Craning some biggies today1

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Originally posted by Bradley
Talking about 170 foot tulips, I just went on a Rec. climb saturday in N. GA and saw some of the biggest tulips I've ever seen. Nearly as big as some in Joyce Kilmer Nat. Forest. Don't get to see deeply furrowed mature bark like that often. Got to climb in a white oak that was probably 135'+ with first branch @ 65'. Film crew was there filming a documentary on Rec. tree climbing. Lots of white pines in the area at least 150'. One climber in party reached 150' + in a pine and wisely decided not to go higher. View was great and a great day overall.

Right on Bradley,
Just go 2 hrs north and youll run into some huge Hemlocks.
Highlands NC now there is tree heaven .
And congrats for the TV crew support.
Look that man's on TV. lol
I didn't read what TC wrote, as it has been erased.
This is a note to Tree Co. If you personally attack Rb Tree with the language that was emailed to me again. You will have a break for two weeks. We don't need it here.
No he won't be missed. I was ready to take a suspension and tell him off in a thread. I don't think he a contributing/possitive member.

Anyway, hello all. long time!!!
Enough of the talk about TC! Party at rbtree's house!!!:D :cool:
One more thing about this tc cat, I dont think he's real noone can be that obtuse, unless maybe he isnt taking his medicine. What do you guys call that a Troll?
A troll is someone who comes in to a discussion just to stir things up in a very negative way. Just like in fishing, they drop a line and see what they can catch.
From what I've read in the past few months Trees Company has brought anything to the table except BULLSH*T. Why continue to let him post at all? These are the guys we need to get rid of to keep this site going!!!!! Just a thought :D

good work rb,i qoute some similar jobs but vastley different trees you never quite know how much youre going to end up with,i just finished one job where it was cheaper to cut logs in 5.4m lengths and pay to have them delivered to a sawmill than dump,there would be very few fir trees over here,has anyone heard of mountain ash eucalypt???quick growing hardwood slabs easily
Have I heard of mt ash?? My friend Graeme McMahon is THE man when it comes to big trees, along with gerry Beranek in Cali redwoods.


am i right in thinking in your last oictures posted is the guy knockin' that stick off onto another stump to split it on purpose.
if he is please explain why.

ps i think he got big balls

dead right rb graeme is THEMAN when it comes to ash, you can always tell where hes been 100 per foot on a regular basis ive done some training with him earlier on,another guy who works for me trevor, graeme will know him by first name is also good. mountain ash not for average to good climbers ill bet my life on it. im getting a d camera soon will post some pics.we took a limb off one recently took 6 hours up the tree using a big shot and lowering drum nice garden underneath limb was 80 ft up first limb, and 70ft long. climber was graemes offsiders brother in law if that makes sense
Have any of you had a chance to see the vidio that graeme made of his crew removing dangerous mt ash, in sections, with sticks of jelly ? worth seeing along with other trees on vid:blob5:
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Hey Rb.

Werent they featured in TCI a while back about a huge removal in an outdoor santuary in Austrailia I think?

This pic reminds me of the article, and it sounds alot like it.


Bingo, Carl! After reading that amazing article, I was thrilled when Graeme showed up on these boards, and we started interacting.

Awesome video, Graeme's!! Summer 2002, we met at the ISA Seattle Conference. He met us on a job site and casually removed a 125 foot, 1300 board foot fir , well, down to a 70 foot stick for craning later. I handed him a little climbing saw, which he took a liking to after a spell, for handling the 2-5 inch branches... He told us his normal climb saw is an 046!

At lunch, before he split to catch a plane back home, he showed us his video...stunning work!!

Anybody who hasn't checked out the vid clips on Graeme's website needs to do so!!

Paging Graeme...we've missed ya, both here and on the buzz....