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I'm a believer after an incident 2 yrs. ago. Only ended up with a nick on my knee but went out and got chaps. I subsequently saw a live demonstration and was very impressed. I can't remember what saw it was but it was square grnd. chain and EXTREMELY sharp (I looked at that chain prior to the demo and I could cut a curl off my thumb nail). The biggest thing (previously mentioned in this post that was stressed during that test was the tendency for the chaps to rap around. Full wrap for me.

A couple of guys I cut with do not wear ANY protection (head, eye, ear, leg). I can't get them to change. I did send them the link to the ham cutting. I wonder what their thoughts will be when they see that saw ripping thru that ham hock.

Although chaps and safety gear are not new topics on AS I believe it's best to resurface these issures on occasions. Maybe the folks out there that are like my 2 friends will change prior to an incident.

The Good Old boys from Carolina are looking for the BBQ when they see pork being cut.
I nicked my pants a year ago and I wear my chaps every time , now. A guy that I work with did a major cut on his leg and was off of work for a few months. He came back with a noticeable limp.
Well fella's I will be ribbed for this. I have did alot of reading on here and have been cutting for years but I never wore any chaps before.. Only at work. I am embarased to say I hit my leg today right on the shin..I was bucking and finished a cut when I took my right hand off the saw to get something out of the way.. Let the left hand down NOT Thinking , and wham the 361 got me.. Looked down and pants all ripped up I just knew it was going to be bad because it smarted pretty good.. Wow did I get lucky. The still turning chain before the rpms went down hit a small twig and I only got a small cut.. Well It was a good one but no arteries or bone.. I never hit myself before. Thought I didnt need them.. I WILL NOT GO WITHOUT THEM AGAIN!!!

I should have mentioned this the first time; Thanks for brining up chaps again. It's good for us all to be reminded. Positive rep from me KD.
I had my left knee cap saved by a pair of 6 ply Stihl chaps. You never start out cutting planning to have an accident...they just happen.
Had a another dealer tell me a sad story: he had a first time chain saw customer that he was explaining the chaps too, with the customer's wife standing right there, and when the price of the chaps came up she said, "Well, our deductible is only $50, so we will pass on buying the chaps."
Some people just don't get it!!!
i'm employed as a groundskeeper at the hospital here
and they bought be a pair of the Elvex 94 Series chaps

they fit a bit better than my labonville chaps do

anyone ever used the Elvex 94 Series chaps?

I've got the Elvex chaps and like them alot.:biggrinbounce2:
for all us Canadian sawboys, HomeDepot has the ECHO brand chaps for less than 60 bucks CDN, in Hi-Viz orange, 3000rpm chain speed and they meet WCB (in BC) standards too...) well made and cheap investment, cut into them - big whoop, a new pair is cheap :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
White Cedar bark chaps?

I was trimming off some stubs on a cedar fence post yesterday and got a quick lesson how chaps work. White cedar has stringy fiberous bark and there was some loose pieces hanging off the post. Some got caught on chain and a fair piece was sucked into chain and wham! the chain stopped dead. I couldn't even spin it by hand. I had to take the side cover off and there was a ton of it wrapped around the drive sprocket and even a bunch trapped in the groove of the bar so the chain was difficult to pull out of the groove.
Cedar bark is not kevlar by any means but it goes to prove how effectively chaps can work, and if you forget to bring them you can wrap cedar bark around your legs... :jester: :jester:
I never use to where my chaps all that much. When i was limbing yes, but cutting fire wood no. But i was out looking for fire wood one day and the very top of a beech tree was in the road. So grabbed the smallest saw that i own and debated about even spending the time to put my chaps on for the 3 min. it was going to take me to clear the road. But i took the 10 sec. to put my chaps on and on the very first cut a small twig/limb caught the chain before i even rev'd it up, when i gave it the gas, WWHHAAMM right into my leg. Chewed the chaps and not my leg. Now i where them faithfully.
I never use to where my chaps all that much. When i was limbing yes, but cutting fire wood no. But i was out looking for fire wood one day and the very top of a beech tree was in the road. So grabbed the smallest saw that i own and debated about even spending the time to put my chaps on for the 3 min. it was going to take me to clear the road. But i took the 10 sec. to put my chaps on and on the very first cut a small twig/limb caught the chain before i even rev'd it up, when i gave it the gas, WWHHAAMM right into my leg. Chewed the chaps and not my leg. Now i where them faithfully.

That's the perfect lesson right there.
I won't cut without them after seeing them work for a guy I used to work with. would have been a bad scene if he hadn't been wearing them.
Do you still have the link?

Link to the ham cut. Use the largest video player you have. Full screen is the best.

From STIHL # 1 (don't know how to do a second quote in 1 post, just copied same).

he had a first time chain saw customer that he was explaining the chaps too, with the customer's wife standing right there, and when the price of the chaps came up she said, "Well, our deductible is only $50, so we will pass on buying the chaps."

After I showed my wife the video with the ham cut she went out to the shed and brought my chaps in. She said they were too lite weight (2 yr. old Husqvarna brand. probably only 2 or 4 ply) and told me to go out and get new ones. I told her we don't have the cash (we live check to check) and she told me "we'll find the money, go get new chaps". So here's the opposite to the above story. BTW, she was the one that got me to wear chaps after the nicked knee. God bless her sole.
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" BTW, she was the one that got me to wear chaps after the nicked knee. God bless her sole."

Yeah the same here.. The wife is on me like White on Rice..
I haven't read this thread untill now because I always wear chaps. I watched the ham video, and now I'm glad I read this. My chaps are just like the 10 year old chaps in the video, although mine anen't 10 years old.
Time to upgrade!

I dunno, but I followed that link, and found that they provide ZERO information on their chaps! Just based on that, I would not buy from them. If you have already bought them, I'd contact the company and ask for information!

I personally tend to stay away from products they market these days. They have been taking over other brand names in safety equipment for a while and seem to be mostly focused on selling a wide range of stuff for cheap to compete in the big market(big box stores, etc.). For example, they took over Cabot respirators, and quit making the real Cabot one I liked and only make a poorer quality look alike that they already made. What bit me was a vendor I bought from still had the old picture of the real Cabot respirator and I ordered a bunch and got the newer ones that are not nearly as good quality (and fit is everything in a respirator). Sent them back as they are terrible.

Just my observation. I also observation recently that that same vendor is no longer selling the aosafety repirators at all, and has found another manufactoror's. Must of had other people complain about the quality.

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