Did the site get hacked?

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Ain't no guru of nuthin'
Apr 20, 2013
South Australia
Ok, so I'm pretty much a noob in these parts - but I'll add my 2c anyway.
I understand that sometimes things just don't work out and you need to walk away, and for some walking away from AS is the correct choice. For the rest of us - how do we "repair" AS?
Personally I try to only chime in when I feel I have something to contribute that I can back up from my own experience and avoid commenting when I would only be regurgitating what I have heard. I try and answer a first time poster with the same respect I'd answer an established member. When I've had a good experience with a site sponsor I recommend their business.
What feeds a forum is original content, and constructive conversation. Admittedly I add very little original content - I simply don't do very much that hasn't been covered a million times before. I do make a serious attempt when involved in discussions to speak from my experience and avoid bias - and I freely admit when my opinions disagree with others.
I understand the frustration at seeing yet another oil thread, yet another "which 40/50/60cc saw?", yet another "how do I MM my .......?" thread. But it wasn't long ago that people who are respected authorities on this site now were posting "how should I port .....?" threads. This cycle will continue.

There will always be some goose who thinks the sun shines when you run their favourite brand of saw, and all others are rubbish. There are people asking stupid questions right now who will be making valuable contributions in a few years. And there will always be people who are sick of seeing new people ask simple questions that could be answered with a search.

I dunno - but what if this conversation turned from "which site is better", and "what's wrong with AS" to how we can help?


Where the Wild Things Are
Jul 9, 2011
But AS sucks these days, 'cause the folks at SH aren't here (which implies that those of us who post here and not there are obviously inadequate). This is the statement I read over and over.

Posting here is voluntary. I have no interest in posting at SH (and no doubt some would rather I didn't anyway) so I don't. Would it be cool for me to register there and talk about how much it sucks?


sodium pentothal
May 2, 2010
floating down the river of tears that gushes forth
But AS sucks these days, 'cause the folks at SH aren't here (which implies that those of us who post here and not there are obviously inadequate). This is the statement I read over and over.

Posting here is voluntary. I have no interest in posting at SH (and no doubt some would rather I didn't anyway) so I don't. Would it be cool for me to register there and talk about how much it sucks?

Sure, knock yourself out.


Work Saw Specialist
Nov 21, 2009
More to it than that Chris.

Many old hands moved on that are not at SH either. They just disappeared.

This site hasn't been the same since the hack. A lot of folks don't care for the new format. I like it now that Darin got all the email notifications working well, but I'm just one guy.

Then there are those that left because they felt the the rebuilding of the site was handled poorly. I almost joined them.

This site isn't in danger of fading away......but it is far diminished from it former self.

I don't post on SH much.......I'm mostly here. I respect all the guys that do post there though. I'd never call them rif raf, or think I was better than them.

I had a blast back in the days of the rep ho days......and those were the guys that helped me laugh my way healthy.
Aug 13, 2009
You're a great guy Jason. My comments about the rif raf are certainly not about you personally.
Well, Brad, you've got me to do something I said I'd never do, sign back in here.

Brad, does it ever occur to you, even for a split second, why every major fight that has occurred on this site for the past 5 years or more always includes you as the centerpiece?

Do you honestly think that you are this shining beacon of truth and justice and all of us just pick on you because we are mean, rotten people?

Do you really think we are so stupid that you can call us names, lie to us and when you are called out, believe that your words are being twisted or that you are being misrepresented?

I know you are incapable of ever admitting you are wrong (at least that I've ever seen) but I hope you give it some thought. I have been stunned by the hateful things you have said to others on FB and still am surprised how offended you get after you call others names.

Brad, people don't like you for a reason. Hopefully some day you will have the courage to look at the reason why.

P.S. I'm not rif raf.
Nov 8, 2006
Franklin, OH
I didn't call anyone rif raf. I called the behavior rif raf. I will not back down from that. I don't say what I say because I'm trying to win a popularity contest. I say it because I believe it to be the truth. Some people don't like that, afraid it might hurt their business. And what in the world are you talking about on FB? Please do say.


sodium pentothal
May 2, 2010
floating down the river of tears that gushes forth
I didn't call anyone rif raf. I called the behavior rif raf. I will not back down from that. I don't say what I say because I'm trying to win a popularity contest. I say it because I believe it to be the truth. Some people don't like that, afraid it might hurt their business. And what in the world are you talking about on FB? Please do say.

Actually, you said "personally" and made no mention of behavior.

You're a great guy Jason. My comments about the rif raf are certainly not about you personally.
Nov 8, 2006
Franklin, OH
Randy, just like I told you a couple weeks ago, the ball's in your court when it comes to this friendship. You talk one way, and then act another. When you learn that it's OK for the competition to have a different opinion than yours, you'll be a lot further along. I tiptoe around this forum always worried about upsetting you with my differing opinions. Yet you come out and just blast what I have to say. I don't know why you act like I'm a threat to you. There's no need for you to treat me like you do. You admittedly have more work than you can handle, and I don't take much to begin with.
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