Eeeeeek! Ticks! Yuck!

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Feb 6, 2007
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I took the day off and after inquiring with the owner, took off on a workout hike behind my house. I've only lived here since July. I've only EVER had 3 tick events here in the PNW. I thought I put out an aura that was not hospitable for the beasties. I had many many in Wisconsin, which really bothered me.

I pulled a tick out of the Used Dog on Saturday, no biggie, dogs get them. Then today, after the walk and while working at unpacking stuff in the shop, I pulled one out of my side and one out of my neck!!! Ick, yuckers! Time to move. Are there ticks in Alaska?:jawdrop:
i was hoping to get away from them things by leaving Texas.

daily tick checks are a must down here in the summers. especially if you're in a wooded area.
It's late in the season to be finding Ticks, but I pulled one off of my pooch the other day as well.

I hate the darn things!

Bring on the Tick Killing SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay safe!
back home in VA, as long as it sent the dead of winter, you can aquire ticks by the thousand if you so much as spend a few minutes in some tall grass.

the fields that I ride my 3 wheeler in & run my mutts is a breeding ground,
i have on many occasions realized after just a feww minutes that there are hundreds of seed ticks scaling up my legs...

they are a fact of life for n easterner,

Never had any ticks on the west coast, have seen em on ani mals though..
I've never seen one in my life, then one day in March I had 8 on me. Pretty gross. Got rid of em and haven't had any since.
slowp you sound like my wife she freaks out :dizzy: not that I like them but there just like any other parasite .
back home in VA, as long as it sent the dead of winter, you can aquire ticks by the thousand if you so much as spend a few minutes in some tall grass.

the fields that I ride my 3 wheeler in & run my mutts is a breeding ground,
i have on many occasions realized after just a feww minutes that there are hundreds of seed ticks scaling up my legs...

they are a fact of life for n easterner,

Never had any ticks on the west coast, have seen em on ani mals though..

That sounds like some places in northern WI I've been in. I've spent weekends up there and not unheard of to take a five minute walk through some grass and then pull 80 or 90 off of ya. I heard of a guy who cut his own christmas tree up there a few years ago. He woke up the next morning after putting it up in his house to his dog yelping. He said there were hundreds, maybe thousands crawling around his living room. Not sure what he did about it. Shop vac?
Strangely this summer there were few ticks, and none since August. A complete change over last summer.
NE PA, but work in central and upstate NY.

The ticks are bad here lately, seems I can hardly remember even seeing any up until a few years ago. The deer I killed a couple weekends ago was loaded, not to mention the half dozen I picked off me just sitting in the stand.

They need to make a frontline spot for humans if they get any worse :hmm3grin2orange:
The ticks are bad here lately, seems I can hardly remember even seeing any up until a few years ago. The deer I killed a couple weekends ago was loaded, not to mention the half dozen I picked off me just sitting in the stand.

They need to make a frontline spot for humans if they get any worse :hmm3grin2orange:

Where are you located?
I doubt anyone likes ticks. We have them here in the spring and summer, very few in the fall. I figure I have enough pour-on (dewormer) ivermectin spilled on me every year to keep most ticks off me. Still after working vattle in the tall spring grass I have to get undressed outside and then put my clothes straight into the washing machine. The dogs get Advantage and sometimes I use permethrin on my jeans and boots. My son Cody is an absolute tick magnet. If there is one tick in the pasture he will find and bring it home stuck to his back.

The deer here look to be covered in ticks but many of the little critters are keds. The have six legs while a tick has eight.
We have them bad here, The worst ones are the tiny seed ticks. They usually will cover you and are so small you can barely see them to pull them off. But the absolutely worst bugs is the chigger. A small tiny red bug that bites and you will itch for many days. They like to get all over you're ankles and waistline.
can't say that i've ever had a tick on me...skeetters, horse flys, deer flies, triangle flies, knatts well thats a differnt story.

2dogs-i have found though that after a day of applying fly spray and fly tags to cows, i dont get bothered to much by any any flys lol. some of the stuff we've used in the past doesnt wash off for dang near a week unless you really work at it

mmfaller-who/where do you work in central new york? I'm in Sherburne, 1 hour south of Syracuse, 1 hour north of Binghamton, half hour south east of morrisville (thats actually where im going to college right now)
Nothing worse than deer ticks. I would rather be bitten by West Nile carrying mosquitos than lyme disease carrying f:censored:g deer ticks. My youngest daughter had lyme disease from a tick we never saw. Spent about a week in the hospital on antibiotics. She's fine now, but it makes me paranoid about the little suckers.:mad:

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