I have no need for it and am bent on cleaning "stuff" out of my shop.