Deming Log Show

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May 5, 2001
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Had a great time at the Deming Log Show, which is held to benefit local busted up loggers.

Will post a lot of pics, mostly of all the unlimited hotsaws. Little time for commentary....

I dont know when I'll get around to learning to resize some great ones of Brian Bartow getting beat in the 90 foot pole climb (He's the world's fastest.) and lots of the hot saws.
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Several Buick 215 aluminum block V-8's, a V-6 or two, a Toyota, and 2 Harleys.

Bill or Bill Jr, please chime in with details on who's who.

Here's one of the Harleys leaving the biggest rooster tail you've ever seen!
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I bet it was Wade Steward who beat Brian Bartow in the speed climb.
Another Buick, the Binford, that supposedly had the fastest time of the weekend....but hand timing can be way off.....who knows, anybody get video that can get a frame count?
Your pictures are excellent as usual, Roger. Now all you need is a telephoto long enough to get in tight from a distance during the cuts.

I guess every once in a while the Predator has to lose just to keep things interesting. I follow Formula One racing and they've actually seen a drop in revenues because people are just taking it for granted that Michael Schumacher and the Ferrari team are going to win most races anyway.

If you want to talk about resizing videos, you can call me sometime, or talk to Z4lunch. Steve has a nice setup and has posted mpegs here many times.
Thanks Doug,

I have Premiere, but need to learn it. ACDSee allows my to rotate all my incorrectly shot vids, but garbles the sound......

I've little time, what with working long hours...and shooting lots with the new Prol. I also have to scan some negs and slides from the wedding I shot.

I mistakenly bought some screw on lenses for the Pro1, but the wide angle wont work with the 7-1 zoom which extends in and out a bunch. Nor can i seem toget the 2x to focus very well, mostly at infinity....even when using manual focus.....of course the optical quality drops way off with those lenses.

I'll have a 1D Mark2 by fall for sure!

Here is one of the most spectacular flowering trees you'll ever see, a cornus kousa, snapped in a light mist, on the way to Deming. Worth the 1 hour drive to capture it in perfect light. but I doubt if I'll find the time...
Oh! I see! You had the odacity not to include moi on your pro photographers list! Ggrrrr.
I suppose I'm just a Rhesus monkey at the controls of my Photo Shop CS am I? We'll see!
Great pictures Roger, however, on the top right hand corner of the camera there is a rocker style button with "W" and "T" on it.
The W means Wide and the T means Telephoto. Hit the T to the right and it kinda brings in the subject matter a bit closer. You must learn these things if you want to be a chainsaw groupie like me.
Anyway, I outdid myself and exceeded my daily quota of 300BDF/ day with this Bald Cheery.
Zypo, why not get off that rapidly fattening arse of yours and go make some good money like you're capable of rather than wasting everyone's time whining about undeserved recognition here. At this rate, you'll be the size of that chainsaw hag in the video within two months and you can change your handle to Hyppo. If you won't get out there and cut trees, maybe you could eke out a meager existence taking pictures of animals at the zoo and selling them on the Discuss-BC website with your butt-buddy.
Bartow beat Wade in strentgh but as normal Wade killed him on the way down, made up almost 1.5 seconds. He is quick.
"The Deming Log Show"

Fun was had this weekend at the ol' log show. Watching Wade beat Brian on the return trip was something else! Kudos to both of those guys for doin' what they do!

The unlimited hotsaw class was indeed interesting. Quick time was 1.08 seconds on a log that measured 30.5" by the BINFORD saw. Don't get your panties in a twist yet! The PREDATOR is still the fastest recorded time with Rotax at the throttle and V6Bill on the other side. Two years ago in Hoquim it went .88 seconds in cottonwood! Bill Jr (practicer of fine waterproofing for the log show)
I took the liberty to make a post over on my new digs,

Thanks for the pics Roger. Let's get the party started over there.

Rage against the machine. I think it was the first site that gave me a little trouble for maybe 30 seconds.
Get to work boys

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