E15 soon E50 Wanted by our fearless leaders

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E15 soon E50 Coming?

From Power Equipment Trade 4/11 edition

Fuel News: New Regs, Pushback, Record Year

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving ahead with developing new regulations for the sale of E15 gasoline as standard transportation fuel, and ethanol producers celebrate a record year of production in 2010 while some in Congress and other groups are working to cancel, slow or alter the agency’s move to approve a 50% increase in allowable ethanol in standard gasoline.

According to EPA officials, the government will finalize in a few months the labels on the gasoline pumps, which are designed to protect consumers from using E15 in unapproved engines, the head of the EPA recently told Congress. "We are now in the process of completing a rule that will establish national labeling," EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told a Senate hearing. "We expect to issue a final rule in the next few months."

Jackson also said the EPA will officially register E15 this spring, which is required under the Clean Air Act before the fuel can be sold. The agency recently received emissions and health information to support the registration application for E15. "We expect to complete our review of that information in two to three months," she said.

That means E15 will likely be available nationwide this summer, according to industry officials. EPA approved E15 for vehicles 2007 and newer last fall, and in January extended approval to all vehicles built since 2001. There are now more than 150 million cars and trucks on the road that could use it, which represents 74% of U.S. gasoline consumption.

Meanwhile a pair of U.S. senators introduced a bill to repeal a controversial tax credit given to companies that blend ethanol into gasoline. Critics of the tax credit say the subsidy, along with federal mandates to increase ethanol usage, are the only reasons ethanol is competitive in the marketplace.

The lawmakers say the tax credit should be eliminated because federal law already requires blenders to put ethanol into gasoline, thereby eliminating the need for financial incentives. The Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit provides a 45 cents/gal. tax credit to ethanol blenders. Last year, Congress decided to extend the tax credit until the end of 2011. In 2010, the tax–credit program totaled $5.4 billion, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The federal renewable fuel standard requires the use of 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2022, with or without the tax credit.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. House, the new Republican majority (and more than a few Democrats) passed an amendment that would block EPA from using funding this fiscal year to implement the E15 approval process.

According to amendment sponsor Rep. John Sullivan, R–Okla., the legislation prevents consumer confusion at the pump and protects the engines of vehicles and outdoor power equipment. “My amendment ensures consumer safety, plain and simple. The EPA has completely ignored calls from lawmakers, industry, environmental and consumer groups to address important safety issues raised by the 50 percent increase in the ethanol mandate issued over the past year,” he said, adding, “Putting E15 into our general fuel supply could adversely impact up to 60 percent of cars on the road today, leading to consumer confusion at the pump and possible engine failure in the cars they drive.”

Sullivan said the EPA decisions can also negatively impact marine and other non–road engines such as boats and lawnmowers. “My amendment put the brakes on E15 for the rest of the fiscal year, giving Congress time to address these questions and ensure consumer safety at the pump,” he said.

A lobbyist for refiner Tesoro Corp., which opposes the higher ethanol blends, believes the amendment signals a shift in Congress’ stance toward the fuel.

“The adoption of the Sullivan amendment hopefully signals a new trend in rational thinking on what the proper role is for corn ethanol in our country’s renewable fuel mix,” said Stephen Brown. “This was not a vote against corn ethanol per se but more an indication that folks want to see a whole lot more analysis and thought before we fall further into the corn abyss,” he added.

Despite the pushback in Congress, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2010 was another record year for American ethanol producers. Daily ethanol production averaged nearly 863,000 barrels representing nearly 13.23 billion gallons of production for calendar year 2010. That’s a 23% increase over the 2009 production level of 10.75 billion gallons.

Total ethanol exports ended the year at 397 million gallons, marking a nearly four–fold increase over 2009. A record volume of 9 million metric tons of distillers grains was also exported in 2010.

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I personally love the ethanol fuels, Used E85 in midwest mods, hotrods, the fuel does not do like everyone says , or fears. Its a good cleaner, thats why fuel filter plug up. I only seen about 3mpg diffrence with ethanol vs gas, Price is WAY cheaper, today at the pump on the way to work it was 3.18gal, vs 3.65 gas or in the case of race car or hotrod its 6.40 gal for 1oo octane. E85 is 105octane. I say bring on corn fuel:clap: This is just my opinion everyone is entitled to there own. the epa does what they want doesnt matter what is better or easier for the citizen/buisness consumer.
I personally love the ethanol fuels, Used E85 in midwest mods, hotrods, the fuel does not do like everyone says , or fears. Its a good cleaner, thats why fuel filter plug up. I only seen about 3mpg diffrence with ethanol vs gas, Price is WAY cheaper, today at the pump on the way to work it was 3.18gal, vs 3.65 gas or in the case of race car or hotrod its 6.40 gal for 1oo octane. E85 is 105octane. I say bring on corn fuel:clap: This is just my opinion everyone is entitled to there own. the epa does what they want doesnt matter what is better or easier for the citizen/buisness consumer.

You obviously don't run Saws or other 2 cycles much at all, and don't have any volume of the stuff going to #### in the tank on you.

I suppose the Citiots that don't even own a vehicle think E85 is great too.

All the garbage does is drive up Fertilizer costs and puts Monsanto into the Energy industry.

Try running 100 Recreational in the Hot rod sometime.
You'll forget that corn garbage.

Corn is food and feed, if it ain't whiskey.

#### Ethanol!

Stay safe!
####ing ethanol. :angry2: It is inefficient, and we lost almost all of our sweet corn to crappy corn for ethanol, we are losing a very important food source, and this also is one fo the many factors food prices went up. GET RID OF ETHANOL SUBSIDIES!!!!! Those damn greenies, EPA pricks, and yuppies piss me off. They don't understand how much food and money goes to waste with this ####. I hope God has the sense to fry them all, they are destroying everything we work so hard for, our saws, lawn mowers and even some of our cars.

Refineries: Listen to this: We will pay for pure gasoline fuels... get that ####ing ethanol out of our gas stations!! I bet 90% of everyone else feel the same as I do.

Don't let the EPA win the battle against us hard working people. We spend lots of money to fix problems on our equipment and daily drivers due to ethanol. We are ####ing sick of it. If you all drop ethanol blending, and stop taking gov. subsidies, I bet they will get rid of subsidies, and then farmers will grow sweet corn again. Also, I imagine most of us would be happy to end up paying $3.80 per gallon of 93 octane premium at the pump (us real men and women, mind you. Yuppies and green freaks can GTFO and go to Cali####nia to get their crappy ethanol gas)

I swear there are so many non-goverment and goverment organizations that are literally trying to destroy everything this country originally stood for. We all are literally hanging by a thread with our second amendment and many more of the very core values of our country. The EPA is one of them, and I say they need to be shut down.
I say we go 100% and then I can fill up the jeep and run a couple gallons off for the ride home..... Moonshine!!!!! We have been "making fuel" right here in Franklin County VA since before we even knew it could be used as fuel....:rock:

Uh, let's not use the stuff in our cars and trucks... let's use it strictly to make your booze. Make sense, no? More ethanol to make booze=good. :cheers:
Must be nice to be wealthy

I personally love the ethanol fuels, Used E85 in midwest mods, hotrods, the fuel does not do like everyone says , or fears. Its a good cleaner, thats why fuel filter plug up. I only seen about 3mpg diffrence with ethanol vs gas, Price is WAY cheaper, today at the pump on the way to work it was 3.18gal, vs 3.65 gas or in the case of race car or hotrod its 6.40 gal for 1oo octane. E85 is 105octane. I say bring on corn fuel:clap: This is just my opinion everyone is entitled to there own. the epa does what they want doesnt matter what is better or easier for the citizen/buisness consumer.

I don't have the money (nor the inclination really) tto run fuel engine toys, or "hot rods" or anything of that nature. with that said, I have all old vehicles, what I can afford, and then a lot of small engine stuff. Since e-10 hit, it is borking up stuff bad. E-15 and you can't even get a small engine nuthin that will pass muster as per manufacturers guarnateeing their stuff will even work. I lucked out and found a close by place with no ethanol, but how long will that last? Then what, I am supposed to switch to the seven dollar a canned quart fuel??

What are we supposed to do, either take it where the sun don't shine to support grinning sheikhs driving mercedes limousines, or grinning corn/ethanol hustlers driving limousine pickup trucks?

I'm a farmer..I don't support the corn farmer/monsanto/wall street/fed gov axis of maximum borkeness in machinery. Ain't a single one of them folks gonna come over and fix broken stuff nor buy me a replacement, because of that alky corrosion and so on, and no, I can't afford to buy a new ride that will burn that stuff, and don't want the older ones to rot out from it either. I got one ride now that is diesel, and even there it is an older diesel and the new diesel fuels are proly not that good to run in it.

I so much despise the dang corn lobby I am fighting back and lobbying my boss to let me clear a few acres to grow our own for winter supplemental cow feeding. I just don't have any spare cleared space as it is of note, so I would be forced to cut a lot of trees...OK, that's the best part, get a ton of firewood/pulp, maybe some saw logs outta the deal....I am on a chainsaw forum after all ;)

Besides that, I just want cheaper better quality feed for my cows, I don't want to feed that GM soaked in poison crap, and that is about all that is on the market now. Getting raped for feed because of inflated rank monsanto poison saturated crap is past being an insult on top of injury.

And google around see what that "round up ready" stuff (being put into feed) is doing to some herds now, their miscarriage rates and so on. Not to mention the "superweeds" that are developing out of those fields.

Screw it. I like to say I support ag, but I sure am picky about which ag I support, and the big commercial corn ag is not at the top of the list, try the other end.
Well Dingeryote I have 3 hot rods that I play with 2 run on gas 1 on E85 , I have been using gas in them for a long time, I still like gas ,but whatever anyone thinks about it the Efuel works. As for 100 Recrational what is that? , there is 3 fuels we can get here, E85, vp 110 and methanol avaliable at the racetrack. Were in the sticks so to speak, nearest place to get 110 is over 85 miles away, and I do buy vp 2 barrels at a time at a time . Well whats wrong with buying gas at the cenex station. I kinda like that option, oh and Yes I run it in my 2 stroke Ice Auger for the last 2 winters, and my riding lawn mower last summer. I have no issues with it. If I had extra carbs to play with I would give it a shot in my saws too.
So Please dont preach to me about what using corn for this and that does to costs . I took enought crap from everyone else till I started using the fuel with no problems then the crap river stopped flowing , when I was driving a 12.5:1 big block chevy in a fullsize pickup with the a/c on and not getting over 190deg temp july and august, oh ya and I was able to get 4 more degrees of timing out of it no detonation at 36deg with OD tranny and advancing dist . I sure miss the barrel of fuel hiding under the tonuea cover when I want to go somewhere. Ya I must be wrong its all garbage dump it all, and then everyone will complain about the corn prices being to low. As for the 3mpg hit thats not bad when you are saving over 3$ a gallon on your gas. This stuff is not going to dissapear.
Ive heard it all before , I know better :msp_thumbsup:
Well Dingeryote I have 3 hot rods that I play with 2 run on gas 1 on E85 , I have been using gas in them for a long time, I still like gas ,but whatever anyone thinks about it the Efuel works. As for 100 Recrational what is that? , there is 3 fuels we can get here, E85, vp 110 and methanol avaliable at the racetrack. Were in the sticks so to speak, nearest place to get 110 is over 85 miles away, and I do buy vp 2 barrels at a time at a time . Well whats wrong with buying gas at the cenex station. I kinda like that option, oh and Yes I run it in my 2 stroke Ice Auger for the last 2 winters, and my riding lawn mower last summer. I have no issues with it. If I had extra carbs to play with I would give it a shot in my saws too.
So Please dont preach to me about what using corn for this and that does to costs . I took enought crap from everyone else till I started using the fuel with no problems then the crap river stopped flowing , when I was driving a 12.5:1 big block chevy in a fullsize pickup with the a/c on and not getting over 190deg temp july and august, oh ya and I was able to get 4 more degrees of timing out of it no detonation at 36deg with OD tranny and advancing dist . I sure miss the barrel of fuel hiding under the tonuea cover when I want to go somewhere. Ya I must be wrong its all garbage dump it all, and then everyone will complain about the corn prices being to low. As for the 3mpg hit thats not bad when you are saving over 3$ a gallon on your gas. This stuff is not going to dissapear.
Ive heard it all before , I know better :msp_thumbsup:

You still don't understand that most of us here, including me and Dingeryote, cannot afford to build a hot rod that runs perfectly on E85, nor can we afford or even want to buy a car or truck that can run well on E10/E15. We're driving older cars (think mid 90's and older) and we have trouble with ethanol in the gas. I'm sick of spending money fixing my car because of the ethanol. I can't afford to buy something else, and whe I do buy a newer car, it likely will be one that still doesn't like ethanol, as most of the cars made nowadays are a pita to work on, and I would never buy one because of that. Not to mention all of the #### that goes wrong with them. I can go on and on, don't get me started again, or I will spend all day tomorrow gathering data and posting why we should not use ethanol mixed gas.

What is wrong with offering the consumer a CHOICE? Non ethanol fuel for those of us that know what the junk does to our equipment, and ethanol fuel for the greenies and those who wish to use it.

I just hate when some idiot that never tore a carb down in their life jams some garbage down my throat that is gonna cause me grief and money!
Ethanol has only one place...

Twice distilled, barrelled in oak (#3 char is good, #4 is better), aged (between 8 and 12 years depending upon mashbill [personal preference toward rye over wheat], distillery quirks, etc.) and delivered to me in a nice, corked bottle, no cutting, no charcoal filter, run it through cheesecloth if you must, but whatever.

For fuel, give me 100LL, C12, Q16, methanol, or nitro-methane depending upon application.
Think farming Substities. Read about it and weep.

Just food for thought :)bang:) even with high food prices, big brother is paying farmers to not farm.
Think farming Substities. Read about it and weep.

Just food for thought :)bang:) even with high food prices, big brother is paying farmers to not farm.

That's right bushwackr, you need to read about the subsidies crap. This is the biggest thing behind our crusade to destroy ethanol blended fuels.

There are tons of apple farmers around where I live, and they get paid ot leave all the apples on the trees. Someone, somewhere, is starving, and the gov. is saying it's okay to leave the apples on the trees, cause they'll pay you to do it. It's simply stupid and wasteful. You should see why so many of us are against ethanol in fuels now, the subsidies are it. The farmers that grow corn around here mostly grow that crappy corn, not the sweet corn. So, where is our food? Oh, that's right, we don't get any, it's all reserved to go into your precious hot rod. Thanks, #######.
I swear there are so many non-goverment and goverment organizations that are literally trying to destroy everything this country originally stood for. We all are literally hanging by a thread with our second amendment and many more of the very core values of our country. The EPA is one of them, and I say they need to be shut down.
The government has screwed this country up so bad that if it turned around RIGHT NOW, it would take 50 years to un#### it. Ethanol fuel is just one part. Why does the gubment need to tell us what fuel is best for us? If it is like everything else they say, it is the WORST fuel for us. I've always thouht it was stupid to turn a food source into fuel. That is greed right there. And the price of fuel never got cheaper,price wise, when they went to ethanol.
Well Dingeryote I have 3 hot rods that I play with 2 run on gas 1 on E85 , I have been using gas in them for a long time, I still like gas ,but whatever anyone thinks about it the Efuel works. As for 100 Recrational what is that? , there is 3 fuels we can get here, E85, vp 110 and methanol avaliable at the racetrack. Were in the sticks so to speak, nearest place to get 110 is over 85 miles away, and I do buy vp 2 barrels at a time at a time . Well whats wrong with buying gas at the cenex station. I kinda like that option, oh and Yes I run it in my 2 stroke Ice Auger for the last 2 winters, and my riding lawn mower last summer. I have no issues with it. If I had extra carbs to play with I would give it a shot in my saws too.
So Please dont preach to me about what using corn for this and that does to costs . I took enought crap from everyone else till I started using the fuel with no problems then the crap river stopped flowing , when I was driving a 12.5:1 big block chevy in a fullsize pickup with the a/c on and not getting over 190deg temp july and august, oh ya and I was able to get 4 more degrees of timing out of it no detonation at 36deg with OD tranny and advancing dist . I sure miss the barrel of fuel hiding under the tonuea cover when I want to go somewhere. Ya I must be wrong its all garbage dump it all, and then everyone will complain about the corn prices being to low. As for the 3mpg hit thats not bad when you are saving over 3$ a gallon on your gas. This stuff is not going to dissapear.
Ive heard it all before , I know better :msp_thumbsup:

Toys eh?
That's peachy, and the loss in milage dosn't bug you.
How delightfull you don't have to rely on decent fuel to make a living, or watch the costs of your #### fuel eat into your bottom line.

Saving 3 bucks a gallon?
That's a trick.
IIRC your tax dollars are more than that, to subsidize the Ethanol scam, or don't you pay taxes?

Funny thing about Corn prices going crazy, is that it is getting close to the point where even with the subsidys, it is barely breaking even.
A little more and your Ethanol will cost more than straight dino.

Interesting perspective ya got there.

Stay safe!
Do you understand now, bushwackr? These reasons are why we hate ethanol in our gas. Subsisides don't help us either. You are too self-centered to care about what the rest of us have to do to be able to eat and pay bills. My dad is currently looking for an even more fuel-efficient car to replace the Taurus, as the only job he could find is a one-hour drive one way. 22 mpg is killing him with the gas prices of 3.45 a gallon here. We're budgeting, not a little, but a lot. You appartently are rich enought to flaunt your money at us by driving a big truck every day and spending money on your hot rods. You're a piece of ####.
Phase separation happens faster to fuel the more alcohol they add to it. in hotter climates even faster. I never use my premix if its over 4 weeks old. I dump my saws and fill them with Tru fuel if there going to set for more than a couple weeks. I only mix a gallon at a time, 5 gallons if I know I'm gonna use it all quick. trying to run phase separated fuel is like water contaminating your fuel system.

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