Don't Buy Junk Part 2

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WCTV has developed an algorithm through which you can find out where you are on this spectrum.
We have devised a scale from 0-200 with a score of 0 being a totally independent individual who believes they can make or produce all they need. A score of 200 is someone who relies on engineers and who mostly buys the tools and supplies they need.

If 0 is independent, and 200 dependent, why does a 4wd truck get you 10 points when 2wd gets 1? Why does hand-splitting get fewer points than using a machine that most can't build from the raw materials? What if I grew and butchered the cow myself, and grilled it over wood I cut with my bowsaw and split with my forehead? Shouldn't I get negative points for that? Anyone who uses a lawn mower deserves a 10, whether they push it or ride it. Use a sickle, or get a goat. I don't know what your test measured, but it sure isn't independence.
If 0 is independent, and 200 dependent, why does a 4wd truck get you 10 points when 2wd gets 1? Why does hand-splitting get fewer points than using a machine that most can't build from the raw materials? What if I grew and butchered the cow myself, and grilled it over wood I cut with my bowsaw and split with my forehead? Shouldn't I get negative points for that? Anyone who uses a lawn mower deserves a 10, whether they push it or ride it. Use a sickle, or get a goat. I don't know what your test measured, but it sure isn't independence.


You'd have less of a headache doing that than trying to make sense of the nonsensical.
so oyu buy a name bland saw ,an overpriced new truck,own some land and a bunch of expensive toys, and you think you can go out and down play the other 95 percent of working america?

come over to my house with your expensive name brand toys and ill take my 2 wt's,2wd '94 dodge,6 pound k-mart mall ,and work your as....,but, into the dirt.
If the formula is right, The overall average of all the participants' average of their individual perceived score and their actual score should be around 100.

Que es? Can we see the "formula?"

Marc, I don't need a job with one of those polling companies. This formula came from a state of the art program devoloped and patented by a software engineer at a large midwest printing press. When you get a copy of Car and Driver or whatever you read, and someone else down the street gets the same mag, they will have different ads based on the input from this program. When they go down the press, the Mag for you and your neighbor split off different directions to have different ads before the address tags are pasted. I ran the wiring for the presses. He owed me a favor. Some people cut trees. Some people program bots.
We're just getting warmed up.

I'm ice cold, baby. The only thing I can glean from the latest rambling is that someone has somehow compiled data on consumer habits that may have lead to the creation of these non sequitur questions? And just coming to that conclusions was squeezing blood from a stone. I swear I have an easier time reading James Joyce than the words you type.
Marc, I don't need a job with one of those polling companies.

This is fortunate news, because that was the worst posed set of questions and answers I've ever seen. And I'd hate to see anyone go hungry.


1. Did you buy your chainsaw:
A. From Big Box store?
B. From Jonsered, Solo, Shindaiwa, Dolmar or Stihl?

If you own a Husqvarna, what answer applies? If you bought it from a dealer, what answer applies? Very few people buy chainsaws factory direct. What if you made your own? Bought it used private party? What if you don't have a chainsaw?

2. Do you use:
A. Splitting Maul?
B. Hydraulic Splitter?

What if you use neither? What about kinetic splitters? Unicorn splitters? What if you buy your wood cut and split? What if you don't heat with wood?

3. Do you buy:
A. Craftsman-Other?
B. Snap-On?

What if you buy both?

4. Do you own:
A. Push Mower?
B. Zero-Turn or Garden Tractor?

Suppose you own neither? Maybe I mow my lawn with the belly deck on a '73 IH. Maybe I do it all with a weed whacker. Maybe I have no lawn.

5. Have you or will you ever buy a new General Motors product?
A. Yes.
B. No.

What if you have but never will again? Why ask two distinct question and give only one set of answers?

6. What kind of motorcycle?
A. Foreign Make.
B. Harley.

Are there no other domestic motorcycle makers than Harley? This ignoring you didn't even ask a complete question. What kind of motorcycle what? Do I like? Do I own? Do I want to own?

7.What is your pickup?
A. 2WD.
B. 4WD.

No pickup?

8. Are you more interested in:
A. Bowling-Golf?
B. Boxing?

Why are the answers punctuated as questions and the question posed as a statement? What exactly is "Bowling-Golf." Playing golf with a bowling ball? Bowling with golf balls? Neither seems very enjoyable.

9. Do you like:
A. Giants,Falcons,Cowboys,Rams,Patriots or Eagles?
B. Bears,Vikings,Packers,Steelers,Raiders or Redskins?

Must one like all teams in the category? What if you're indifferent to pro football? Again with the answers punctuated as questions.

10. Do you like:
A. Mets,Cubs,Yankees, or Dodgers?
B. Braves,Cardinals,Tigers, or Rangers?

See 9.

Should I continue?
Ten scores was all I need.

What did Ned Nedelander say when they got the telegraph from Mexico to ask the Three Amigos to come and fight the, "Infamous" El Guapo?
If the formula is right, The overall average of all the participants' average of their individual perceived score and their actual score should be around 100.

So you gave us a total line of crap in part one.
Here’s the quote… from part one…
WCTV has developed an algorithm through which you can find out where you are on this spectrum.
We have devised a scale from 0-200 with a score of 0 being a totally independent individual who believes they can make or produce all they need. A score of 200 is someone who relies on engineers and who mostly buys the tools and supplies they need.

In fact this has nothing to do with being independent, or reliant. It is simply a controlled set of questions designed to influence an average result of average. A set of manipulated questions that WCTV did not develop or devise as stated, but rather by some egg-head software engineer with no clue how the world works outside his tidy electronic surroundings. A manipulated set of questions that are based on nothing in common and forces a score that is completely meaningless.

What you didn’t count on is that fair shares of us are not average people… not even close. I do not get or read Car and Driver, or any other magazine for that matter… I don’t even subscribe to a news paper. I dropped out of school in the 10th grade because I was bored to death… I chose to self-educate instead. I rarely watch TV and get my news from specifically selected sources, and I question, research and verify. I answered over half of the twenty questions with a zero, because neither A nor B applied to me in the slightest and several were answered with a 5 because both applied equally.

Regardless, the twenty questions have nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with independent nature or reliance… just a set of questions designed to come up with a predetermined result of average. The problem is that that only works if the majority of participants are “average”… something you won’t find to be true on this board.

To illustrate how stupid this is… If I were in a coma, and on life support, the answers to all twenty questions would total zero. In a coma, and on life support I would score as totally independent… while in fact I would be relying 100% on outside help for my very existence… Just flat stupid.

Woodcutter, I don’t care to be BS’ed…
“Fool me once…”
so oyu buy a name bland saw ,an overpriced new truck,own some land and a bunch of expensive toys, and you think you can go out and down play the other 95 percent of working america?

come over to my house with your expensive name brand toys and ill take my 2 wt's,2wd '94 dodge,6 pound k-mart mall ,and work your as....,but, into the dirt.

Working America is about a balance. The 65's and 95's can do it for the 170's who are into something else. I get manuals and wrench on my own stuff. That way no suprises.
My Dodge is a 1992.
2wd is for those who want to do it themselves. You can push it out of the mud yourself, too.
I don't split wood unless it needs broke in two to lift it in my Truck.
New Questions.

Score these on a scale 1-10, figure out where you would fall on the scale.

1. Your car won't start in the parking lot after work/at the store. How far do you go to get it running?
10 pts Call tow truck
8 pts Jump start/tire change
5 pts Call for tools and replace belt.
4 pts Pull out toolbox and replace hose
1 pt Transmission. Wal-mart. 1 am.

2. How do you heat your home?
10 pts "Umm... turn the knob?"
8 pts "Heat pump with a propane furnace" (at least he knows)
6 pts Purchases wood for wood stove
5-1 pts I get my firewood myself (score yourself 1-5 on this one)

3. ?
Score these on a scale 1-10, figure out where you would fall on the scale.

1. Your car won't start in the parking lot after work/at the store. How far do you go to get it running?
10 pts Call tow truck
8 pts Jump start/tire change
5 pts Call for tools and replace belt.
4 pts Pull out toolbox and replace hose
1 pt Transmission. Wal-mart. 1 am.

2. How do you heat your home?
10 pts "Umm... turn the knob?"
8 pts "Heat pump with a propane furnace" (at least he knows)
6 pts Purchases wood for wood stove
5-1 pts I get my firewood myself (score yourself 1-5 on this one)

3. ?

Where did you rank on the music question? The Nuge? Led Zeppelin?
Ramping it up now.
If I would have been asking the questions in the quizzy thang, one of them would have gone like this:
At 140 MPH in your girfriend's HO Mustang does the highway look like a:
A. Sidewalk?
B. Parking Lot?

Brewin' Tea Family style. Learn to relax-- go on with the bad self. Let go of the hate.

Can I suggest Bowlingolf?
Where did you rank on the music question? The Nuge? Led Zeppelin?
Ramping it up now.
If I would have been asking the questions in the quizzy thang, one of them would have gone like this:
At 140 MPH in your girfriend's HO Mustang does the highway look like a:
A. Sidewalk?
B. Parking Lot?

Brewin' Tea Family style. Learn to relax-- go on with the bad self. Let go of the hate.

Can I suggest Bowlingolf?

This has to do with firewood - how ???

Do us all a favor and go away.
The fact that we burn firewood for heat would indicate that we are all self reliant, so on your scale, none of us should score above a 50.

If you split your own wood rather than buy it split, or pay someone else to split it, then your max score should be 35.

If you buy used equipment, then your max score should be 30.

If you fix your used equipment on your own, your max score should be 20.

So, yeah, these questions don't show anything about being independent or dependent.
Where did you rank on the music question? The Nuge? Led Zeppelin?
Ramping it up now.
If I would have been asking the questions in the quizzy thang, one of them would have gone like this:
At 140 MPH in your girfriend's HO Mustang does the highway look like a:
A. Sidewalk?
B. Parking Lot?

Brewin' Tea Family style. Learn to relax-- go on with the bad self. Let go of the hate.

Can I suggest Bowlingolf?

I had my classic rock phase, and still appreciate it. I don't care for country music, bluegrass is more my style.

And I would never have a girl that has an HO Mustang, much less than one that did 140 on the highway.

I have no hate. But if you want to be the clown, we'll be happy to laugh.

eta ramping it up now
Blackdogon is partially right.

Always hounding, criticizing, or planning sabotage, though.

Look, with all the negative energy spent, you can turn it around and make some top posts.

I'm going back to specific posts on firewood use. I almost dropped a clue there. Sorry to hesitate. I'll try to stay focused. Thanks.
Me thinks the OP has to develop some real hobbies...or maybe just get laid?
I got a 70 but i feel the questions are very subjective. I dont drink but 2-3 times a year, I dont like harleys, I started my career on crafstman tools but now buy snapon for convenience, i dont hunt, and i mostly dont like sports with out some kind of loud fossil fuel spewing noise!
Scored a 119

What do I win?

Your $ back perhaps?
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