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I spy wif my wootle eye..... not one but two husky 2100!!!!!1. HOARDER...HOARDER....HOOOOOORDERRRRR:hmm3grin2orange:

No, no the one in the back is a 480CD, there is a 2100 case and rear handle in a bucket back there but it is not visible.

I had that happen with my Partner R440T, quite the experience with a pre chainbrake 100cc beastie, full chisel round ground with the drags @ .030, throws osb board lookin chips with authority!!, and the saw too when you get the straight line kick back!

Yes, I have adjusted my stance when bucking long logs with torquey saws.

I would imagine that a 100cc Partner or a 85cc Poulan backing out of the log at a high rate of speed would be enought to put a stain in your shorts.......and maybe make you sit down for a moment to figure out what just happened, providing you survived it.:msp_confused::msp_confused:

It is hard to imagine that anything that big and that heavy can move that fast in the wrong direction. I had my Craftsman 4.2 back up a couple of times when easing off the throttle at the end of a cut when trying to avoid getting the chain in the dirt and that certainly got my attention. I can't imagine how fast a big saw would move at wide open throttle.:msp_mellow:

Yes, I had some choice words and had to walk it off, it was right at the end of the cut, when the gap closed up the saw came strait out, I usually cut with Stihls and have never had this happen, even with the 066 they just get pinched and I have to wedge them out.

You don't know the half of it. The best part is that Jim visits some scrap yards that are great black holes for big old magnesium saws. He's scored MANY of them for $.30/pound. Scrap yards around here only have roached Wild Things..............and/or just crush/recycle the 'good ones' without letting them go back out.:bang:

Unfortunately there are a few around here that send them strait to the shredder, even after I offered to triple what they paid:mad:

How did you get a picture of my living room???

I am married so no saws allowed inside.:msp_tongue:

took me awhile to find that!@#$ fan.but then its only 5:30am

It takes me a while to find it also.:hmm3grin2orange: