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Want to Buy Don't Laugh! Needing 044 Parts

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Professional Tree Assassin
Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
I know they are hard to come by and for people to part with, BUT.................... I need alot of parts for mine. Got it "rebuilt" at a local saw shop and when I went to pick it up it was missing just about everything but the P/C and gas tank....... the guy cannibalized mine for parts for other saws but will not admit it......

HELP!! LOL I love this saw and want to put it back to work in the woods.

Thanks, Tom
I might have a few small odds & ends. I'll check tomorrow and will let you know if I find anything.

Sooooo . . . you dropped off a complete/mostly complete saw to be rebuilt and got back nothing more than a partial carcass? My personal plan of action would be more focused on that POS "saw shop" than paying for parts on ArboristSite!
The guy is a Dolmar dealer and a driveshaft service. I really liked the guy did good work at a reasonable cost, was a little slow due to being covered up. But seemed like a decent guy. Parts that are missing; Dual port muffler, 3/4 wrap handle, recoil assembly (and housing) clutch cover, large dogs, HD air cleaner, air cleaner cover.........and probably alot of other stuff...........:cry: Gonna swing by his shop on Monday, it's supposed to rain anyway so I probably won't be in the woods............. Anybody got bail money :chainsaw::chainsaw:

Take an officer with you and maybe the owner will be the one needing bail money. Never know what kind of chop shop he's running if he parted out your saw like that.
i would have been leaving there with a brand new dolmar or sue his ass. my saw wouldn't be there to begin with actually. i have a high standard for any work done and i have not found anyone who i can't find something wrong with the way he does things so i just do things myself.
The guy is a Dolmar dealer and a driveshaft service. I really liked the guy did good work at a reasonable cost, was a little slow due to being covered up. But seemed like a decent guy. Parts that are missing; Dual port muffler, 3/4 wrap handle, recoil assembly (and housing) clutch cover, large dogs, HD air cleaner, air cleaner cover.........and probably alot of other stuff...........:cry: Gonna swing by his shop on Monday, it's supposed to rain anyway so I probably won't be in the woods............. Anybody got bail money :chainsaw::chainsaw:

Get your attorneys cell phone number and bail ready before you go over.:cool:
I know they are hard to come by and for people to part with, BUT.................... I need alot of parts for mine. Got it "rebuilt" at a local saw shop and when I went to pick it up it was missing just about everything but the P/C and gas tank....... the guy cannibalized mine for parts for other saws but will not admit it......

HELP!! LOL I love this saw and want to put it back to work in the woods.

Thanks, Tom
How long was it left there?
I know they are hard to come by and for people to part with, BUT.................... I need alot of parts for mine. Got it "rebuilt" at a local saw shop and when I went to pick it up it was missing just about everything but the P/C and gas tank....... the guy cannibalized mine for parts for other saws but will not admit it......

HELP!! LOL I love this saw and want to put it back to work in the woods.

Thanks, Tom
I'm putting together an 044 and may have a few leftover parts. Get the saw and an IPL, and make a list. The obvious things are easy... It's the little parts that are hard to find and that will nickel & dime you to death.

Please post pics, too. I'd be glad to help if I can.
First off, thanks everybody!

The saw was there for a LONG time, every time I would stop in (it's an hour drive from the house) I would get the old "When I get around to it" Which was ok with me at the time, I didn't need it too bad. Well last time I checked on it it was missing a clip of somesorts. Other than that it was a complete saw. I told him to order whatever he needed..... I know I shoulda seen the red warning lights then (or before) and picked up my saw.......but I didn't...............and can't...........LOL So I am where I am at now. I use my saws to make a living, that being said I do not feel it would be worth involving the law, legal recourse or physical violence. It's a saw, a good one, an old one.....but a saw........ In these rural mountain communities word of mouth will be enough to take care of business.

Thanks, again guys! I will get the info off of the saw this evening.

The guy is a Dolmar dealer and a driveshaft service. I really liked the guy did good work at a reasonable cost, was a little slow due to being covered up. But seemed like a decent guy. Parts that are missing; Dual port muffler, 3/4 wrap handle, recoil assembly (and housing) clutch cover, large dogs, HD air cleaner, air cleaner cover.........and probably alot of other stuff...........:cry: Gonna swing by his shop on Monday, it's supposed to rain anyway so I probably won't be in the woods............. Anybody got bail money :chainsaw::chainsaw:

So basically, they pilfered all of the desirable stuff. Nice.
Worked today, rained me out this evening. Too wet to work in the woods tomm. so after we haul a couple loads in the morning I am gonna go have a come to Jaysus moment with the feller. I figured since I was not the party that picked up said saw, that I will just ask him what's going on....and where the rest of my saw is. If plan A does not achieve the desired results plan B............well I haven't figured plan B out quite yet. But got about 14 hours to do so.